Developing Competencies for Stress Resilience @SMEs

Developing Competences for Stress Resilience @SMEs (DeSTRESS) aims to provide an innovative VET-based solution to this problem. Building on existing research, partners will develop a VET curriculum supported by an innovative VET Digital Training Platform using the latest techniques in game-based training and gamification, complemented by a set of practical tools and resources to facilitate the transfer of learning into the workplace. This environment will expose the main psychosocial health risks and their real impact on the individuals’ life and on the companies’ productivity. Players will assume roles, enabling them to think back on their experiences with these specific situations and how it happened, and which solutions are available for each scenario. Besides raising awareness on the problem, the project outputs will enable owner, managers and even decision makers to plan for and to mitigate its occurrence and the negative consequences of work- based stress. For that purpose, both a policy report and recommendations will be produced. A network of facilitators will also be created as an open forum to debate these issues. As such, the project will contribute to strengthening key digital competences in initial VET while preventing the inherent hazards. 


Health and safety in the workplace are part of the EU policy on employment and social affairs, under the Rights at Work directives. However, in spite of the large sums spent on risk prevention, there are certain areas where results are still limited. That is the case of work-related stress, which is dangerous and expensive as it affects performance, leads to frequent absences and, if prolonged, may result in serious health problems, such as cardiovascular or musculoskeletal diseases. Furthermore, with the advance towards the ubiquitous use of digital technology at work, new psychosocial risk factors and health hazards emerged, namely difficulty to focus, cognitive losses, deficits in social skills, sense of isolation, etc. The negative impact on productivity represents a major hidden cost in many organisations but especially in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Unlike larger enterprises, which have dedicated human resource specialists and welfare offices, managers in SMEs have few, if any, resources and no access to experts.

Developing Competences for Stress Resilience @SMEs (DeSTRESS) aims to provide an innovative VET-based solution to this problem. Building on existing research, partners will develop a VET curriculum supported by an innovative VET Digital Training Platform using the latest techniques in game-based training and gamification, complemented by a set of practical tools and resources to facilitate the transfer of learning into the workplace. This environment will expose the main psychosocial health risks and their real impact on the individuals’ life and on the companies’ productivity. Players will assume roles, enabling them to think back on their experiences with these specific situations and how it happened, and which solutions are available for each scenario. Besides raising awareness on the problem, the project outputs will enable owner, managers and even decision makers to plan for and to mitigate its occurrence and the negative consequences of work-based stress. For that purpose, both a policy report and recommendations will be produced. A network of facilitators will also be created as an open forum to debate these issues. As such, the project will

contribute to strengthening key digital competences while preventing the inherent hazards.

Therefore, the project targets mainly employees, managers and owners of SMEs and micro companies. About 250 will be directly involved through the multiplier events and another 250 will be involved through direct contacts and other project activities like the network of facilitators. This network will also include about 100 HR consultants, health experts and decision makers leading to about 600 stakeholders directly involved in the project. Through a vast set of dissemination and exploitation activities, the consortium expects to reach 5000 stakeholders (from all the identified target groups).

The project follows the Key Action priorities by using ICT based methodologies, fostering more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environments inside the organisations, increasing the level of digital competence of the involved participants and increasing motivation and satisfaction in the daily work life. It will create open and innovative practices, in a digital era, developing learning materials and tools that support the effective use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in training. As a result of DeSTRESS, SMEs will benefit from improved staff productivity and will be better placed on the Digital Transformation whilst mitigating many of the negative consequences associated with it. The project will also contribute to improving the competitiveness of European SMEs enabling them to compete more effectively with larger, better resourced and digitally competent enterprises both in Europe and globally.

Impacto Investigação Académica

The project aims to spread a new methodology and tools to develop digital skills and at the same time raise awareness about the potential risks and health hazards resulting from the increased use of Digital Tools in the work environment. The project also aims at convincing the involved stakeholders to adopt the required measures to prevent those risks. The results will benefit and impact directly on two target groups: (1) employees and (2) owner/managers of micro-enterprises and SMEs. As a consequence, the companies themselves will be indirect targets of the project. Other stakeholders will also benefit from the project: VET teachers/trainers, HR and Health & Safety consultants, professional associations, OSH decision makers and governmental entities.

The main results of the project are directly connected to the proposed Intellectual Outputs and address directly the needs of the target groups.:

O1 - DeSTRESS VET Training Contents;

O2 - DeSTRESS VET Digital Training Platform, and

O3 - DeSTRESS Policy Report and Recommnedations.

Parceiros Internos
Centro de Investigação Grupo de Investigação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
BRU-Iscte -- Líder 2019-09-01 2022-05-31
Parceiros Externos
Instituição País Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
CCS Digital Education Limited (CCS Digital Education Limited) Irlanda Parceiro 2019-09-01 2021-08-31
Fundacja “Malopolska Izba Samorzadowa” (Fundacja “Malopolska Izba Samorzadowa”) Polónia Parceiro 2019-09-01 2021-08-31
UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA (USE) Espanha Parceiro 2019-09-01 2021-08-31
Universita degli Studi di Verona (Universita degli Studi di Verona) Itália Parceiro 2019-09-01 2021-08-31
Universita degli Studi di Verona (Universita degli Studi di Verona) Itália Parceiro 2019-09-01 2021-08-31
Virtual Campus LDA (Virtual Campus LDA ) Portugal Parceiro 2019-09-01 2021-08-31
Creative Thinking Development (Creative Thinking Development) Grécia -- 2019-09-01 2021-08-31
Equipa de Projeto
Nome Afiliação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
Sílvia Agostinho da Silva Professora Catedrática (DRHCO); Investigadora Integrada (BRU-Iscte); Investigadora Responsável 2019-09-01 2022-05-31
Patrícia Duarte Professora Auxiliar (DRHCO); Investigadora Integrada (BRU-Iscte); Investigadora 2019-09-01 2022-05-31
Henrique Manuel Caetano Duarte Professor Associado (com Agregação) (DRHCO); Investigador Integrado (BRU-Iscte); Investigador 2019-09-01 2022-05-31
Financiamentos do Projeto
Código/Referência DOI do Financiamento Tipo de Financiamento Programa de Financiamento Valor Financiado (Global) Valor Financiado (Local) Data de Início Data de Fim
Agreement nº 2019-1-PT01-KA202-060771 -- Contrato Erasmus+ - Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships –Vocational Education and Training 245799.0 46232.0 2019-09-01 2021-08-31
Outputs (Publicações)
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Developing Competencies for Stress Resilience @SMEs