Publication in conference proceedings
Consumer-brand engagement through website stimuli
Ricardo Godinho Bilro (Bilro, R. G.); Sandra Loureiro (Loureiro, S. M. C.);
10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business
Year (definitive publication)
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Previous studies concerning consumer engagement have been dedicated to conceptualize the construct and proposing scales to measure it (Van Doorn et al. 2010; Bolton 2011; Bijmolt et al. 2010; Brodie et al. 2011; Hollebeek et al. 2014). Yet, further research has been suggested in those studies regarding antecedents and outcomes of online consumer engagement. The following questions remain open: what drives consumers to be online engaged? And what are the outcomes of being online engaged? The aim of the current research is to contribute to the fulfillment of this gap in the literature, analyzing which dimensions of online stimuli with websites exercise more effect on online engagement and which of this dimensions’ most influence brand advocacy.
Consumer-brand engagement,Website stimuli,Online engagement,Brand advocacy