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Digitalization within the informal settlements. Participatory technologies in design for upgrading the informality in Maputo, Mozambique
IRC 2021. XV International Research Conference Proceedings
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Países Baixos (Holanda)
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Participatory Technologies in design offers an
opportunity for architects to re-design cities and find new
opportunities, in different scales, with their citizens, to create new
economic, social, environmental values and provide better public
realms and empowering the community by engaging them in
participatory actions, aiming at the sustainability of urban public space
and rapidly suppress its insufficiencies.
Accordingly, the city and architecture of the future face the challenge
of innovation in an evolution that involves society, economy,
environment, etc. But what about the informal settlements which are
dealing with socio-economic and environmental issues? These
neighborhoods present the greatest challenges to human sustainable
development and equity, safety, environmental quality, and resiliency
central to the New Urban Agenda.
As information and communication technology (ICT) becomes
pervasive, the architect has to rethink the rules for communication
between the citizen and physical urban space for adapting to the period
in which we are living in. Over the last few decades, an increasingly
collaborative work developed among spatial practitioners such as
architects, urban planners, artists and, media designers; has produced
a particular landscape of projects that engage information technology
as a catalytic tool for interactions in the physical urban space.
ICT, mobiles, applications, and digital technologies are tools to
empower slum residents and their youth to have greater control over
their lives. Communities and prosperity through access to information
and knowledge are going to be more engaged and empowered.
Basically, to develop a public realm or neighborhood or a barrio, the
first tool is data. Architects and decision-makers will be the data users.
Moreover, citizens will be the Data collectors and, in this system, they
can get aware of individual impacts on themselves and the whole.
Enabling communities to participate in settlement planning and
upgrading including, the management of new infrastructure
undoubtedly, requires action at the political level but, we cannot
hesitate architect’s role to society aim to provide lasting solutions to
specific needs and, the active participation of the community lends
these additional values.
In this context, the proposed paper will present an overview of the
participatory digital technologies involved in civic engagement in
informal cities in Africa. This analysis is essential to define the
application of spatial acupunctures or plug-ins in the public realm and
urban environment to upgrade the informality in Maputo,
The authors are grateful for the financial support provided.
“This work is partially funded by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the project FCT UIDB/04466/2020”.
Civic engagement,Participatory design,Participatory technology development,Informal settlements
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento | Entidade Financiadora |
UIDB/04466/2020 | Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia |
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