Artigo em revista científica Q1
When do innovators flourish? The role of interpersonal goals in the relationship between innovative work behavior and flourishing
Francesco Montani (Montani, F.); Valentina Sommovigo (Sommovigo, V.); Claudio Torres (Torres, T.); François Courcy (Courcy, F.); Maria Cristina Ferreira (Ferreira, M. C.); Helenides Mendonça (Mendonça, H.); Ana Junça Silva (Junça Silva, A.); et al.
Título Revista
Personality and Individual Differences
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Estados Unidos da América
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The idea that innovative work behavior (IWB) can be a source of well-being is a prominent theme in the innovation literature. However, the potential bright side of IWB for employee well-being is overlooked. Building on the egosystem-ecosystem perspective, we theorize and empirically test individual differences in two interpersonal goals, namely compassionate and self-image goals, as boundary conditions upon which IWB can positively relate to flourishing. Using cross-lagged data from 477 employees from different organizations in three countries (Brazil, Canada, and Portugal), we found that IWB had a positive relationship with flourishing only for employees with high compassionate goals and low levels of self-image goals. We discuss the implications of these findings for research and practice.
Innovative work behavior,Flourishing,Compassionate goals,Self-image goals,Well-being
  • Psicologia - Ciências Sociais
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
425-2018-1520 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada