Artigo em revista científica
Digital transformation in Morocco: Challenges and perspectives
Mohammed Anouar Elhazziti (Elhazziti, M. A.); David Ferraz (Ferraz, D.); Elhabib Elazzouzi (Elazzouzi, E.); Mohamed Master (Master, M.); João Salis Gomes (Gomes, J. S.);
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Journal of US-China Public Administration
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Estados Unidos da América
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In the public administration, the adoption of digital transformation of processes and services is becoming more widespread, and its implementation requires significant resources to address the strategic, financial, and human challenges. The slow and dependent digital transformation is mostly reliant on organizational culture and the acceptance of the many actors for the adoption of digital procedures. Since the 1990s, the Moroccan government has launched several strategies and initiatives related to the digital transformation of public administration. In contrast to the expectations of the administration, the nation has experienced a gap in the effectiveness of the reforms. International e-government indicators showed that Morocco rose from 82 in 2014 to 110 in 2018, and then it gained four places in 2020. With the COVID-19 health crisis, it turned out that the digital transformation of public administration is becoming more than ever a necessity of the first order, with the aim of improving user access to public services. This article introduces the various efforts made by the Kingdom of Morocco in terms of digital transformation, then presents various weaknesses associated with the results of this project, and finally gives some indications through new references. The new perspective of digital transformation mainly focused on new management of digitizing policy, training of professional human resources, and generalization of access to digital infrastructure.
Digital transformation,Digitizing,Morocco,Public administration,Users
  • Outras Engenharias e Tecnologias - Engenharia e Tecnologia
  • Ciências Políticas - Ciências Sociais
  • Outras Humanidades - Humanidades