Artigo em revista científica Q2
An empirical investigation of brand equity: drivers and their consequences
Davcik, Nebojsa (Davcik, N.);
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British Food Journal
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Reino Unido
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Web of Science®

N.º de citações: 22

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Purpose The author aims to present a model of the brand value drivers, measured by brand equity. The goal of this research is to identify the drivers, and determine how they influence brand equity performance in the researched industry, in order to develop a more effective brand strategy. Design/methodology/approach The author studied an aggregate dataset for 739 food brands. Six predictors were controlled for (i.e. marketing investments, price, revenue, perceived quality [organic and functional] and brand ownership), while the impact of the brand equity drivers on brand value was estimated. The model was formulated and estimated using a robust OLS procedure. Several data sources have were in this study, such as market-based data from ACNielsen, as well as information and variable constructs using data from the Bureau Van Dijk Electronic Publishing AIDA financial statements database. Findings Results suggest that marketing investment, price, revenue, brand ownership and perceived quality are highly associated with brand equity, and consequently with a higher brand value in the food industry. Research limitations/implications This study has only studied one industry (food), one industry segment (enriched-food) and one country (Italy). Originality/value The majority of marketing studies apply a single research approach and measures. This is the first study of brand equity that combines consumer, financial and marketing approaches. The model contributes to theory and practice in terms of suggesting which business drivers create brand value and what type of brand strategy a firm can apply in order to create brand value.
Food industry; Small to medium-sized enterprises; Brands; Value analysis; Marketing strategy
  • Outras Engenharias e Tecnologias - Engenharia e Tecnologia
  • Outras Ciências Agrárias - Ciências Agrárias

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