Artigo em revista científica Q1
A multilevel hypernetworks approach to capture meso-level synchronisation processes in football
João Ribeiro (Ribeiro, J.); Rui J. Lopes (Lopes, R. J.); Pedro Silva (Silva, P.); Duarte Araújo (Araújo, D.); Daniel Barreira (Barreira, D.); Keith Davids (Davids, K.); João Paulo Ramos (Ramos, J.); José Maia (Maia, J.); Júlio Garganta (Garganta, J.); et al.
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Journal of Sports Sciences
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Understanding team behaviours in sports performance requires understanding the interdependencies established between their levels of complexity (micro-meso-macro). Previously, most studies examined interactions emerging at micro- and macro-levels, thus neglecting those emerging at a meso-level (reveals connections between player and team levels, depicted by the emergence of coordination in specific sub-groups of players–simplices during performance). We addressed this issue using the multi- level hypernetworks approach, adopting a cluster-phase method, to record player-simplice synchronies in two performance conditions where the number, size and location of goals were manipulated (first- condition: 6 × 6 + 4 mini-goals; second-condition: Gk + 6 × 6 + Gk). We investigated meso-level coordination tendencies, as a function of ball-possession (attacking/defending), field-direction (long- itudinal/lateral) and teams (Team A/Team B). Generally, large synergistic relations and more stable patterns were observed in the longitudinal direction of the field than the lateral direction for both teams, and for both game phases in the first condition. The second condition displayed higher synchro- nies and more stable patterns in the lateral direction than the longitudinal plane for both teams, and for both game phases. Results suggest: (i) usefulness of hypernetworks in assessing synchronisation of teams at a meso-level; (ii) coaches may consider manipulating these task constraints to develop levels of local synchronies within teams.
Multilevel hypernetworks,Meso-level,Emergent synchronisation tendencies,Team sports,Association football
  • Ciências da Computação e da Informação - Ciências Naturais
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
UID/DTP/UI447/2019 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
UID/EEA/50008/2013 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
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