Emigration Observatory

1. The Emigration Observatory (OEm) is an independent technical and research structure integrated in the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte) of Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon where its headquarters are located.

2. The Observatory functions on a partnership basis between the following university institutions of research:

  • the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte) of the Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, which ensures the coordination of the partnership;
  • the Centre for Geographical Studies (CEG) of the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisbon (IGOT-UL);
  • the Centre for Research in Economic and Organizational Sociology (SOCIUS/CSG), of the Institute of Economics and Management of the University of Lisbon (ISEG-UL);
  • the Institute of Sociology (IS-UP), of the Faculty of Arts of University of Porto. 

3. The Observatory was created on the basis of a protocol signed in 2008 between the Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon and the Directorate-General for Consular Affairs and Portuguese Communities (DGACCP), supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under a cooperation agreement achieved in 2016.

4. The Observatory initiated its activity on January 2009, with three main goals:

  • collect, harmonize and analyse information on the evolution and characteristics of Portuguese emigration and Portuguese emigrated population, in particular by collecting data from the statistical institutions of the emigration destination countries;
  • Disseminate all the compiled information, promote its availability and discussion with the general public, in particular with researchers, students, policy makers and journalists; 
  • contribute, through its activity, for the definition and evaluation of public emigration policies based on information and knowledge about this domain of intervention. 

5. The Observatory has as its main daily public interaction instrument its web page. The website is regularly updated and progressively broadened to cover all the activities that result from the achievement of the objectives for which it was created.

Internal Partners
Research Centre Research Group Role in Project Begin Date End Date
CIES-Iscte -- Leader -- --
External Partners
Institution Country Role in Project Begin Date End Date
Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território da Universidade de Lisboa (IGOT ) Portugal Partner -- --
Centro de Investigação em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações do Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (SOCIUS-ISEG) Portugal Partner -- --
Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto (IS-UP) Portugal Partner -- --
Project Team
Name Affiliation Role in Project Begin Date End Date
Cláudia Pereira Research Fellow (DS); Integrated Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Global Coordinator -- 2019-10-25
Cláudia Pereira Research Fellow (DS); Integrated Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Global Coordinator 2022-05-01 --
Joana Fonseca França Azevedo Professora Associada (DS); Integrated Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Global Coordinator 2019-10-26 2022-04-30
Rui Pena Pires Professor Catedrático (DS); Integrated Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Global Coordinator -- --
Carlota Moura Veiga Research Assistant (CIES-Iscte); Researcher -- --
Inês Maria Andrade Vidigal Ferreira Research Assistant (CIES-Iscte); Researcher -- --
Joana Fonseca França Azevedo Professora Associada (DS); Integrated Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Researcher -- --
Sofia Vilhena Research Assistant (CIES-Iscte); Research Assistant 2025-01-08 --
Project Fundings
Reference/Code Funding DOI Funding Type Funding Program Funding Amount (Global) Funding Amount (Local) Begin Date End Date
na -- Contract Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros - FRI - Portugal 23.297 23.297 2016-09-29 2016-09-29
na -- Contract Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros - FRI - Portugal 35.796 35.796 2017-05-10 2017-12-31
na -- Contract Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros - FRI - Portugal 35.796 35.796 2018-01-01 2018-12-31
na -- Contract Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros - FRI - Portugal 35.000 35.000 2019-01-01 2019-12-31
na -- Contract Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros - FRI - Portugal 20.400 20.400 2020-01-01 2020-12-31
na -- Contract Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros - FRI - Portugal 28.400 28.400 2021-01-01 2021-12-31
na -- Contract Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros - FRI - Portugal 28.400 28.400 2022-01-01 2022-12-31
na -- Contract Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros - FRI - Portugal 28.400 28.400 2023-01-01 2023-12-31
Publication Outputs
Year Publication Type Full Reference
2024 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2024). Nascimentos no Canadá de mães portuguesas, 2000-2020. OEm Fact Sheets. 19
2024 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2024). A complementaridade entre emigração e imigração: entrevista com Pedro Góis. OEm Conversations With. 34
2024 Other publications Azevedo, L. (2024). Objetos inesperados podem contar histórias importantes [sobre o exílio]: entrevista com Sónia Ferreira. OEm Conversations With. 35
2024 Other publications Vidigal, I. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2024). Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2023. OEm Portuguese Emigration Factbook.
2023 Book author Pires, R. P., Vidigal, I., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2023). Atlas da Emigração Portuguesa. Lisboa. Mundos Sociais.
2023 Other publications Azevedo, L. & Sampaio, D. (2023). É preciso desmistificar as migrações e as mobilidades: Entrevista com Dora Sampaio. OEm Conversations With.
2022 Book author Pires, R. P., Vidigal, I., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2022). Emigração Portuguesa 2022. Observatório da Emigração.
2022 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2022). Nascimentos na Alemanha de mães portuguesas, 1960-2020. OEm Fact Sheets. 15
2022 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2022). The salience of the migration issue: interview with Andrew Geddes. OEm Conversations With. 28
2022 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2022). The dichotomy between expulsion and return: interview with Jean-Pierre Cassarino. OEm Conversations With. 29
2022 Other publications Vidigal, I. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2022). Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2021. OEm Portuguese Emigration Factbook.
2022 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2022). Nascimentos na Suíça de mães portuguesas, 1987-2021. OEm Fact Sheets. 16
2022 Other publications Moura-Veiga, C. (2022). International student mobility: interview with Christof Van Mol . International student mobility: interview with Christof Van Mol .
2022 Other publications Moura-Veiga, C. (2022). Colonialismo e emigração portuguesa para Angola: entrevista com Asaf Augusto . Colonialismo e emigração portuguesa para Angola: entrevista com Asaf Augusto .
2021 Book chapter Peixoto, J., Oliveira, I., Azevedo, J., Marques, J. C., Gois, P., Malheiros, J....Santana, E. (2021). Nova emigração portuguesa: perfis, integração e expetativas. In Cláudia Pereira, Jorge Malheiros, João Peixoto (Ed.), Três estudos sobre a nova emigração portuguesa. (pp. 7-35). Lisboa: Observatório da Emigração.
2021 Entries/Forewords/Afterwords Pires, R. P. (2021). Prefácio. Três Estudos Sobre a Nova Emigração Portuguesa. 1, xvii-xviii
2021 Other publications Moura-Veiga, C. & Vidigal, I. (2021). The legal construction of the national and the foreign: interview with Diego Acosta. OEm Conversations With. 20
2021 Other publications Vidigal, I. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2021). Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2020. OEm Portuguese Emigration Factbook.
2021 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2021). Vagas migratórias entre Portugal e o Brasil: entrevista com Duval Fernandes. OEm Conversations With. 21
2021 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2021). Migration and mobility after the pandemic: interview with Alan Gamlen. OEm Conversations With. 22
2021 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2021). The transnationalized social question: interview with Thomas Faist. OEm Conversations With. 23
2021 Other publications Vidigal, I., Moura-Veiga, C. & Paulino, H. (2021). Autorizações de residência de portugueses no Brasil, 2000-2015. OEm Fact Sheets. 13
2021 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2021). Nascimentos em Espanha de mães portuguesas, 1996-2019. OEm Fact Sheets. 14
2021 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2021). Only a variety of interests keeps you intellectually balanced: interview with Giuseppe Sciortino. OEm Conversations With. 26
2021 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2021). Países Baixos. OEm Country Reports. 7
2020 Scientific journal paper Pires, R. P., Pereira, C., Azevedo, J., Vidigal, I. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2020). A emigração portuguesa no século XXI. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas. 94, 9-38
2020 Book author Pires, R. P., Azevedo, J., Vidigal, I. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2020). Emigração Portuguesa 2020. Observatório da Emigração.
2020 Other publications Vidigal, I. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2020). Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2019. OEm Portuguese Emigration Factbook.
2020 Other publications Pires, R. P. & Vidigal, I. (2020). Saldos migratórios, 2000-2017. OEm Fact Sheets. 10
2020 Other publications Moura-Veiga, C. & Vidigal, I. (2020). EU Migrants and the Welfare State: Control or Protection?: interview with Jean-Michel Lafleur. OEm Conversations With. 16
2020 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2020). Migration in the UK media: interview with Rob McNeil. OEm Conversations With. 17
2020 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2020). Nascimentos em França de mães portuguesas, 1977-2018. OEm Fact Sheets. 11
2020 Other publications Moura-Veiga, C. (2020). Migration and sex trafficking: interview with Sharvari Karandikar. OEm Conversations With. 19
2020 Other publications Pereira, Cláudia (2020). Mesmo no regresso, os portugueses continuam a sentir-se emigrantes: entrevista com João Sardinha. OEm Conversations With. 18
2019 Book author Pires, R. P., Azevedo, J., Vidigal, I. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2019). Emigração Portuguesa: Relatório Estatístico 2019. Lisboa. Observatório da Emigração.
2019 Book editor Pereira, Cláudia & Azevedo, J. (2019). New and Old Routes of Portuguese Emigration. Uncertain Futures at the Periphery of Europe. Cham. Springer International Publishing.
2019 Other publications Pereira, Cláudia (2019). Human Trafficking and Migration: interview with Jacquelyn Meshelemiah. OEm Conversations With. 12
2019 Other publications Pires, R. P., Vidigal, I., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2019). Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2018. OEm Portuguese Emigration Factbook. 1-90
2019 Other publications Moura-Veiga, C. (2019). A expressão da emigração na arquitetura em Portugal: entrevista com Ana Saraiva. OEm Conversations With. 15
2018 Book author Pires, R. P., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J., Vidigal, I. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2018). Emigração Portuguesa: Relatório Estatístico 2018. Lisboa. Observatório da Emigração.
2018 Other publications Pires, R. P., Pereira, C. & Azevedo, J. (2018). Labour market policy thematic review 2018: an in-depth analysis of the emigration of skilled labour, Portugal. European Centre of Expertise (ECE) in the field of labour law, employment and labour market policy.
2018 Other publications Pereira, Cláudia (2018). De Moçambique e Angola para a África do Sul: entrevista com Pamila Gupta. OEm Conversations With. 11
2018 Other publications Pires, R. P., Vidigal, I., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2018). Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2017. OEm Portuguese Emigration Factbook.
2018 Other publications Pereira, Cláudia (2018). Uma perspetiva comparativa sobre a migração portuguesa: entrevista com Caroline Brettell. OEm Conversations With. 10
2018 Other publications Vidigal, I. (2018). Emigração portuguesa para o Canadá, 1966-2016. OEm Fact Sheets. 7
2017 Book author Pires, R. P., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J., Vidigal, I. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2017). Emigração Portuguesa: Relatório Estatístico 2017. Lisboa. Observatório da Emigração.
2017 Working Papers Clemente, M. (2017). Cidadãos portugueses traficados: uma nota de investigação. OEm Fact Sheets. 1-18
2017 Other publications Pires, R. P., Vidigal, I., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J. & Moura-Veiga, C. (2017). Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2016. OEm Portuguese Emigration Factbook. 1-88
2017 Other publications Pinho, F. (2017). Luso-descendentes e herança cultural: entrevista com Dulce Maria Scott. OEm Conversations With. 8
2017 Other publications Pinho, F. (2017). Migrações locais, tanto na origem como no destino: entrevista com Marcelo Borges. OEm Conversations With. 7
2016 Book author Pires, R. P., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J., Espírito Santo, I. & Vidigal, I. (2016). Emigração Portuguesa: Relatório Estatístico 2016. Lisboa. Observatório da Emigração.
2016 Other publications Espírito Santo, I. (2016). Entre filiation historique et filiation personnelle. Entretien avec Marie-Christine Volovitch-Tavares. OEm Conversations With.
2016 Other publications Pinho, Filipa (2016). As origens da política portuguesa de emigração: entrevista com Miriam Halpern Pereira. OEm Conversations With, 3. 3
2016 Other publications Pereira, Cláudia (2016). O mito das comunidades portuguesas: entrevista com Paulo Filipe Monteiro . OEm Conversations With. 5, 1-10
2015 Book author Pires, R. P., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J., Espírito Santo, I., Vidigal, I. & Ana Cristina Ribeiro (2015). Emigração Portuguesa: Relatório Estatístico 2015. Lisboa. Observatório da Emigração.
2015 Other publications Pereira, Cláudia, Nuno Pinto & Pires, R. P. (2015). Portuguese nurses in the UK 2014 / Enfermeiros portugueses no Reino Unido 2014. OEm Fact Sheets. 3
2015 Other publications Pires, R. P., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J., Espírito Santo, I. & Vidigal, I. (2015). Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2015. OEm Portuguese Emigration Factbook.
2014 Book author Pires, R. P., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J. & Ribeiro, C. (2014). Emigração Portuguesa: Relatório Estatístico 2014. Lisboa. Observatório da Emigração.
2014 Other publications Pires, R. P., Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, J., Espírito Santo, I. & Vidigal, I. (2014). Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2014. OEm Portuguese Emigration Factbook.
2014 Other publications Espírito Santo, I. (2014). Há mais do que uma "portugalidade", Entrevista a Irène dos Santos. OEm Conversations with.
Related Research Data Records

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Related References in the Media
Title News Media Entity Type Publication Date
Emigração portuguesa TVI News 2024-07-18
Other Outputs
Year Output Type Name Description Participants
2019 Conference Migrações e estado-providência -- Rui Pena Pires, Cláudia Pereira, Joana Azevedo, Carlota Moura Veiga, Inês Ferreira
Project Files

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Emigration Observatory