Artigo em revista científica Q1
Are bullying behaviors tolerated in some cultures? Evidence for a curvilinear relationship between workplace bullying and job satisfaction among Italian workers
Gabriele Giorgi (Giorgi, G.); José Pérez (Leon-Perez, J. M.); Alicia Arenas (Arenas, A.);
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Journal of Business Ethics
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Países Baixos (Holanda)
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Since the early 1990s, increasing attention has been paid to the impact of workplace bullying on employees’ well-being and job attitudes. However, the relationship between workplace bullying and job satisfaction remains unclear. This study aims to shed light on the nature of the bullying-job satisfaction relationship in the Italian context (n = 1,393 employees from different organizations). As expected, the results revealed a U-shape curvilinear relationship between workplace bullying and job satisfaction after controlling for demographic variables. In contrast to the curvilinear model, the results support a negative linear relationship between workplace bullying and psychological well-being, in which higher exposure to negative acts at work is associated with diminished well-being. In addition, gender and job position significantly predicted mental health scores where men and managers reported a better psychological well-being than women, blue-collar, and white-collar employees. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed according to these results.
Contextualization,Curvilinear dynamics,Job satisfaction,Psychological well-being,Workplace bullying
  • Economia e Gestão - Ciências Sociais
  • Filosofia, Ética e Religião - Humanidades
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
PEst-OE/EGE/UI0315/2011 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
UID/GES/00315/2013 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia