This project tackles the popular notions of social justice in the current context of crisis. This crisis, and its political management based on austerity policies, is triggering social unrest due to the transgression of moral principles and previous expectations, which forces individuals
to state and re-ellaborate their notions of justice and injustice. We intend to embrace the analytical opportunity entailed by this process.
The main goal of the project is to elucidate how, when and why the different dimensions of the notion of justice -distributive justice,recognition, and representation or political participation- operate. Without denying that such dimensions are often intertwined, it is our central hypothesis that, in a context of economic crisis, redistribution takes precedence over the rest. As a second goal, we intend to address the link between the sense of injustice and the delegitimation of the governance system. The consequences of this delegitimation, understood as the social reactions to the crisis, will be investigated accordingly. And, as a third goal, we intend to shed light into the emergence of “moral communities”, that is to say, the invocation of socially enclosured moral bonds resulting from claims for the restitution of justice. The consequences of the emergence and transformation of such “moral communities” in terms of social inclusion and exclusion will also be addressed.
Assuming that theoretical principles only appear under specific empirical conditions, the project will use a case study methodology in order to detect relevant regularities and variations within the specificity and diversity of the observed realities. As a result, our contribution to the progress of the theory on justice will consist on the verification and reformulation of the departing theoretical assumptions -on the social perceptions of (in)justice, on the social reactions in front of the delegitimation of governance, and on the formation of “moral communities”-, taking our research questions and hypothesis as a point of departure.
Centro de Investigação | Grupo de Investigação | Papel no Projeto | Data de Início | Data de Fim |
CRIA-Iscte | -- | Parceiro | 2017-01-01 | 2019-12-31 |
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Nome | Afiliação | Papel no Projeto | Data de Início | Data de Fim |
Antónia Lima | Professora Associada (com Agregação) (DA); Investigadora Integrada (CRIA-Iscte); | Investigadora | 2017-01-01 | 2019-12-31 |
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Com o objetivo de aumentar a investigação direcionada para o cumprimento dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável para 2030 das Nações Unidas, é disponibilizada no Ciência_Iscte a possibilidade de associação, quando aplicável, dos projetos científicos aos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Estes são os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável identificados para este projeto. Para uma informação detalhada dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, clique aqui.