Comunicação em evento científico
50 years of SAAL interventions in Portugal revisiting four neighborhoods
Alexandra Saraiva (Saraiva, A.);
Título Evento
XXXI International Seminar on Urban Form | ISUF2024: Future horizons for urban form Disruption, continuity, expansion, and reverberation
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The research intends to investigate revisiting 4 SAAL interventions, from a multi and interdisciplinary perspective, such as architecture, history, sociology, anthropology, among others. The objective is to question the impacts of SAAL. The study proposes a new approach to SAAL interventions, analysing 4 neighborhoods in Portugal: 1) In Lisbon, Fonsecas and Calçada, designed by Hestnes Ferreira (1931-2018), starting in October 1974; 2) In Porto, Lapa, designed by Matos Ferreira (1928-2015) starting in November 1974; 3) Also in Porto, Acácio, designed by Soutinho (1930-2013), starting in October 1974; and 4) in Sintra, Pego Longo, designed by Costa Cabral (b.1929), from August 1975. The investigation aims to reflect on the fragility of SAAL, in part this process was shorter than proposed, and to promote a new perspective about these neighborhoods, empowering populations for a more sustainable future, 50 years later. Through a historical, social, and cultural approach, the objective of this research is to analyse and illustrate the evolution of participatory architecture in Portugal and its relationship with critical thinking and international practices. The objective is to remember and celebrate SAAL's interventions, but also to repeat the strategies of this model to promote a more promising future for these inhabitants. What are SAAL interventions today? How will inhabitants organize their lives and activities? What resources will be needed and how will they be used for housing 50 years later? Will it be possible to promote participatory interventions, currently and in the future? Questions explored chronologically considering 3 times: past, present, and future. It is expected that the research results can contribute to increasing knowledge and literacy in 4 fundamental aspects: Citizenship (social relationships); Built Environment (housing and public space); Policies/Practices (participatory actions); Memory.
The author thanks Marques da Silva Foundation Institute (FIMS) for providing materials from the archives of architects Raúl Hestnes Ferreira, Alcino Soutinho, Alfredo Matos Ferreira, and Bartolomeu Costa Cabral. And, thanks to researcher Sara Silva Lopes
Housing,Local Support Ambulatory Service (SAAL),Portugal
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
10.54499/2021.02417.CEECIND/CP1694/CT0013 --

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