Stefania is a researcher at ISTAR-Iscte and Invited Professor (2021-2023), architect with an MSc. in Architecture (University of Ferrara, 2006), Built Conservation postgraduation (Roma3 University, 2007), and Ph.D. in Architecture (Iscte, 2018, FCT individual fellowship). Her research spans across critical heritage studies, multiple-criteria decision analysis, sustainable heritage management, inclusive design, and digital transformation.
In 2007, Stefania worked in the Regional Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism of Puglia (Bari). In 2008-2014 and 2018-2020, as a project architect and team leader in international architecture companies in Lisbon, Pamplona, and Bari. She organized a multi-session symposium ”Unforeseen paths: Transcending boundaries and sharing critical approaches to Architectural Heritage” (2022) and co-organized three expositions on plantation heritage of São Tomé and Príncipe (2022-2023). She is the coordinator of the summer school Advanced Analysis for Integrated Urban Development Strategies (2023, 6ECTs). She has co-edited a book titled Advanced Research and Design Tools for Architectural Heritage Unforeseen Paths (Routledge, 2024). She has published in reputable journals such as the Journal of Urban Design and International Journal of Architectural Heritage. She is the CO-PI of RETIME - Urban Adaptation and Alert Solutions for a TIMEly (re)Action (HORIZON-CL5-2023-D4-02-02).