Scientific journal paper Q3
In-out parity relations for American-style barrier options
João Ruas (Ruas, J. P.); João Nunes (Nunes, J. P. V.); José Carlos Dias (Dias, J. C.);
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Journal of Derivatives
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United States of America
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The classic in-out parity relation establishes that the sum of European-style knock-in and knock-out barrier option prices is equal to the price of a standard European-style option. In the literature, however, it is commonly argued that such a barrier parity relationship cannot be applied to American-style barrier options. In this article, we derive novel in-out parity relations for American-style single-barrier options and show that the missing link between knock-in, knock-out, and standard options is simply the value of a non-deferrable rebate. Our results are tested through an extensive numerical analysis run under both the geometric Brownian motion and constant elasticity of variance architecture modeling setups.
  • Economics and Business - Social Sciences
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UID/GES/00315/2013 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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