Tipo |
Título |
Quartil |
Artigo em revista científica
Artificial intelligence and change management in small and medium-sized enterprises: An analysis of dynamics within adaptation initiatives
Artigo em revista científica
A multi-objective optimization approach for integrated risk-based internal audit planning
Artigo em revista científica
Automatic knowledge exchange between ontologies and semantic graphs
Artigo em revista científica
Attracting and retaining creative tourism entrepreneurs
Artigo em revista científica
SA-MAIS: Hybrid automatic sentiment analyser for stock market
Artigo em revista científica
The effect of centrality to lifestyle and experience-involvement on tourist behavioral intention: A comparison of Hotel vs Hostel
Artigo em revista científica
Engaging with (vs. avoiding) personalized advertising on social media
Artigo em revista científica
Adding value to the VRIO framework using DEMATEL
Artigo em revista científica
Entrepreneurial passion: A key driver of social innovations for tourism firms
Artigo em revista científica
New software product development: Bibliometric analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Exploring the importance of innovation ambidexterity on performance: Insights from NCA and IPMA analysis
Artigo em revista científica
EU industrial policy and convergent development in EU peripheries: An assessment of the ‘Important Project of Common European Interest’ (IPCEI) template
Artigo em revista científica
“Who comes next?”: Planning and managing sustainable initiatives that facilitate family business succession
Artigo em revista científica
The Balanced Scorecard ontology: A semantic approach to enhance strategy management
Artigo em revista científica
Factors influencing blockchain adoption in the tourism industry: An empirical study
Artigo em revista científica
Value-focused thinking and interpretive structural modeling in the development of resilience-enhancing initiatives in SMEs
Artigo em revista científica
Nuclearization on the Iberian Peninsula: A tale of two countries (c. 1947–1988)
Artigo em revista científica
Tourism direct GDP: Configuration of antecedents and tourism future performance in high-income countries
Artigo em revista científica
AR smart glasses: The feeling of groundedness mediator effect
Artigo em revista científica
Determinants of prosocial crowdlending success
Artigo em revista científica
Owner guarantees, observed and unobserved risks, and bank lending spreads
Artigo em revista científica
Circular economy in firms’ strategies: What are the determinants of eco-innovation?
Artigo em revista científica
Business transformation processes and Society 5.0: Opportunities and challenges
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Parcel Delivery Services: A Sectorization Approach with Simulation
Working paper
Network Algorithm to Model Automotive Supply Chain Structure
Artigo em revista científica
On the automated learning of air pollution prediction models from data collected by mobile sensor networks
Artigo em revista científica
Digital health at Central Lisbon University Hospital Center: Strategic reflections and value proposition
Artigo em revista científica
Benefit versus risk: A behavioral model for using robo-advisors
Artigo em revista científica
Using interpretive structural modeling (ISM) to detect and define initiatives that facilitate hemodynamic laboratory management
Artigo em revista científica
The key role of market orientation in innovation ambidexterity in agribusiness firms
Artigo em revista científica
Understanding turnover of generation Y early-career workers: The influence of values and field of study
Artigo em revista científica
The impact of IFRS 16 on lessees' financial information: A single-industry study
Artigo em revista científica
Investigation and optimization of StringDeduplication with custom heuristic in different versions of the JVM
Artigo em revista científica
Determinants of approach behavior for ChatGPT and their configurational influence in the hospitality and tourism sector: A cumulative prospect theory
Artigo em revista científica
Bibliometric analysis on green hotels: Past, present and future trends
Artigo em revista científica
Engaging in co-creation experiences: The role of affective image and satisfaction
Artigo em revista científica
AI-driven participatory environmental management: Innovations, applications, and future prospects
Artigo em revista científica
Understanding recruiters’ acceptance of artificial intelligence: Insights from the Technology Acceptance Model
Artigo em revista científica
Understanding wind energy economic externalities impacts: A systematic literature review
Artigo em revista científica
Educational needs of the esports industry: A Delphi study
Artigo em revista científica
Series de ficción Iberoamericana en Netflix: Radiografía de un espacio audiovisual
Artigo em revista científica
Innovation impact in the textile industry: From the Toyota Production System to artificial intelligence
Artigo em revista científica
Users' satisfaction evaluation based on ISO standards for tourism and travel mobile applications
Artigo em revista científica
Green innovations in third-party logistics: Managerial reasons, external stakeholder influences and contingencies in the natural-business environment
Artigo em revista científica
Decline processes in technological innovation systems: Lessons from energy technologies
Artigo em revista científica
Influence of Consumer Trust, Return Policy, and Risk Perception on Satisfaction with the Online Shopping Experience
Artigo em revista científica
Cuteness vs. Usefulness: A Dual Perspective on Service Robot Acceptance in the Travel Industry
Artigo em revista científica
Unsupervised angularly consistent 4D light field segmentation using hyperpixels and a graph neural network
Artigo em revista científica
A new porous constitutive model for additively manufactured PLA
Artigo em revista científica
Thermochemical performance of ceria coated-macroporous 3D-printed black zirconia structures for solar CO/H2 fuels production
Artigo em revista científica
Neural Hierarchical Interpolation Time Series for Reservoir Level Multi-Horizon Forecasting in Hydroelectric Power Plants
Editor de livro
Mathematics and Computer Science: Research Updates Vol. 1
Editor de livro
Science and Technology: Developments and Applications Vol. 4
Capítulo de livro
Enhancing the visitor experience with immersive technologies and gaming: The Monserrate use case
Capítulo de livro
Wireless Crowd Detection for Smart Overtourism Mitigation
Capítulo de livro
Towards a Consensual Definition for Smart Tourism and Smart Tourism Tools
Capítulo de livro
Navigating the Portuguese Digital Landscape: Martech Systems’ Adoption, Digital Intensity, Transition and Transformation.
Capítulo de livro
Technology as a Social Learning and Citizen Facilitator
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Subcontracting Risk Management in the Portuguese Moulds and Plastics Industry
Artigo sem avaliação científica
OntOraculum: A Semantic Ontology for Monitoring and Optimizing Performance Metrics in Smart Environments
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Time series forecasting based on optimized LLM for fault prediction in distribution power grid insulators
Artigo sem avaliação científica
A Spyware Platform and Predictive Models for Monitoring Computers
Comunicação em evento científico
Developing Smart Tourism Tools and Platforms: from the RESETTING experience to AI-based futures
Editor de revista científica
Data Privacy, Security, and Trust in New Technological Trends—2nd Edition
Editor de revista científica
Future Internet - Secure Communication Protocols for Future Computing
Artigo no prelo (in press)
The impact of RBV on value creation in the pharmaceutical industry
A European Framework for Science Diplomacy: Recommendations of the EU Science Diplomacy Working Groups
Artigo em revista científica
Factors contributing to organizational happiness: Content, exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Luxury fashion consumption: A review, synthesis and research agenda
Artigo em revista científica
Change management and advanced wireless network implementation: Detection of monetization opportunities and challenges
Artigo em revista científica
A CM-BWM approach to determinants of open innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises
Artigo em revista científica
Symmetric and asymmetric modeling to understand drivers and consequences of hotel chatbot engagement
Artigo em revista científica
Authenticity: Shedding light on the branding context
Artigo em revista científica
Collaborative innovation and absorptive capacity as an antecedent on IT firm financial performance
Artigo em revista científica
“Known unknowns”: reducing digital inequalities in the silver economy
Artigo em revista científica
Determinants of e-commerce, artificial intelligence, and agile methods in small- and medium-sized enterprises
Artigo em revista científica
Determinants of employee intention to stay: A generational multigroup analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Me and my AI: Exploring the effects of consumer self‐construal and AI‐based experience on avoiding similarity and willingness to pay
Artigo em revista científica
Exploring tourists’ virtual reality-based brand engagement: A uses-and-gratifications perspective
Artigo em revista científica
The impact of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book: Evaluation on a stylized portfolio
Artigo em revista científica
“Too small to shine? Not really!”: Developing Society 5.0 adaptation initiatives for SMEs
Artigo em revista científica
“Navigating through the digital swamp”: Assessing SME propensity for online marketplaces
Artigo em revista científica
Drivers of social innovation for tourism enterprises: A study on lifestyle entrepreneurship
Artigo em revista científica
Systematic review in financialization politics: The role of corporate governance and managerial compensation
Artigo em revista científica
Cluster-based approaches towards developing a customer loyalty program in a security private company
Artigo em revista científica
Novel dynamic impairment-aware algorithm for modulation, core, and spectrum assignment in SDM-EONs
Artigo em revista científica
Metaverse for service industries: Future applications, opportunities, challenges and research directions
Artigo em revista científica
Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI): A systematic literature review on taxonomies and applications in finance
Artigo em revista científica
Faraway, so close: Perceptions of the metaverse on the edge of madness
Artigo em revista científica
Bonuses, options, and bank strategies
Artigo em revista científica
The different shades of co-working spaces: How culture change explains the market rules
Artigo em revista científica
Decentralizing online food delivery services: A blockchain and IoT model for smart cities
Artigo em revista científica
Collaborative innovation, strategic agility, and absorptive capacity adoption in SMEs: The moderating effects of customer knowledge management capability
Artigo em revista científica
X-reality Film Innovation Circle framework and future directions
Artigo em revista científica
Advancing business process management lifecycle implementation through the integration of the design for Six Sigma method
Artigo em revista científica
Decarbonizing an energy-hungry world: the dilemma of investing in fossil fuels
Artigo em revista científica
A data-driven approach to improve online consumer subscriptions by combining data visualization and machine learning methods
Artigo em revista científica
Industry 5.0 and SDG 9: A symbiotic dance towards sustainable transformation
Artigo em revista científica
Enhancing hospital resilience and planning capacity in scenarios of crisis using group decision‐making and interpretive structural modeling
Artigo em revista científica
A multi-objective competency-based decision support system for the assignment of internal auditors to multiple projects
Artigo em revista científica
Assessing the impact of architecture efficiency on the business model competitiveness
Artigo em revista científica
Entrepreneurial organisational identity in the sharing economy: An identity claims and legitimacy granting approach
Artigo em revista científica
Datification of the wisdom of the crowd: A comparative analysis of innovation strategies in four European crowdfunding platforms
Artigo em revista científica
Exploring the dynamics of high-growth determinants for gazelle companies using interpretive structural modeling
Artigo em revista científica
Ontology-based BIM-AMS integration in European highways
Artigo em revista científica
Strategic analysis in the public sector using semantic web technologies
Artigo em revista científica
D3S: Decision support system for sectorization
Artigo em revista científica
Enhanced planning capacity in urban renewal: Addressing complex challenges using neutrosophic logic and DEMATEL
Artigo em revista científica
Users' satisfaction evaluation of telemedicine mobile applications based on ISO standards
Artigo em revista científica
Impact of the reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer architecture on the design of multi-band C+L+S optical networks
Artigo em revista científica
Where are we now? Exploring the metaverse representations to find digital twins
Artigo em revista científica
Pseudo-haptics survey: Human-computer interaction in extended reality & teleoperation
Artigo em revista científica
A BIM-based tool for embodied carbon assessment using a construction classification system
Artigo em revista científica
Circular economy: Current view from the construction industry based on published definitions
Artigo em revista científica
The support of internal communication during organizational change processes
Artigo em revista científica
Unravelling virtual realities: Gamers’ perceptions of the metaverse
Artigo em revista científica
Digital revolution and artificial intelligence as challenges for today
Artigo em revista científica
Determinants of brand love in wine experiences
Artigo em revista científica
Boosting sustainability: R&D mobiliser projects in Portuguese ornamental stone companies
Artigo em revista científica
Technological acceptance of e-commerce by generation Z in Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Can operational efficiency in the Portuguese electricity sector be improved? Yes, but...
Artigo em revista científica
On the road to proactive vulnerability analysis and mitigation leveraged by Software Defined Networks: A systematic review
Artigo em revista científica
Statistical characterization of the effect of random core loss on the intercore crosstalk in long-haul uncoupled multicore fiber links
Artigo em revista científica
Automatic transcription system for parliamentary debates in the context of assembly of the republic of Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Agent-based simulation of non-urgent egress from mass events in open public spaces
Artigo em revista científica
Microwave breast imaging for cancer diagnosis: An overview
Artigo em revista científica
Metaverse unveiled: From the lens of science to common people perspective
Artigo em revista científica
Current political uses of sport revised: Beyond public diplomacy and sportswashing
Artigo em revista científica
Analyzing the causal dynamics of circular-economy drivers in SMES using interpretive structural modeling
Artigo em revista científica
The influence of social and environmental responsibility on customer-based brand equity
Artigo em revista científica
Guiding the implementation of data privacy with microservices
Artigo em revista científica
State aid for broadband network deployment: National and subnational governance mechanisms, 2003-2023
Artigo em revista científica
'How can more be done with less?': Investigating frugal innovation determinants using design thinking and interpretive structural modeling
Artigo em revista científica
Structuring and analyzing initiatives that facilitate organizational transformation processes: A sociotechnical approach
Artigo em revista científica
The democratization of artificial intelligence: Theoretical framework
Artigo em revista científica
A numerical assessment of the effect of concatenating arbitrary uncoupled multicore fiber segments on intercore crosstalk in long-haul communication links
Artigo em revista científica
Detection of forged images using a combination of passive methods based on neural networks
Artigo em revista científica
The role of incubators in promoting innovation ambidexterity among start-ups in the tourism and hospitality industry
Artigo em revista científica
JVM optimization: An empirical analysis of JVM configurations for enhanced web application performance
Artigo em revista científica
Intelligent sensors in assistive systems for deaf people: A comprehensive review
Artigo em revista científica
Enhancing infrastructure observability: Machine learning for proactive monitoring and anomaly detection
Artigo em revista científica
Assessing the detection of floating plastic litter with advanced remote sensing technologies in a hydrodynamic test facility
Artigo em revista científica
Data-driven insights to reduce uncertainty from disruptive events in passenger railways
Artigo em revista científica
Building brand, building value: The impact of customer-based brand equity on airline ticket premium pricing
Artigo em revista científica
Toward a common interpretation of the 3Rs principles in animal research
Artigo em revista científica
Technological innovations in decarbonisation strategies: A text-mining approach to technological readiness and potential
Artigo em revista científica
High-end fashion as a social phenomenon: Exploring the perceptions of designers and consumers
Artigo em revista científica
Value co-creation in hotels: The views of hotel employees
Artigo em revista científica
A new algorithm to mitigate fragmentation and crosstalk in multi-core elastic optical networks
Autor de livro
Empreendedorismo de Estilo de Vida
Autor de livro
Cases on Innovation and Sustainability in Tourism
Editor de livro
Vision and Verticality A Multidisciplinary Approach
Editor de livro
Mathematics and Computer Science: Contemporary Developments Vol. 10
Capítulo de livro
SDN-based network resource management
Capítulo de livro
The Island of Porto Santo, Madeira: An emotive appropriation
Capítulo de livro
Time in transit unraveling the transient behavior of M|M|m|m queues
Capítulo de livro
ICEV recycling in environments with limited conventional energy: Insights from a queuing model
Capítulo de livro
Virtually connected in a multiverse of madness?: Perceptions of gaming, animation, and metaverse
Capítulo de livro
Outlooking the future with nanosciences and nanotechnology and their applications
Capítulo de livro
Tourism business startup: Recognizing opportunities and barriers to entry
Capítulo de livro
Entrepreneurship and innovation in tourism: Examining immersive technologies, virtual reality, and augmented reality
Capítulo de livro
Ensemble Learning Models for Wind Power Forecasting
Capítulo de livro
Deconstructing sportswashing: Analytical concept or ideological prejudice?
Capítulo de livro
From plate to post: Exploring the impact of foodstagramming on Greece’s travel destination image
Capítulo de livro
Metaverse technological adoption: A study of processes, behaviors and attitudes
Capítulo de livro
The impact of language technologies in the legal domain
Capítulo de livro
Antes do Centro Champalimaud: A doca de Pedrouços e o arquitecto Paulo Henrique de Carvalho e Cunha
Capítulo de livro
Energy transitions in Europe
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Transforming the CIDOC-CRM model into a megalithic monument property graph
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Pseudo-haptics Interfaces for robotic teleoperation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A digital transformation approach to scaffold tourism crowding management: pre-factum, on-factum, and post-factum
Publicação em atas de evento científico
MPI Impact in C+L+S Multiband Transmission Reach
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Light Field View Synthesis Using Deformable Convolutional Neural Networks
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Tipos de iniciativa empresarial y sus resultados en contextos rurales
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Analysing AI-generated luxury fashion: the perceived value and customer’s purchase intention
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Music can be trendy and cool
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Digital Tools for the Prevention of Dropout and Academic Failure: a Case Study of a Portuguese University
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Challenges in Federated Learning Trained Anomaly Detection applied to Hospital Data without a Baseline
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Trusted Evidences on the Digital Transformation of Classic Cars Restoration
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Digital twinning for smart restoration of classic cars
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Chronopolitics and chronoscopic time experiences: Evidence from Portuguese fast-growth business ventures.
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Impact of the combined effect of random core-dependent and splice losses on intercore crosstalk performance in weakly-coupled multicore fibers
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Climate change mitigation with CCUS
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Sustainability and Luxury Fashion: Generation Z´s perspective.
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Mapping gamification in the consumption context: a systematic literature review
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A Systematic Literature Review on LLM-Based Information Retrieval: The Issue of Contents Classification
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Digital transformation in Portuguese architecture studios: Insights from the field
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Consumer engagement dynamics through SST and IoT innovations in diverse markets
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cognitive, affective, and social drivers of music fan-related behavior
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The VR experience and purchase intentions in the real state
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cognitive, Affective, and Social Drivers of Music Fan-related Behavior
Publicação em atas de evento científico
How Uncanny are Virtual vs. Human Influencers: A Text Mining Approach
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Authentic Pride and Museum Appeal: A Potent Mix for Boosting Suggestions
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Revisiting Risley Prism Transmit-Array Antennas Using a Novel Co-Design Phase Correction Approach
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Novel Risley Prism Design Approach with Improved Side Lobe Levels Using Multilayer Transmit-Arrays
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Improved Performance of a 1-Bit RIS by Using Two Switches per Bit Implementation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Chain of Portable Health Folders: A Systematic Literature Review
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Modeling energy scenarios for the implementation of wind energy facilities: R3EA Project
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Model-Based Analysis of Sustainable Energy Transition: A Case Study of Portugal's Regional Wind and Solar Power Generation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
EU ETS Impact on Companies Performance in Portugal: A Sector Analysis
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Wind and solar power: An overview of non-market externalities and metrics
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Exploration of Open Source in Low-Income Countries: Review and Future Research Directions
Publicação em atas de evento científico
ChatGPT based recommendation system for retail shops
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Enhancing e-IDs authentication with NFC
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Developing self-adaptive microservices
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Enhancing energy management in IoT networks
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Monitoring solution for cold chain logistic transport based on LoRa technology
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Wildfire Detection Based on IoT Technology
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cloud-Based Documental Management System: A Bibliometric Review Analysis
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Urban Issue Reporting Applications Towards Government 2.0
Editor de atas de evento científico
Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives Proceedings of the 42nd Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference
Editor de atas de evento científico
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: 20th International Conference, IPMU 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, July 22-26, 2024, Proceedings, Volume 1
Working paper
Studying a Surgery Service Occupation through a Queues Model
Working paper
Having a Look at the Future Through Nanosciences and Nanotechnology
Working paper
Laplace Transform in the Context Some M|G|∞ Queue Associated Probability Distributions
Working paper
Kuhn-Tucker Theorem for Infinite Dimension
Artigo sem avaliação científica
A vida social dos georrecursos: Extrações e extrativismo na Ilha do Porto Santo (desde o século XX)
Artigo sem avaliação científica
The use of fixed-term contract researchers as factotums
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Projectification and its effects: The tyranny of time, the reconciliation of antinomies.
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Prisec II -- A Comprehensive Model for IoT Security: Cryptographic Algorithms and Cloud Integration
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Prichain II: CloudGuardian Cloud Security Proposal with Blockchain
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Fake News Management an Approach Using Collaborative Networks
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Autentificação e artificialização na ilha do Porto Santo, Madeira
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Authenticity and Artificialisation on Porto Santo Island, Madeira
Comunicação em evento científico
Shall we share? Platforms and institutional challenges in the sharing economy
Comunicação em evento científico
FRS 16 implementation effects on financial statements and key financial ratios
Comunicação em evento científico
SDGs and the use of Machine Learning for classifying research outputs
Comunicação em evento científico
Generation z: the new driving force in tourism entrepreneurship
Comunicação em evento científico
Tipos de iniciativa empresarial y sus resultados en contextos rurales
Comunicação em evento científico
Balancing marketing and sustainability orientation for innovativeness in tourism
Comunicação em evento científico
Artificial Intelligence and Epilepsy: State of the Art and Future Challenges
Comunicação em evento científico
Destination Image of Chinese Cities through the Lens of International Social Media Users: A Case Study of Suzhou Historic City on YouTube
Comunicação em evento científico
How Do International Social Media Users Perceive Chinese Cities? The Case Study of Suzhou, China’s Heritage City Destination
Comunicação em evento científico
Transformações e progresso tecnológico na organização social e cultural
Comunicação em evento científico
Analysing ai-generated luxury fashion: the perceived value and customer’s purchase intention
Comunicação em evento científico
An Approach to Home Environment Monitoring of People with Disabilities Through AioT
Comunicação em evento científico
Sustainability and Luxury Fashion: Generation Z´s perspective
Comunicação em evento científico
Existing Educational Programs on eSport
Comunicação em evento científico
Navigating the Future: Human Rights Implications of Artificial Intelligence
Comunicação em evento científico
Comunicação em evento científico
Does it look good on me (or on the model)? Consumer perception of Virtual TryOn Technologies in the beauty industry
Comunicação em evento científico
Sustainable Tourism Tools and Other Resources
Comunicação em evento científico
Innovation and decarbonization strategies of firms: insights from the Portugal 2020 program and relation to local contexts
Comunicação em evento científico
Leverage Demand-side Policies for Energy Security
Comunicação em evento científico
Typology of Pathways for Sustainable Transformation: a review of one million papers on climate mitigation
Comunicação em evento científico
Model-Based Analysis of Sustainable Energy Transition: A Case Study of Portugal's Regional Wind and Solar Power Generation
Comunicação em evento científico
EU ETS Impact on Companies Performance in Portugal: A Sector Analysis
Comunicação em evento científico
Wind and solar power: An overview of non-market externalities and metrics
Comunicação em evento científico
Investor Commitment to Responsible Investing and Firm ESG Disclosure
Comunicação em evento científico
Digital Currencies in Accounting: Evolution and Future Prospects
Outras publicações
Intellectual Property Management
Editor de revista científica
Media i Społeczeństwo (Media and Society)
Introduction. Applications of artificial intelligence in various areas of social, media, cultural, political and economic life
Artigo de revisão
Industry transformations for high service provisioning with lower energy and material demand: A review of models and scenarios
Artigo de revisão
The ever-changing business of e-commerce-net benefits while designing a new platform for small companies
Periódico generalista
A vantagem competitiva da exploração da informação na construção
Dual-use Technology: Cross-sector Cooperation in the Cybersecurity Sector
Artigo em revista científica
Developing sustainable business models: local knowledge acquisition and tourism lifestyle entrepreneurship
Artigo em revista científica
Dynamics of open innovation in small- and medium-sized enterprises: A metacognitive approach
Artigo em revista científica
The rise of covenant-lite bond contracting
Artigo em revista científica
Organizational capabilities as antecedents of entrepreneurship: A basis for business practice and policy making
Artigo em revista científica
Impact of workspace environment on creativity and innovation: empirical evidence from a makerspace in China
Artigo em revista científica
Artificial intelligence and smart cities: a DEMATEL approach to adaptation challenges and initiatives
Artigo em revista científica
Are social media and mobile applications threatening retail websites?
Artigo em revista científica
Implementations, interpretative malleability, value-ladenness and the moral significance of agent-based social simulations
Artigo em revista científica
Mapping the wine visit experience for tourist excitement and cultural experience
Artigo em revista científica
Determinants of continuance intention to use mobile self-scanning applications in retail
Artigo em revista científica
I am feeling so good! Motivations for interacting in online brand communities
Artigo em revista científica
The travel dream experience in pandemic times
Artigo em revista científica
Customer experience through online reviews from TripAdvisor: The case of Orlando theme parks
Artigo em revista científica
Building political capital through corporate social responsibility: A microlevel focus on the role of business leaders
Artigo em revista científica
A literature review on problem models and solution approaches for managing real-time passenger train operations: The perspective of train operating companies
Artigo em revista científica
Exploratory analysis of seaplane operations in Greece: Insights of a survey and SWOT analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Internet of things and consumer engagement on retail: State-of-the-art and future directions
Artigo em revista científica
Tourist-virtual assistant communication: the power of attachment and authenticity
Artigo em revista científica
The role of badges to spur frequent travelers to write online reviews
Artigo em revista científica
On the economic impacts of COVID-19: A text mining literature analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Discovering ethnic minority business research directions using text mining and topic modelling
Artigo em revista científica
Understanding the importance of sport stadium visits to teams and cities through the eyes of online reviewers
Artigo em revista científica
Social media insights about COVID-19 in Portugal: A text mining approach
Artigo em revista científica
Leader-follower dynamics in real historical time: A Markovian test of non-linear causality between sail and steam (co-)developmentt
Artigo em revista científica
Working with AI: Can stress bring happiness?
Artigo em revista científica
Nascent entrepreneurship: A critical perspective and research agenda in tourism and hospitality
Artigo em revista científica
Big data analytics on patents for innovation public policies
Artigo em revista científica
Citizens' attitudes towards technological innovations: The case of urban air mobility
Artigo em revista científica
Playing and socializing — Adults’ perceptions of the FIFA digital game
Artigo em revista científica
Engaging with omnichannel brands: The role of consumer empowerment
Artigo em revista científica
Virtual is so real! Consumers' evaluation of product packaging in virtual reality
Artigo em revista científica
Exploring the determinants of wine export performance. Analyzing the importance of noneconomic performance
Artigo em revista científica
Gastronomic experience and consumer behavior: Analyzing the influence on destination image
Artigo em revista científica
Measuring sustainable tourism lifestyle entrepreneurship orientation to improve tourist experience
Artigo em revista científica
Drivers and outcomes of sustainable export marketing strategies in international environments
Artigo em revista científica
Factors influencing free and open-source software adoption in developing countries—An empirical study
Artigo em revista científica
Enhanced teleoperation interfaces for multi-second latency conditions: System design and evaluation
Artigo em revista científica
Raising the value of research studies in psychological science by increasing the credibility of research reports: The transparent Psi project
Artigo em revista científica
Multi-objective evolutionary optimization for dimensionality reduction of texts represented by synsets
Artigo em revista científica
Symbol-level GRAND for high-order modulation over block fading channels
Artigo em revista científica
Design of low-profile transmitarray antennas with wide mechanical beam steering at millimeter waves
Artigo em revista científica
Semantic similarity for mobile application recommendation under scarce user data
Artigo em revista científica
Lifestyle entrepreneurship as a vehicle for leisure and sustainable tourism
Artigo em revista científica
Estimating the impact of digital nomads’ sustainable responsibility on entrepreneurial self-efficacy
Artigo em revista científica
Ethics 4.0: Ethical dilemmas in healthcare mediated by social robots
Artigo em revista científica
Deep learning-based graffiti detection: A study using Images from the streets of Lisbon
Artigo em revista científica
Rivals’ exit and vertical merger evaluation
Artigo em revista científica
Perceived city sustainability and tourist behavioural intentions
Artigo em revista científica
Elastic provisioning of network and computing resources at the edge for IoT services
Artigo em revista científica
Industry 4.0 in Portugal - The state of the art
Artigo em revista científica
PHP code smells in web apps: Evolution, survival and anomalies
Artigo em revista científica
Unveiling the relationship between sustainable development and Industry 4.0: A text mining literature analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Wine Tourism and Sustainability Awareness: A Consumer Behavior Perspective
Artigo em revista científica
Diachronic profile of startup companies through social media
Artigo em revista científica
Integrated cybersecurity methodology and supporting tools for healthcare operational information systems
Artigo em revista científica
Moving too fast? Addressing temporality and acceleration in Portuguese business ventures scaling
Artigo em revista científica
The determinants of social self‐efficacy of tourism lifestyle entrepreneurs
Artigo em revista científica
A systematic review of customer behavior in business-to-business markets and agenda for future research
Artigo em revista científica
Detecting and developing new business opportunities in society 5.0 contexts: A sociotechnical approach
Artigo em revista científica
Evaluating the impact of gamification on the online shop of a game server: A Comparison between the Portuguese and North American contexts
Artigo em revista científica
Workforce agility: how to management knowledge and innovation in a remote work environment
Artigo em revista científica
Enhancing sustainable business models for green transportation
Artigo em revista científica
Smart systems to mitigate failure of strategic alliances
Artigo em revista científica
Benefits realisation management: Social impact analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Long term energy savings through user behaviour modeling in smart homes
Artigo em revista científica
Reconfiguring the battery innovation landscape
Artigo em revista científica
Why has labor productivity slowed down in the era of financialization?: Insights from the post-Keynesians for the European Union countries
Artigo em revista científica
YOLOX-Ray: An efficient attention-based single-staged object detector tailored for industrial inspections
Artigo em revista científica
The role of digital platforms in promoting pro-sustainable behavior and conscious consumption by brands
Artigo em revista científica
The stent for life initiative in Portugal: A critical realist perspective
Artigo em revista científica
Development of a maturity model for additive manufacturing: A conceptual model proposal
Artigo em revista científica
Predicting market acceptance of autonomous vehicles
Artigo em revista científica
Searching for associations between social media trending topics and organizations
Artigo em revista científica
Portuguese and Biobanks: profiles and attitudes of the Portuguese Population towards biobanks for health research
Artigo em revista científica
Assessing the effectiveness of performance indicators in health organisations and professionals
Artigo em revista científica
Banking regulation and banks’ risk-taking behavior: The role of investors’ protection
Artigo em revista científica
The impact of sound in people's behaviour in outdoor settings: A study using virtual reality and eye-tracking
Artigo em revista científica
Efficiency of multinational banks: Impacts of geographic and product loci
Artigo em revista científica
Efficient propagation method for angularly consistent 4D light field disparity maps
Artigo em revista científica
Hyperpixels: Flexible 4D over-segmentation for dense and sparse light fields
Artigo em revista científica
Enhancing IoT device security through network attack data analysis using machine learning algorithms
Artigo em revista científica
Double or nothing: Push and pull factors of casinos in Europe
Artigo em revista científica
Virtually connected in a multiverse of madness? - Perceptions of gaming, animation, and metaverse
Artigo em revista científica
Technology management has a significant impact on digital transformation in the banking sector
Artigo em revista científica
A conditional branch predictor based on weightless neural networks
Artigo em revista científica
A CM-DEMATEL assessment of SME competitiveness factors
Artigo em revista científica
The race of ecological vehicles: Consumer behavior and generation impact in the Portuguese market
Artigo em revista científica
Generalized Risley Prism for Beam-Steering Transmit Arrays With Reduced Grating Lobes
Artigo em revista científica
The effect of political institutions on the interplay between banking regulation and banks’ risk
Artigo em revista científica
How can brands become central in the consumers’ life?
Artigo em revista científica
Value co-creation in hospitality industry: A systematic literature review
Artigo em revista científica
How can brands encourage consumers to donate data to a data-driven social partnership? An examination of hedonic vs. functional categories
Artigo em revista científica
Intelligent clinical decision support system for managing COPD patients
Artigo em revista científica
Quantum error correction via noise guessing decoding
Artigo em revista científica
Multi-camera person re-identification based on trajectory data
Artigo em revista científica
AI trust: Can explainable AI enhance warranted trust?
Artigo em revista científica
Improvement of outpatient service processes: A case study of the university of Hong Kong-Shenzhen hospital
Artigo em revista científica
Deobfuscating leetspeak with deep learning to improve spam filtering
Artigo em revista científica
AI-based aortic stenosis classification in MRI scans
Artigo em revista científica
Digital nomads' willingness to stay – A combined analysis of SEM and fsQCA results
Artigo em revista científica
Polarization misalignment between signal and crosstalk in direct detection WC-MCF systems
Artigo em revista científica
Loss imbalance effect on inter-core crosstalk in bidirectional uncoupled multi-core fiber transmission
Artigo em revista científica
Resilience, complexity and digital transformation: Three case studies in the valves industry
Artigo em revista científica
Edgar Cardoso’s bridge at Quiamafulo, Angola. Design and construction in the late 1950’s of the third viaduct across the River Cuanza
Artigo em revista científica
Social robots as health promoting agents: An application of the health action process approach to human-robot interaction at the workplace
Artigo em revista científica
Does participative leadership promote employee innovative work behavior in IT organizations
Artigo em revista científica
Strategic problem-solving: A state of the art
Artigo em revista científica
The role of mining in Kyrgyzstan's social acceptance of protest
Artigo em revista científica
Promoting the integration of payment markets: A stakeholder’s vision
Artigo em revista científica
University–industry cooperation: A taxonomy of intermediaries
Artigo em revista científica
Social interaction matters to job search over the long haul
Artigo em revista científica
A Rapid Review on the Use of Free and Open Source Technologies and Software Applied to Precision Agriculture Practices
Artigo em revista científica
Entropy to mitigate non-IID data problem on Federated Learning for the Edge Intelligence environment
Artigo em revista científica
Interference recommendation for the pump sizing process in progressive cavity pumps using graph neural networks
Artigo em revista científica
Algorithms for automated diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases based on ECG data: A comprehensive systematic review
Artigo em revista científica
Worst-Case Communication Time Analysis for On-Chip Networks with Finite Buffers
Artigo em revista científica
Hyperspectral Image Classification: An Analysis Employing CNN, LSTM, Transformer, and Attention Mechanism
Artigo em revista científica
Instance and Data Generation for the Offline Nanosatellite Task Scheduling Problem
Autor de livro
Value Creation Wheel: A Meta Framework for Innovation, Decision-Making and Problem Solving
Autor de livro
Automatic Outlier Detection in Sensor Data Used for Structural Health Monitoring
Autor de livro
Machine learning applied to sensor data. Predictive methods used for dam behavior interpretation
Autor de livro
L'evoluzione delle forze speciali nelle Multi-Domain Operations (MDO). La necessaria capacità di operare nell'ambiente cyber e spaziale. La capacità di utilizzo del metaverso
Autor de livro
Manual de Diagnóstico e Mudança Organizacional [Handbook of Organizational Diagnosis and Change Management]
Editor de livro
Research Highlights in Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 4
Editor de livro
(Re)defining Entrepreneurship in a Post-pandemic Context
Editor de livro
Intelligent Transport Systems
Editor de livro
Research and Applications Towards Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 7
Editor de livro
Game Theory: Mathematical Approaches and Applications
Editor de livro
88 Vozes sobre a Inteligência Artificial - O que fica para a máquina e o que fica para o homem
Capítulo de livro
Setting targets for local authorities to increase their capacity to develop and implement sustainable transport measures
Capítulo de livro
Similarities and differences between digital transformation maturity models: A literature review
Capítulo de livro
Direitos do consumidor na era digital: O caso especial da publicidade à luz da autorregulação
Capítulo de livro
The timeless cork design in Portugal; on the cutting edge of sustainability
Capítulo de livro
Impact of Social Media Involvement on Brand Co-Creation during the COVID-19 Outbreak in the Tourism Industry
Capítulo de livro
Marketing business processes in a multinational organization: A case study of an information system implementation
Capítulo de livro
User perceptions about online personal data transmissibility
Capítulo de livro
Many-criteria optimisation and decision analysis ontology and knowledge management
Capítulo de livro
Going through the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence: Gray Eminences, Algocracy, Automated Unconsciousness
Capítulo de livro
The EFPF approach to manufacturing applications across edge-cloud architectures
Capítulo de livro
A inteligência artificial como ferramenta de apoio à decisão
Capítulo de livro
Metodologia andragógica por projeto: Aplicação à conceção e desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação
Capítulo de livro
Capítulo de livro
Inteligência artificial para a administração pública como experiência pedagógica
Capítulo de livro
The influence of customer engagement on destination loyalty from a destination marketing organisation perspective
Capítulo de livro
Customer engagement in tourism and hospitality research
Capítulo de livro
Artificial intelligence and extended reality in luxury fashion retail: Analysis and reflection
Capítulo de livro
Aplicações da IA na saúde
Capítulo de livro
The timeless cork design in Portugal; On the cutting edge of sustainability
Capítulo de livro
Machine Learning for Automatic Weather Stations: A Case Study
Capítulo de livro
Exploring Feature Extraction to Vulnerability Prediction Problem
Capítulo de livro
Identification of Abnormal Behavior in Activities of Daily Life Using Novelty Detection
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Knowledge management: An overview of roadmaps for additive manufacturing
Publicação em atas de evento científico
PMBOK 6th meets 7th: How to link both guides in order to support project tailoring?
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Tailoring: A case study on the application of the seventh principle of PMBOK 7 in a public institution
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Analysis of project management tools to support knowledge management
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Project managers soft skills influence in knowledge sharing
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A Porter’s Five Forces model proposal for additive manufacturing technology: A case study in Portuguese industry
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A resectorization of fire brigades in the north of Portugal
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Developing a system for sectorization: An overview
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Walking in European cities: A gender perception perspective
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Scalable and reliable orchestration for balancing the workload among SDN controllers
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A machine learning approach for mapping and accelerating multiple sclerosis research
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Look at me playing? – The eSports importance on consumers emotions
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Automatic calcium detection in echocardiography based on deep learning: A systematic review
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Implementing a data integration infrastructure for healthcare data: A case Study
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The future in fishfarms: An ocean of technologies to explore
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Detection of cracks in building facades using infrared thermography
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Centralidade do estilo de vida e experiência como determinantes do comportamento do turista. Uma análise comparativa de hotel e hostel
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Decentralized control orchestration for dynamic edge programmable systems
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Combining different data sources for IIoT-based process monitoring
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Assessing the impact of process awareness in industry 4.0
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Data driven spatiotemporal analysis of e-Cargo bike network in Lisbon and its expansion: The Yoob case study
Publicação em atas de evento científico
SA3D, um sistema de animação para ambiente de microcomputador
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cinematic virtual reality: How emotional responses vary across movie genre and technological format
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The impact of voice assistants on consumer intention to use self-driving cars
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Exploring the distilled realms: A study on whiskey and the travellers’ motivations
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Integrating industrial tourism in active industrial companies: Advantages, strategies, and barriers: A Delphi methodology approach
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Impact of China-Pakistan Economic Investment on Volatility of Stock Exchanges in Pakistan and Shanghai
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Towards sustainability goals in the Portuguese ornamental stone industry's supply chain 4.0
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Occlusion-aware pedestrian detection and tracking
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Hi doctor strange! Play it again, and discover the metaverse: Perceptions of the metaverse among gamers
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Pan Africa business simulation game
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The Big Brother experience: Oportunidades e ameaças de um sistema de videovigilância no concelho da Amadora
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A measure data catalog for dashboard management and validation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Analysis of the tourist’s behavior in Lisbon using data from a mobile operator
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Entrepreneurial capacities and knowledge development processes: Insights from a research project
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Exploring industrial tourism's potential: How can it contribute to business innovation?
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Diversification strategies and the emergence of a new industrial value-chain: Challenges and opportunities for companies
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Electronic voting through blockchain: A survey
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A study of the impact of masstige strategies on brand coolness and brand happiness
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The power of connection: Exploring the role of identification in the emotional relationship between humans and robots in the hospitality industry
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Scientific workflow management for software quality assessment replication: An open source architecture
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That's AWESOME: Awareness while experiencing and surfing on movies through emotions
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Cross-platform mobile app development: The IscteSpots experience
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e-Banking usage by generations X, Y, and Z
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Sustainability measurement in a logistics transportation company
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Self-coherent detection in multicore fiber systems impaired by intercore crosstalk
Publicação em atas de evento científico
How artificial intelligence tools influence customer experience and avoidance of similarity
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Effect of core-dependent loss on the intercore crosstalk in multicore fiber systems with concatenated random loss fiber segments
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Statistical dependence of average intercore crosstalk on random loss in long-haul uncoupled MCF links
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Web of Science citation gaps: An automatic approach to detect indexed but missing citations
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R&D cooperation and innovation networks: Lessons from SME participation in H2020
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Achieving wide-angle mechanical beam steering in Ka-band with low-profile transmit-array antennas
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Detection of low permittivity floating plastic sheets at microwave frequencies
Publicação em atas de evento científico
On the feasibility of using Passive mm-Wave Imaging for marine litter detection at the w-band
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Study of the effect of fibroglandular tissue in tumor detection using microwave breast imaging
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Low-cost transmit-array antenna prototype at Ka-band combining low profile and mechanical wide-angle beam scanning
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Assessment of 3D-printed flexible antenna for microwave breast imaging
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Platformization of cultural production and crowdfunding: Co-creation dynamics and the multiple roles of digital platforms shaping the Portuguese cultural crowdfunding ecosystem
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Port request classification automation through NLP
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Pan Africa business simulation games: The ITIS case study
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Investigação, tradição e inovação em arquitectura: O plano de salvaguarda do núcleo antigo de Sacavém, da metodologia à realidade
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O subúrbio-jardim e a tradição do pitoresco planeado: Uma perspectiva comparativa sobre diversidade morfológica em Londres, Lisboa e Porto
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O alojamento local e a reabilitação de edifícios habitacionais em Lisboa: Exploração a partir de casos na Sétima Colina
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Transformative mechanisms in decarbonization policies: A structured approach
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Enhancing sustainability within portugal's ornamental stone industry's industry 4.0 ecosystem supply chain
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Efficient knowledge aggregation methods for weightless neural networks
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Dendrite-inspired computing to improve resilience of neural networks to faults in emerging memory technologies
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An FPGA-based weightless neural network for edge network intrusion detection
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Exploring non-linear internationalization processes in Portuguese firms
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Package proposal for data pre-processing for machine learning applied to precision irrigation
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An alternative to FaaS cold start latency of low request frequency applications
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Dimensionality-reducing classifiers for Spanish winter maintenance of roadways
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Use of spyware integrated with prediction models for computer monitoring
Working paper
A Note on Laplace Transform in Some M l G l Inf. Queue Related Probability Distributions Study
Working paper
Efficient Synchronization Between Chaotic Lorenz Systems in Unidirectional Coupling
Working paper
Globally Stable Synchronization Conditions in Total Diffusive Linear Bidirectional Coupling Between Continuous Dynamical Systems and Partial Replacement (Rössler and Lorenz)
Working paper
A M|M|m|m Queue System Transient Behavior Study
Working paper
About the M|G|∞ Queue Approximation by a Markov Renewall Process
Working paper
A M|M|m|m Queue System Transient Behavior Study
Artigo sem avaliação científica
CS/03: 30 anos ao serviço das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicações
Recensão de obra em revista
Tupasela Aaro (2021) Populations as brands – Marketing national resources for global data markets. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 225 pp. ISBN: 9783030785789 (eBook)
Comunicação em evento científico
OPEN BIM para Túneis - IFC4.4
Comunicação em evento científico
Dielectric Versus Patch-Based Implementations of Risley Prism Transmit-Arrays in Ka-Band
Comunicação em evento científico
Achieving Wide-Angle Mechanical Beam Steering in Ka-Band with Low-Profile Transmit-Array Antennas
Comunicação em evento científico
A influência dos jogos e novas tecnologias no desenvolvimento
Comunicação em evento científico
Inteligência Artificial na Medicina: Desafios e Oportunidades
Comunicação em evento científico
Unpacking resource gains in Portuguese business expatriates: The role of company policies.
Comunicação em evento científico
Exploring the influence of market orientation and organisational structure on agribusiness firms’ innovative performance
Comunicação em evento científico
The Impact of Voice Assistants on Consumer Intention to Use Self-Driving Cars
Comunicação em evento científico
Exploring the Distilled Realms: A Study on Whiskey and the Travellers’ Motivations
Comunicação em evento científico
Planning the electrification of a mixed bus fleet: accounting for environmental concerns using a multi-objective optimization model
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Using Lean Practices to Overcome Challenges with Improving Warehouse Operations
Comunicação em evento científico
GREEN DEAL - The New European Ecological Pact and the Challenges for Industry
Comunicação em evento científico
Towards Sustainability Goals in the Portuguese Ornamental Stone Industry's Supply Chain 4.0
Comunicação em evento científico
Portugal's Footwear Industry: Looking for Sustainability Practices
Comunicação em evento científico
Exploring resource preservation dynamics in Portuguese business expatriates: The qualifying role of company policies.
Comunicação em evento científico
Web of Science Citation Gaps: An Automatic Approach to Detect Indexed but Missing Citations
Comunicação em evento científico
Quantum Error Correction via Noise Guessing Decoding
Comunicação em evento científico
Developing a Conceptual and Innovative Framework for Circular Economy in the Ornamental Stone industry
Comunicação em evento científico
A Measure Data Catalog for Dashboard Management and Validation
Comunicação em evento científico
The Sustainable Development Goals in higher education: a machine-learning approach
Comunicação em evento científico
A study of the impact of masstige strategies on brand coolness and brand happiness
Comunicação em evento científico
The power of connection: exploring the role of identification in the emotional relationship between humans and robots in the hospitality industry
Comunicação em evento científico
Artificial Intelligence and Extended Reality in Retail: Where Are We Going?
Comunicação em evento científico
Intención de visitar un destino turístico en las dos últimas décadas: un estudio bibliométrico y de la minería de datos
Comunicação em evento científico
Análise bibliométrico y mineria de datos aplicadas a la intención de visita a un destino turístico en las dos últimas décadas
Comunicação em evento científico
Simulação baseada em agentes do comportamento de pedestres em saídas não urgentes de eventos de massas
Comunicação em evento científico
Plataforma para visualização geo-temporal de apinhamento turístico
Comunicação em evento científico
Artificial Intelligence and Extended Reality in Retail: Where Are We Going?
Comunicação em evento científico
Transição energética participativa: capacitar os jovens através do projeto SMART2B
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O Arquivo dos Portos de Lisboa, Setúbal e Sesimbra, e o arquitecto Paulo Henrique de Carvalho e Cunha (1909-1995)
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7th APEEN Conference / Energy Economics International Conference
Comunicação em evento científico
energy transition in Europe XVII- XX century.
Comunicação em evento científico
Overshadowed Leadership: The grey areas of leadership malpractice
Comunicação em evento científico
De zona industrial à gentrificação e suas implicações. Duzentos anos da história de Alcântara
Comunicação em evento científico
Os processos de industrialização de Alcântara e do Beato numa perspetiva comparada
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História e memórias do bairro do Beato – de finais de oitocentos até aos anos 70 do século XX
Comunicação em evento científico
Dois séculos na história de Alcântara: de importante zona industrial na cidade de Lisboa à gentrificação
Comunicação em evento científico
Port request classification automation through NLP
Comunicação em evento científico
Enhancing Sustainability within Portugal's Ornamental Stone Industry 4.0 Ecosystem Supply Chain
Comunicação em evento científico
Enhancing Sustainability within Portugal's Ornamental Stone Industry 4.0 Ecosystem Supply Chain.
Comunicação em evento científico
How to create value through History? A past with a future
Comunicação em evento científico
Investigação, tradição e inovação em Arquitetura. O Plano de Salvaguarda do núcleo antigo de Sacavém, da metodologia à realidade.
Comunicação em evento científico
Outras publicações
Enhancing sustainability within Portugal's ornamental stone industry's industry 4.0 ecosystem supply chain
Outras publicações
An intelligent systems approach for early illness symptoms detection: AIM (your) Health
Editor de revista científica
Data Privacy, Security, and Trust in New Technological Trends
Methodologies for improving technology decision making for sustainable socio-economic development
MCDM/A and AI as drivers of innovation and entrepreneurship: editorial note
(Re)defining Entrepreneurship in a Post-Pandemic Context
Artigo de revisão
Software development analytics in practice: A systematic literature review
Artigo de revisão
Model-driven engineering techniques and tools for machine learning-enabled IoT applications: A scoping review
Artigo de revisão
Intelligent process automation and business continuity: Areas for future research
Artigo de revisão
Data science, machine learning and big data in digital journalism: A survey of state-of-the-art, challenges and opportunities
Artigo de revisão
ESG maturity: A software framework for the challenges of ESG data in investment
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
How to Design S&OP Process Steps? The Case of Global Manufacturing Organizations
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
Portugal’s footwear industry: Looking for sustainability practices
Dissertação de Mestrado
Smart Tourism Toolkit for Crowd-monitoring Solutions
Tese de Doutoramento
A New Way of Performing Inspection Plans using Computer Vision and Deep Learning Algorithms
Periódico generalista
O modelo tecnológico do Digital Twin
D 2 7 Satisfaction analysis
Toolkit for implementing tourism crowd detection solutions
European Smart Tourism Tools Observatory
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Influence control method on directed weighted signed graphs with deterministic causality
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Banking digitalization: (re)thinking strategies and trends using problem structuring methods
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Effects of absorptive capacity and innovation spillover on manufacturing flexibility
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Past, present, and future of pro-environmental behavior in tourism and hospitality: a text-mining approach
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Too old for technology? Stereotype threat and technology use by older adults
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Post-pandemic recovery strategies: revitalizing lifestyle entrepreneurship
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Non-sponsored brand-related user-generated content: Effects and mechanisms of consumer engagement
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Asset classification under the IFRS 9 framework for the construction of a banking investment portfolio
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Knowledge management visualisation in regional innovation system collaborative decision-making
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Queue-priority optimized algorithm: a novel task scheduling for runtime systems of application integration platforms
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Code smells detection and visualization: A systematic literature review
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Masstige strategies on social media: The influence on sentiments and attitude toward the brand
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An examination of the influence of emotional solidarity on value cocreation with international muslim travelers
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Using profanity and negative sentiments: An analysis of ultimate fighting championship fighters’ trash talk on fans’ social media engagement and viewership habits
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Creative Tourism and Mobile Apps: A Comparative Study of Usability, Functionality and Creativity of Travel Apps
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Non‐linear internationalization processes in Portugal: Evidence across retail, construction and software development industries
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A distributed Monte Carlo based linear algebra solver applied to the analysis of large complex networks
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Enhancing strategic management using a “quantified VRIO”: adding value with the MCDA approach
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The role of commitment amongst tourists and intelligent virtual assistants
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Insights from sentiment analysis to leverage local tourism business in restaurants
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What makes organizations unique? Looking inside the box
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Developing a Commercial Ethics Framework for Analysing Marketing Campaigns
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Task scheduling characterisation in enterprise application integration
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You are only mine: Engage with voice assistant while find destinations and accommodations
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Transhumanism and engagement-facilitating technologies in society
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Data and text mining from online reviews: a literature analysis
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Unveiling process insights from refactoring practices
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Crowdsmelling: A preliminary study on using collective knowledge in code smells detection
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Analyzing Madeira and Bermuda as two different destinations: A text mining approach
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Robust relation between public procurement for innovation and economic development
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Cheating at the top: Trait dominance explains dishonesty more consistently than social power
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Selecting services in the cloud: a decision support methodology focused on infrastructure-as-a-service context
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Revisiting small- and medium-sized enterprises’ innovation and resilience during COVID-19: The tourism sector
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Now I can see: How brand interactions influence channel loyalty and purchase intention in optical physical stores
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Determinants of sovereign debt ratings in clusters of European countries – effects of the crisis
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Pricing and hedging bond options and sinking-fund bonds under the CIR model
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Artificial intelligence, digital transformation and cybersecurity in the banking sector: A multi-stakeholder cognition-driven framework
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Automatic detection of Acacia longifolia invasive species based on UAV-acquired aerial imagery
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Lifestyle entrepreneurship innovation and self‐efficacy: Exploring the direct and indirect effects of marshaling
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Strategic sustainability integration: Merging management tools to support business model decisions
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Exploring a new form of interaction in the Match Day: Virtual Reality Technologies among Fans of Soccer
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Data analytics process over road accidents data—A case study of Lisbon city
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Gibbs sampling detection for large MIMO and MTC uplinks with adaptive modulation
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Marketing communication and creative tourism: An analysis of the local destination management organization
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The determinants of risk reporting during the period of adoption of Basel II Accord: Evidence from the Portuguese commercial banks
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A data-driven approach to improve customer churn prediction based on telecom customer segmentation
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Generating personalized business card designs from images
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People-centered Distributed Ledger Technology-IoT architectures: A systematic literature review
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Stick or Twist – The raise of blockchain applications in marketing management
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Neuroscience research in consumer behavior: A review and future research agenda
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Risk reporting: Do country-level institutional forces really matter?
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Impediments of green finance adoption system: Linking economy and environment
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The impact of Instagram influencer marketing in the restaurant industry
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Contabilidade e tecnologias emergentes: Tendências na profissão, educação e modelo de negócio das empresas de contabilidade
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Modelos de negócio das empresas de contabilidade face à disrupção tecnológica: Uma proposta de possibilidades
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Partners we can trust: the role of employee engagement influencing partnerships’ relationship quality in the voluntary sector
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Short-reach MCF-based systems employing KK Receivers and feedforward neural networks for ICXT mitigation
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A blockchain ontology for DApps development
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Fostering destination creativity through tourism lifestyle entrepreneurship: Exploring the moderating effect of financial orientation
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The electric vehicle and renewable energy: Changes in boundary conditions that enhance business model innovations
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Exploring tourism students’ engagement through telepresence, pleasantness of the experience and memory: A virtual reality approach
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The role of creative communications and gamification in customer engagement in higher education: A sentiment analysis approach
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Tasting the Port Wine Cellar experience: what features please the most?
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The rise of 5G technologies and systems: A quantitative analysis of knowledge production
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The role of social media in the proliferation and promotion of brand activism
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Analysis of nanosciences and nanotechnology and their applications
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Outlining maritime cabotage public policies for the Brazilian transport system
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Close-range photogrammetry for 3D rock joint roughness evaluation
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Managing communication and participation in Canary Island firms
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Continuity of use of food delivery apps: An integrated approach to the health belief model and the technology readiness and acceptance model
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Beyond organisational borders: The soft power of innovation in the health sector; comment on what managers find important for implementation of innovations in the healthcare sector – Practice through six management perspectives
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Meaning of luxury in hospitality: An analysis of multiple destinations
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Feasibility of bone fracture detection using microwave imaging
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The impact of COVID-19 on tourism: Analysis of online reviews in the airlines sector
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What are Airbnb hosts advertising? A longitudinal essay in Lisbon
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Too much of two good things: Explicating the limited complementarity between drivers of MNC Headquarters’ absorptive capacity
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Inclusive tourism: Assessing the accessibility of Lisbon as a tourist destination
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The influence of experiential marketing on customer satisfaction and loyalty
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A BWM approach to determinants of sustainable entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises
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Automated android malware detection using user feedback
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Qatar's multi-actors sports strategy: Diplomacy, critics and legitimisation
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Herd It in the Gobi: Deserting pastoralism?
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Examining Airbnb guest satisfaction tendencies: A text mining approach
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Exploring the direct and indirect influence of perceived organizational support on affective organizational commitment
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Greater than the sum: On regulating innovation in electricity distribution networks with externalities
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DD-OOK multicore fiber systems impaired by intercore crosstalk and laser phase noise
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Enhancing innovation culture: The case of multinational advertising agency VMLY&R Lisboa
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“Not storing the samples it’s certainly not a good service for patients”: Constructing the Biobank as a health place
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Learning low-dimensional semantics for music and language via multi-subject fMRI
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Types of policies for the joint diffusion of electric vehicles with renewable energies and their use worldwide
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Assessing the quality of transmission of lightpaths in multiband C+L networks through Gaussian noise models
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Integration process simulator: A tool for performance evaluation of task scheduling of integration processes
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Grid-based vessel deviation from route identification with unsupervised learning
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Luxury tourism: where we go from now?
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Supporting collaboration and knowledge sharing in building SLEs for ageing well: Using cognitive mapping in KMS design
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Cash holdings: International evidence
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Encouraging brand attachment on consumer behaviour: Pet-friendly tourism segment
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Use of blockchain technology to manage the supply chains: Comparison of perspectives between technology providers and early industry adopters
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Intellectual capital of technology-based incubators
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Artigo em revista científica
Integrative model of the leader competences
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The Impact of Technology and Change Management on Value Proposition Innovation: An Iranian Study
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Culture, heritage looting, and tourism: A text mining review approach
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Achieving brand engagement and brand equity through co-creation process
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Borders and transit countries: The re-territorialization of Middle East pipelines
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Digital informed consent: Possibilities and challenges in biobanks for health research
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Toward a dynamic capabilities’ diffusion model for international business headway of SMEs: Evidence from the metallurgic and metal-mechanic (MMI) sectors
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New developments in round robin algorithms and their applications: A systematic mapping study
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The impact of digital transformation on media industry
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Mobility, precarity and productivity: The uncertain expansion and migration of science in Portugal
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Regions and trademarks: Research opportunities and policy insights from leveraging trademarks in regional innovation studies
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PADRES: Tool for PrivAcy, Data REgulation and Security
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Towards ubiquitous requirements engineering through recommendations based on context histories
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An Architecture for Managing Data Privacy in Healthcare with Blockchain
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Performance Evaluation Analysis of Spark Streaming Backpressure for Data-Intensive Pipelines
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Improving Speaker Recognition in Environmental Noise With Adaptive Filter
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Artificial Intelligence of Things Applied to Assistive Technology: A Systematic Literature Review
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Optimal design of electrical power distribution grid spacers using finite element method
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Wavelet LSTM for Fault Forecasting in Electrical Power Grids
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Fault Prediction Based on Leakage Current in Contaminated Insulators Using Enhanced Time Series Forecasting Models
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Low-Cost CNN for Automatic Violence Recognition on Embedded System
Autor de livro
Internacionalização de empresas em Portugal - Estudos de caso.
Autor de livro
Jogos Sérios - A Arte de Gamificar
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Introdução aos Sistemas de Informação Organizacionais - 2ª Edição
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Ir para fora: Expatriação e mobilidade internacional de trabalhadores em Portugal.
Editor de livro
Recent Advances in Mathematical Research and Computer Science Vol. 9
Editor de livro
5th EAI International Conference, INTSYS 2021 Virtual Event, November 24–26, 2021 Proceedings
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Novel Research Aspects in Mathematical and Computer Science Vol. 4
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Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA 2021)
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Research Highlights in Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 1
Editor de livro
71 Vozes pela Competitividade - É Obrigatório Crescer
Capítulo de livro
Feeling economy
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Relating National Intellectual Capital with Resilience, Reliability, Sustainability and Reputation of Countries
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Organisational Resilience in the Digital Age: Management Strategies and Practices
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Relational Capital and Organisational Resilience
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Introduction to Resilience in a Digital Age
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Data mining and predictive analytics for E-tourism
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University Digital Engagement of Students
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Study about Riccati equation in an infinite servers queue system with poisson arrivals occupation study
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Supporting Situational Awareness on Aviation Pilots: Key Insights Affecting the Use of Electronic Flight Bags Devices
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Challenges and opportunities of decarbonization for the economic recovery post-pandemic: The question of directionality in innovation policies
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Does Fifth Industrial Revolution Benefit or Trouble the Global Civil Society?
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Migration decision-making, mobility capital and reflexive learning
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Introduction: The intermittency of youth migration
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Celta: Knowledge Building Model for Business Incubators
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Industry and Tech Competencies in Hospitality Sector: Higher Education Students’ Perceptions
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Descarbonização: quatro estratégias para passar à acção
Capítulo de livro
O impacto organizacional e social das tecnologias emergentes: o caso das blockchains
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Virtual wine tourism experiences
Capítulo de livro
Challenges and opportunities of decarbonization for the economic recovery post-pandemic: The question of directionality in innovation policies
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Game theory for cooperation in multi-access edge computing
Capítulo de livro
Activism in the age of mediated communication: The impact of new media on the development of activist movements
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Active mobility perception from an intersectional perspective: Insights from two European cities
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Sensing the impact of COVID-19 restrictions from online reviews: The cases of London and Paris unveiled through text mining
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Impact of physical layer impairments on C+L-band metro networks
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Exploring the tabu search algorithm as a graph coloring technique for wavelength assignment in optical networks
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Digital transformation framework: A bibliometric approach
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EV battery degradation: A data mining approach
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How cool is to be engaged with Drunk Elephant? An analysis of usergenerated content campaigns on Instagram
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Cost, power consumption and performance analysis in SDM ROADM architectures for uncoupled spatial channels
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Performance analysis of a graph coloring algorithm for wavelength assignment in dynamic optical networks
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Impact of traffic load and spectral occupancy on Gaussian noise models performance for multiband networks
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Encouraging wine storytelling in the tourist experience: A preliminary study
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Rumo à definição de ‘Product Data Templates’ nacionais para aplicação generalizada em contexto BIM: Esforços da CT197
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Projeto SECCLASS: O desenvolvimento de um sistema de classificação da construção com componente de sustentabilidade adaptado ao BIM
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Desafios BIM na implementação do plano geral de drenagem de Lisboa
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An application of Preference-Inspired Co-Evolutionary Algorithm to sectorization
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Dynamic sectorization-conceptualization and application
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An information system for air quality monitoring using mobile sensor networks
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Modelo preditivo das insolvências: O contributo da auditoria financeira externa
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In times of pandemic - How generation XYZ looks digital banking
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What if we took a holiday?: Enriching advertising with intelligent voice assistants
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Collaborative filtering for mobile application recommendation with implicit feedback
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Classification of public administration complaints
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Conceptual dimensions in technology use and acceptance models
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Decentralized workload adaptive control plane for edge software-defined networked systems
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Gutenbrain: An architecture for equipment technical attributes extraction from Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams
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The CREATOUR® project as a learning laboratory: Reflections of a research team
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The use of artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry: Understanding customer service interactions with smart speakers
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Implications of new technologies on consumer engagement
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The Portuguese National Laboratory of Civil Engineering and the assemble of an architectural research agenda for the promotion of 1960’s-70’s Lisbon new residential neighbourhoods
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EU ETS effects on emissions of European Union industries
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ICXT characterization in WC-MCFs and its impact on the performance of OOK-DD systems
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Algoritmo baseado em aprendizado de máquina para alocação de núcleo em redes ópticas elásticas com multiplexação espacial
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Developing a research agenda for digital accessibility in multinational enterprises
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Assessing different monoblock dielectric implementations of a low profile beam steering transmitarray for 3D printing
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Organizational resilience factors of startups: An exploratory case study
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Development of Plan S monitoring and compliance tool in the context of PTCRIS for Portuguese National Science Foundation
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Start project management from Scratch in an ICT department of a public higher education organization: How to manage change?
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URLLC with coded massive MIMO via random linear codes and GRAND
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Employment of artificial intelligence mechanisms for e-Health systems in order to obtain vital signs improving the processes of online consultations and diagnosis
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IoT system for the validation of conditions in shipping couriers
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Interoperability between information systems concerning electronic records of patients
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Wearable devices for health remote monitor system
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Remote health monitoring system for the elderly based on mobile computing and IoT
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Sustainable gardens for smart cities using low-power communications
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Using quantitative methodologies to conduct a systematic review in social sciences: Proknowk-C and Ordinatio Method in the theme “Financialization in Corporate Governance”
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AI powered social commerce technology and customer experience: A systematic literature review
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How veganism impacts tourists attitudes toward tourism destinations: An empirical study
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Wavelet compression and transmission of deformable surfaces over networks
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Adoção dos hubs de marketing multicanal nas empresas a operar em Portugal: Uma proposta de investigação
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MIXDesign, tangible mixed reality for architectural design
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Simulating e-garments dressed on personalised avatars
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Definição da interface de utilizador para co-design de habitação personalizada
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loT system for the validation of conditions in shipping couriers
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MOOC on 'Ultra-dense Networks for 5G and its Evolution': Challenges and lessons learned
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An architectural proposal to protect the privacy of health data stored in the blockchain
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Analysis of MQTT-SN and LWM2M communication protocols for precision agriculture IoT devices
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Intelligent Transport Systems 5th EAI International Conference, INTSYS 2021, Virtual Event, November 24-26, 2021, Proceedings
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Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: 15th International Conference, PROPOR 2022, Fortaleza, Brazil, March 21–23, 2022, Proceedings
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Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance ECMLG 2022
Working paper
Nanotechnology Applications The future arrived suddenly
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Ethical Considerations on Nanotechnology
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Study about a Differential Equation in an Infinite Servers Queue System with Poisson Arrivals Busy Cycle Distribution Study
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Solutions to Current Problems Arising from ICEV Use Environments
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Separation Theorems in Hilbert Spaces as Bases of Convex Programming
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Busy Period and Busy Cycle Distributions and Parameters for a Particular M/G/oo Queue System
Working paper
Some Considerations on Orthogonality, Strict Separation Theorems and Applications in Hilbert Spaces
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Implementing and Solving Games with Best Payoff Method
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Solving Logistics’ Problems Through an Infinite Servers Queue Systems Approach
Working paper
Results and Applications in Statistical Queuing Theory
Working paper
Nanotechnology Applications in Industry and Medicine
Working paper
The Hahn-Banach Theorem in Convex Optimization
Working paper
Why a New Representation Model for Games
Working paper
M|M|∞ Busy Period and Busy Cycle Distribution Functions Bounds
Working paper
Transient Behavior of the M /G / m and M /G/oo Systems
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A Topological Approach to Consumer Theory
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Evaluating the M|D|∞ Queue Busy Cycle Distribution
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Game Theory, the Science of Strategy
Working paper
Occupation Study of a Surgery Service Through a Queues Model
Working paper
A Collection of Service Time Distributions Parameters Study and Impact in M|G|∞ System Busy Period and Busy Cycle Length Distributions
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Optimization Tools in Management and Finance
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A Methodological Note on the Study of Queuing Networks
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Poisson Arrivals, Exponential Service Time, and Infinite Servers Queue Busy Period and Busy Cycle Distribution Function Bounds
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Some Notes on Weak Convergence in Hilbert Spaces
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Considerations on M|G|∞ Queue Busy Period Variance
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M|G|∞ Queue Busy Cycle Renewal Function
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Algorithm to Compute the Global Service Time Distribution in an Open Network of Mginf Queues Through Laplace Transforms
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A Specific M|G|∞ Queue System Busy Period and Busy Cycle Distributions and Parameters
Recensão de obra em revista
Reseña de: RICHARD, Nicolas, Zelda Alice Franceschi y Lorena Córdoba (eds.): La misión de la máquina. Técnica, extractivismo y conversión en las tierras bajas sudamericanas, (Bolonia, Bonomia University Press: 2021), 283 pp.
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EU ETS Effects on Emissions of European Union Industries
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Decentralized Workload Adaptive Control Plane for Edge Software-Defined Networked Systems
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Automatic Generation of Humor for Social Robots
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A Machine Learning Approach For Mapping And Accelerating Multiple Sclerosis Research
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O repertório profissional na produção de dados etnográficos: o caso de uma pesquisa num biobanco para a investigação em saúde [The professional repertoire in the production of ethnographic data: a research-case in a biobank]
Comunicação em evento científico
Collecting bioinformation for the future: an ethnography in a biobank for biomedical research
Comunicação em evento científico
A saúde armazenada - O biobanco na reconfiguração da saúde na sociedade contemporânea [Storing health - the biobank in the reconfiguration of health in the contemporary society]
Comunicação em evento científico
Gestão de informação em Biobancos: problemas e constrangimentos na recolha de informação de qualidade [Data Management in Biobanks: problems and hinders in the quality of data collection]
Comunicação em evento científico
Perception of the Implementation of Blockchain Technology in Portuguese Supply Chains
Comunicação em evento científico
Organizational Resilience Factors of Startups: Exploratory Case Study
Comunicação em evento científico
Development of Plan S monitoring and compliance tool in the context of PTCRIS for Portuguese National Science Foundation
Comunicação em evento científico
A Ciência da Ciência: Sistema de Indicadores do Ecossistema C&T
Comunicação em evento científico
Dynamic sectorization-conceptualization and application
Comunicação em evento científico
An Application of Preference-Inspired Co-Evolutionary Algorithm to Sectorization
Comunicação em evento científico
Using quantitative methodologies to conduct a systematic review in social sciences – Proknowk-C and Ordinatio Method
Comunicação em evento científico
The Timeless Cork Design in Portugal: on the Cutting Edge of Sustainability
Comunicação em evento científico
Building a Web System for Sectorization
Comunicação em evento científico
Dynamic Sectorization with time changing demand
Comunicação em evento científico
The circularity endeavour in the Ornamental Stone sector
Comunicação em evento científico
Mining and Simulation for Process-Aware Information Systems
Comunicação em evento científico
Modelos de Negócio das Empresas de Contabilidade Face à Disrupção Tecnológica: Uma Proposta de Possibilidades
Comunicação em evento científico
Adoção dos hubs de marketing multicanal nas empresas a operar em Portugal: uma proposta de investigação
Outras publicações
Armazenar a Saúde: a dimensão social da produção do conhecimento científico
Outras publicações
O sextante de Gago Coutinho
Outras publicações
Policy Brief: Aumentar os impactos transformadores das inovações sustentáveis - evidência das tecnologias de energia renovável marinha
Outras publicações
An intelligent systems approach for early illness symptoms detection: AIM (your) Health
Editor de revista científica
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Special issue on information systems quality management in practice
Editorial: Developing Lifestyle Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Destinations
Theory generation from literature reviews: A methodological guidance
Artigo de revisão
Transformational leadership and team performance in sports teams: A conditional indirect model
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
Development of Plan S monitoring and compliance tool in the context of PTCRIS for Portuguese National Science Foundation
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
An overview of circular economy in Portuguese SMEs of ornamental stone sector: how the current challenges shape the plans for the future
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
From sustainability transitions to system transformations—Towards a theory of transformative change
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
The circularity endeavour in the ornamental stone sector
Periódico generalista
Transparência algorítmica e comportamento do consumidor.
D2.1 Plan for Data Collection
D2.3 Gap analysis
D2.6 Promote co-creation and innovation
Plano Estratégico Transfronteiriço para os Subsectores "Produção e Turismo Cultural"
Artigo em revista científica
Intangibles as innovative drivers for competitive businesses
Artigo em revista científica
Measuring SMEs’ propensity for open innovation using cognitive mapping and MCDA
Artigo em revista científica
Is this the beginning of the end for retail websites? A professional perspective
Artigo em revista científica
Developing a composite index for intrapreneurial orientation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a comprehensive dual methodology
Artigo em revista científica
Online dating apps as a marketing channel: a generational approach
Artigo em revista científica
Strategizing sustainability in the banking industry using fuzzy cognitive maps and system dynamics
Artigo em revista científica
Industry competition and non-GAAP disclosures
Artigo em revista científica
Virtual reality and gamification in marketing higher education: A review and research agenda
Artigo em revista científica
Autonomic emotional responses to food: private label brands versus national brands
Artigo em revista científica
Fostering long-term care planning in practice: extending objectives and advancing stochastic treatment within location-allocation modelling
Artigo em revista científica
An integrated model to explain online review helpfulness in hospitality
Artigo em revista científica
A cloud-based integration platform for enterprise application integration: a model-driven engineering approach
Artigo em revista científica
The influence of brand experiences on consumer-based brand equity
Artigo em revista científica
Implementation of eco-innovation in hotels: A dynamic capabilities approach
Artigo em revista científica
Artificial intelligence in business: state of the art and future research agenda
Artigo em revista científica
Humor–robot interaction: a scoping review of the literature and future directions
Artigo em revista científica
Digital transformation: towards new research themes and collaborations yet to be explored
Artigo em revista científica
Transforming local knowledge into lifestyle entrepreneur’s innovativeness: exploring the linear and quadratic relationships
Artigo em revista científica
A data-driven approach to measure restaurant performance by combining online reviews with historical sales data
Artigo em revista científica
Water scarcity and sustainability in an emerging economy: a management perspective for future
Artigo em revista científica
Selecting lifestyle entrepreneurship recovery strategies: a response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Artigo em revista científica
Two decades on the MACBETH approach: a bibliometric analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Evaluation of a dielectric-only transmitarray for generating multi-focusing near-field spots using a cluster of feeds in the Ka-Band
Artigo em revista científica
Retaining tourism lifestyle entrepreneurs for destination competitiveness
Artigo em revista científica
The study of events approach applied to the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the performance of consulting engineering companies
Artigo em revista científica
Outage probability due to crosstalk from multiple interfering cores in PAM4 inter-datacenter connections
Artigo em revista científica
3D IoT dystem for environmental and energy consumption monitoring system
Artigo em revista científica
Smart home power management system for electric vehicle battery charger and electrical appliance control
Artigo em revista científica
Analysing students’ engagement in higher education through transmedia and Learning Management Systems: a text mining approach
Artigo em revista científica
Past, present, and future research on self-service merchandising: A co-word and text mining approach
Artigo em revista científica
A novel reputation system for mobile app stores using blockchain
Artigo em revista científica
Designing aviation networks under Public Service Obligations (PSO): A case study in Greece
Artigo em revista científica
Blockchain technology as an enabler of consumer trust: a text mining literature analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Instagram: A gimmick or a serious reputation builder in the airline business?
Artigo em revista científica
Contestation to the European Union on nuclear non-proliferation
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Estrategias y preservación del patrimonio industrial y ferroviario: convivencia y conflicto entre patrimonios
Artigo em revista científica
Air-travelers' concerns emerging from online comments during the COVID-19 outbreak
Artigo em revista científica
Outage probability due to intercore crosstalk from multiple cores in short-reach networks
Artigo em revista científica
CDC ROADM design tradeoffs due to physical layer impairments in optical networks
Artigo em revista científica
A microservice-based framework for exploring data selection for cross-building knowledge transfer
Artigo em revista científica
Sustainability practices in hospitality: Case study of a luxury hotel in Arrábida Natural Park
Artigo em revista científica
An exploratory study of Western firms’ failure in the Chinese market: a network theory perspective
Artigo em revista científica
An ontology knowledge inspection methodology for quality assessment and continuous improvement
Artigo em revista científica
Light field image coding with flexible viewpoint scalability and random access
Artigo em revista científica
Bike-sharing mobility patterns: a data-driven analysis for the city of Lisbon
Artigo em revista científica
How escapism leads to behavioral intention in a virtual reality store with background music?
Artigo em revista científica
Initial coin offerings: An emergent research area
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Is the relation between non-controlling interests and parent companies misleading?
Artigo em revista científica
An intelligent system to ensure interoperability for the dairy farm business model
Artigo em revista científica
Stand by me: analyzing the tourist–intelligent voice assistant relationship quality
Artigo em revista científica
Does directed technological change favor energy? Firm-level evidence from Portugal
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Massive wireless energy transfer with statistical CSI beamforming
Artigo em revista científica
A low-complexity beamforming design for multiuser wireless energy transfer
Artigo em revista científica
A queda dos preços do petróleo e a sua influência na dinâmica transfronteiriça Oshikango-Santa Clara
Artigo em revista científica
Energy paradoxes
Artigo em revista científica
Musical control gestures in mobile handheld devices: Design guidelines informed by daily user experience
Artigo em revista científica
Air quality mapping and visualisation: An affordable solution based on a vehicle-mounted sensor network
Artigo em revista científica
Analyzing passenger behavior in airport terminals based on activity preferences
Artigo em revista científica
Measuring market-sensing capabilities for new product development success
Artigo em revista científica
Commentary: Attitudes of local population of tourism development impacts: Evidence from Czechia
Artigo em revista científica
Intelligent transportation systems for electric vehicles
Artigo em revista científica
Inter-sectoral relations to accelerate the formation of technological innovation systems: determinants of actors’ entry into marine renewable energy technologies
Artigo em revista científica
Unleashing the industrial transformative capacity of innovations
Artigo em revista científica
Cognitive functioning mediates the relationship between self-perceptions of aging and computer use behavior in late adulthood: Evidence from two longitudinal studies
Artigo em revista científica
Internet use by middle-aged and older adults: Longitudinal relationships with functional ability, social support, and self-perceptions of aging
Artigo em revista científica
A modular web-based software solution for mobile networks planning, operation and optimization
Artigo em revista científica
Podcasts no jornalismo português – O caso P24
Artigo em revista científica
Improving the accuracy of predicting bank depositor' behavior using decision tree
Artigo em revista científica
ALFO: Adaptive light field over-segmentation
Artigo em revista científica
Remote Gait type classification system using markerless 2D video
Artigo em revista científica
Core predictors of debt specialization: A new insight to optimal capital structure
Artigo em revista científica
Assessing efficiency in public service obligations in European air transport using data envelopment analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Preliminary validation of the European Portuguese version of the Robotic Social Attributes Scale (RoSAS)
Artigo em revista científica
Mining electric vehicle adoption of users
Artigo em revista científica
eWOM for public institutions: application to the case of the Portuguese Army
Artigo em revista científica
Eco-innovation and emissions trading: A sector analysis for European countries
Artigo em revista científica
Willingness to stay of tourism lifestyle entrepreneurs: A configurational perspective
Artigo em revista científica
Implications of international cooperation on environmental protection: The case of agricultural sector of Mexico
Artigo em revista científica
Study of freezing and defrosting effects on complex permittivity of biological tissues
Artigo em revista científica
Knowledge Sharing in Catholic Organizations
Artigo em revista científica
Exploring the role of norms and habit in explaining pro-environmental behavior intentions in situations of use robots and AI agents as providers in tourism sector
Artigo em revista científica
Modeling energy prices under energy transition: A novel stochastic-copula approach
Artigo em revista científica
Novos produtores de média? O perfil do produtor de podcasts português
Artigo em revista científica
Free mobility, locked rights: the posting of construction workers from Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Investigating context factors in the strategic management of corporate sustainability integration
Artigo em revista científica
Aplicação das redes neuronais artificiais para classificação das operações de perfuração: O caso de poços deepwater de exploração e produção
Artigo em revista científica
Cloud Gaming: uma revisão da literatura
Artigo em revista científica
Application of a green banking performance index to Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Assessing kinetic meaning of music and dance via deep cross-modal retrieval
Artigo em revista científica
Performance evaluation of thread pool configurations in the run-time systems of integration platforms
Artigo em revista científica
Lisbon as a literary tourism site: ?ssays of a digital map of Pessoa as a new trigger
Artigo em revista científica
ESIF policies and their impact on the development of EU members: A review and research agenda
Artigo em revista científica
The potential of big data research in healthcare for medical doctors’ learning
Artigo em revista científica
Decision-Making and Negotiation in Innovation & Research in Information Science
Artigo em revista científica
When time flies: How timelessness determines creative process engagement
Artigo em revista científica
CoDEC: Connected Data For Road Infrastructure Asset Management
Artigo em revista científica
Calcium identification and scoring based on echocardiography. An exploratory study on aortic valve stenosis
Artigo em revista científica
Smart cities: Data-driven solutions to understand disruptive problems in transportation—The Lisbon case study
Artigo em revista científica
Machine learning approaches to bike-sharing systems: A systematic literature review
Artigo em revista científica
The link between interpersonal and interorganisational networking: The role of start-up members' achievement-related affect
Artigo em revista científica
Efficiency and scalability of Multi-Lane Capsule Networks (MLCN)
Artigo em revista científica
Long short-term memory stacking model to predict the number of cases and deaths caused by COVID-19
Artigo em revista científica
Singular Spectrum Analysis for Source Separation in Drone-Based Audio Recording
Artigo em revista científica
Machine Learning and IoT Applied to Cardiovascular Diseases Identification through Heart Sounds: A Literature Review
Artigo em revista científica
Classification of Contaminated Insulators Using k-Nearest Neighbors Based on Computer Vision
Artigo em revista científica
An Algorithm to Minimize Energy Consumption and Elapsed Time for IoT Workloads in a Hybrid Architecture
Artigo em revista científica
Hybrid Wavelet Stacking Ensemble Model for Insulators Contamination Forecasting
Artigo em revista científica
Ambient Intelligence Based on IoT for Assisting People with Alzheimer’s Disease Through Context Histories
Artigo em revista científica
Performance and Security Evaluation on a Blockchain Architecture for License Plate Recognition Systems
Artigo em revista científica
A Study of Multilayer Perceptron Networks Applied to Classification of Ceramic Insulators Using Ultrasound
Artigo em revista científica
IndoorPlant: A Model for Intelligent Services in Indoor Agriculture Based on Context Histories
Artigo em revista científica
Multispectral Cameras and Machine Learning Integrated into Portable Devices as Clay Prediction Technology
Artigo em revista científica
A Multi-Start Algorithm for Solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Two-Dimensional Loading Constraints
Artigo em revista científica
A Literature Review on Intelligent Services Applied to Distance Learning
Artigo em revista científica
A la carte globalism: On firm internationalization in Portugal.
Artigo em revista científica
Asymmetric electron energy loss in drift-current biased graphene
Autor de livro
A utilização de tecnologias digitais por educadores de infância e crianças que frequentam a educação pré-escolar, em Portugal
Editor de livro
Theory and Practice of Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 7
Editor de livro
Intelligent Transport Systems, From Research and Development to the Market Uptake 4th EAI International Conference, INTSYS 2020, Virtual Event, December 3, 2020, Proceedings
Editor de livro
New Ideas Concerning Science and Technology Vol. 10
Editor de livro
Current Topics on Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 4
Editor de livro
Current Topics on Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 9
Editor de livro
Recent Advances in Mathematical Research and Computer Science Vol. 4
Editor de livro
Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Development: Pursuing Economic Growth, Environmental Protection and Social Cohesion
Editor de livro
67 Vozes por Portugal: a Grande Oportunidade
Capítulo de livro
Introduction: The intermittency of youth migration
Capítulo de livro
‘There is no me, there is only us’: The erasmus bubble as a transient form of transnational collectivity
Capítulo de livro
Business model design: Novelty and efficiency
Capítulo de livro
The role of mental imagery as driver to purchase intentions in a virtual supermarket
Capítulo de livro
Computing customers sojourn times in Jackson networks distribution functions and moments
Capítulo de livro
Empathy and prosociality in social agents
Capítulo de livro
Supporting sustainable development using multiple criteria decision aid: Towards an age-friendly smart living environment
Capítulo de livro
Valuation of deferred tax assets using a closed form solution
Capítulo de livro
Urban form and urban metabolism: Recent research and academic trends conducted at the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
Capítulo de livro
Wine traceability and counterfeit reduction: Blockchain-based application for a wine supply chain
Capítulo de livro
Working towards mobility
Capítulo de livro
HRM in the tourism industry: inferences from research
Capítulo de livro
Commitment to social responsibility in a third sector organization: The case of alfazema flower
Capítulo de livro
Novas formas de trabalho: Evoluções e desafios
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Creating memories and engagement in college student through virtual reality
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Graph coloring heuristics for optical networks planning
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Exploring future large-scale ROADM architectures
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Research trends in customer churn prediction: A data mining approach
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Advanced technical textiles and materials in defence: is the EU up to the chalenge?
Publicação em atas de evento científico
SLFS: Semi-supervised light-field foreground-background segmentation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The effect of artificial intelligence-based services on tourist’s satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Does tourist’s engagement influence destination loyalty? An analysis of Turismo do Centro de Portugal
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Action research methodology as a knowledge transition strategy
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Deteção de manipulação de resultados e seu impacto nos fundos europeus: Uma abordagem analítica
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Predictive models for managing financial incentives oriented to companies: Application to Portugal 2020
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Inspiring social creativity in children with a digital tool
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Opportunities for economic revitalization through inter-industrial relationships: The case of blue economy
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Blockchain technology and traceability in the wine supply chain industry
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The impact of artificial intelligence on innovation management: A literature review
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Understanding how additive manufacturing influences organizations’ strategy in knowledge economy
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Vulnerability assessment of Angolan university web applications
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Content creation for voice assistants and smart speakers: A challenge for non-English language media
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Exploring social interaction of AI robot on employee engagement
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Comparison of slot-based and Vivaldia antennas for breast tumor detection using machine learning and microwave imaging algorithms
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Transmit-array antenna with aberration-free wide-angle scanning using mechanical in-plane movements
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A study on the sensitivity of microwave imaging for detecting small-width bone fractures
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Rediscovering modern ‘civil architecture’: The case of Bela Vista neighbourhood in Setúbal
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New core and spectrum balancing algorithms for space division multiplexed elastic optical networks
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Um novo algoritmo ciente de crosstalk para alocação de núcleo e espectro em redes ópticas elásticas multi-núcleos
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Co-working spaces and cultural differences
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Developing personas and proto personas to enhance the art museum visitor experience
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The multidisciplinary role of cultural management. A look for communication as management tool and key-activity
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The multidisciplinary role of cultural management: A look for communication as management tool and key-activity
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The business model through an ecosystem perspective: An exploratory approach applied to a cultural card
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Remote Monitor System for Alzheimer disease
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Data-driven disaster management in a smart city
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Análise da relação entre a servant leadership e a criatividade: O papel da motivação intrínseca e do job crafting
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Gun model classification based on fired cartridge case head images with siamese networks
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Knowledge in transition in an industrial company
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The influence of the CSR Committee in firms’ financial and non-financial performance: evidence from France, Germany, and the UK
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Sistema de orientação para o interior de edifícios: Solução visual de localização
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Zarabatana, uma interface tangível para ambientes de entretenimento em realidade aumentada
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Tree on Mars, an immersive virtual reality experience
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Infrared tracking system for immersive virtual environments
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Experiência de realidade virtual imersiva no ambiente CaveHollowspace do Lousal
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Pintarolas, a tangible sketch application
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The Arena: An indoor mixed reality space
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Tecnologias CAVE-HOLLOWSPACE para a Mina do Lousal
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Crystal ball, virtual gallery C reation system for immersive environments
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Image manipulation through gestures
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Elaboração de conteúdos 3D para utilização na CaveHollowspace do Lousal
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Detecting sudden variations in web apps code smells’ density: A longitudinal study
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Lossless compression scheme for efficient GNSS data transmission on IoT devices
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Transformer-based language models for semantic search and mobile applications retrieval
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Semantic search of mobile applications using word embeddings
Editor de atas de evento científico
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship ECIE 2021
Working paper
Legitimacy and Guidance in Upscaling Energy Technology Innovations
Working paper
Appropriating the returns of patent statistics: Take-up and development in the wake of Zvi Griliches
Working paper
First Order Differential Equations Induced by the Infinite Servers Queue with Poisson Arrivals Transient Behavior Probability Distribution Parameters Study as Time Functions
Working paper
A Ratio to Evaluate Harvest Procedures Management in an Economic System where Resources Dynamics is ruled by an Ornstein- Uhlenbeck Process
Working paper
Modelling and Differential Costs Evaluation of a Two Echelons Repair System through Infinite Servers Nodes Queuing Networks
Working paper
Replenishment Cost of a Storage System Modelled through a Defective Renewal Equation
Working paper
A Particular Collection of Service Time Distributions Parameters Study and Impact in some MGinf System Busy Period and Busy Cycle Parameters
Working paper
A MGinf Queue Busy Period Distribution Characterizing Parameter
Working paper
Some notes on a semi-Markov matrix occurring in the MMinf queue parameters study
Working paper
The Age or Excess of the MGinf Queue Busy Cycle Mean Value
Working paper
Infinite Servers with Poisson Arrivals Queue Busy Period with PME Distribution
Working paper
Stochastic Processes in Networks of Queues with Exponential Service Times and only one Class of Customers
Working paper
Networks of Queues Models with Several Classes of Customers and Exponential Service Times
Working paper
Infinite Servers Queue Systems Busy Period Time Length Distribution and Parameters Study through Computational Simulation
Working paper
Analysis of nanosciences and nanotechnology and their applications
Working paper
Nanotechnology and Processes The NanoPhotovoltaic Panels
Working paper
ICEV dismantling or recycling on a challenging environment
Working paper
ICEV dismantling or recycling on a challenging environment
Working paper
Infinite Servers Queue Systems Busy Period Time Length Distribution and Parameters Study through Computational Simulation
Recensão de obra em revista
BOOK REVIEW-Mathematical Tools for the Study of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Models
Comunicação em evento científico
Children as Robot Designers
Comunicação em evento científico
Expatriate adjustment in Portugal: A counterintuitive experience?
Comunicação em evento científico
Portuguese expatriates and their international work experiences.
Comunicação em evento científico
Does Tourist’s Engagement Influence Destination Loyalty? An Analysis of Turismo do Centro de Portugal
Comunicação em evento científico
Graph Coloring Heuristics for Optical Networks Planning
Comunicação em evento científico
Exploring future large-scale ROADM architectures
Comunicação em evento científico
The influence of the CSR Committee in firm’s financial and non-financial performance: Evidence from France, Germany, and the UK
Comunicação em evento científico
Industry 4.0 Technologies and Digital Transition as enablers of Sustainability and Circular Economy practices: the case of Ornamental Stone sector
Comunicação em evento científico
Moving (too) fast? Addressing temporality and acceleration in Portuguese business ventures scaling.
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Social media insights about COVID-19 inPortugal: a text mining approach
Comunicação em evento científico
Passenger mode choice at Lisbon airport: the consideration of ride-hailing services
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Beyond tradition: Portuguese media startups lead in innovation and get closer to audiences
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The language barrier: challenges for non-English language contents for voice assistants and smart speakers
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Production And Consumption Of News For Smart Speakers In Brazil: Patterns And Challenges In The COVID-19 Pandemic
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Intermitências insulares. A máquina na configuração da paisagem porto-santense
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Leveraging Blockchain for a living, trustable curriculum vitae
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“As Above, So Below”: Promoting reciprocal learning and shared innovation on common-pool resource management between “living laboratories” for sustainable human settlements on Earth and in Space
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“Energy Communities” and the promotion of resilient societies in the Recovery and Resilience Facility of the European Union
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Designing Context-Aware Construction Systems
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Creative Tourism as a strategy for institutional tourism bodies in Destination Development
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What Makes an Organization Unique? Looking Inside the Box
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Contribution of a New-design Multifunctional Artificial Reefs to the Sustainable Management of Coastal Areas
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Mechanical beam-steering using millimeter-wave transmit-array antennas
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Uma proposta modesta de paisagem produtiva: O conceito de CPUL num cordão sub-regional da Região de Lisboa
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Perspetivas sobre o viver urbano #1
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Dependence or Interdependence: Highlights from Oil Market and Precious Metals
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Research trends in customer churn prediction: A data mining approach
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Employer branding indirect effect on the intention to quit through job satisfaction
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Turnover intention among IT workers in Portugal: The roles of Employer Branding, Openness to Change, Job Satisfaction, and Supervisor Support
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Fechar o círculo: o plano de ação para a prosperidade no Iscte
Comunicação em evento científico
A resectorization of fire brigades in the north of Portugal
Comunicação em evento científico
Património Cultural, Biobancos ou ambos? Repensar as coleções osteológicas humanas
Comunicação em evento científico
Advanced technical textiles and materials in defence: is the EU up to the challenge?
Outras publicações
Science and technology in Portuguese newspapers, 1854-1918
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O Advento das Casas Inteligentes
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Active mobility perception from an intersectional perspective: insights from two European cities
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Interview to Paulo Pinho / Entrevista a Paulo Pinho
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Entrevista a João Branco Pedro
Outras publicações
Towards the influence of CSR Committees on corporate performance [FRS]
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
IIndustry 4.0 technologies & digital transition as enablers of sustainability & circular economy practices: The case of ornamental stone sector
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
How to ensure the provision of social inclusive public transport bus services? a strategic case study in Lisbon
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
Investigating stakeholder engagement and absorptive capacity as drivers of green innovations at German 3PL companies
Tese de Doutoramento
A Saúde Armazenada. O Biobanco na reconfiguração da saúde na sociedade contemporânea.
Periódico generalista
Pipeline Politics: What Will Energy Diplomacy Look Like After the German Elections?
Periódico generalista
Classifying Garments from Fashion-MNIST Dataset Through CNNs
Artigo em revista científica
The early exercise boundary under the jump to default extended CEV model
Artigo em revista científica
Determinants adoption of computer assisted auditing tools (CAATs)
Artigo em revista científica
How to predict explicit recommendations in online reviews using text mining and sentiment analysis
Artigo em revista científica
The influence of geographic and psychic distance on online hotel ratings
Artigo em revista científica
How an unequal intra-firm resources distribution affect market share
Artigo em revista científica
Tailoring virtual environments of an exergame for physiotherapy: the role of positive distractions and sensation-seeking
Artigo em revista científica
Looking beyond collaboration: socioemotional positive, negative and task-oriented behaviors in Human-Robot Group Interactions
Artigo em revista científica
Credit risk, owner liability and bank loan maturities during the global financial crisis
Artigo em revista científica
Stakeholder engagement in co-creation processes for innovation: a systematic literature review and case study
Artigo em revista científica
The effect of consumer-generated media stimuli on emotions and consumer brand engagement
Artigo em revista científica
20 years of research on virtual reality and augmented reality in tourism context: a text-mining approach
Artigo em revista científica
Business processes modelling and diagnosis
Artigo em revista científica
Market-pull policies to promote renewable energy: a quantitative assessment of tendering implementation
Artigo em revista científica
Factors influencing charter flight departure delay
Artigo em revista científica
Innovation, agile project management and firm performance in a public sector-dominated economy: empirical evidence from high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises in China
Artigo em revista científica
Dimension effects in the relationship between eco-innovation and firm performance: a European comparison
Artigo em revista científica
‘Let’s move on, please’: trust and employment relations in early-stage start-ups
Artigo em revista científica
A probabilistic linear solver based on a multilevel Monte Carlo Method
Artigo em revista científica
An incomplete information static game for the evaluation of the community based forest management in Zagros forests, Iran
Artigo em revista científica
A highly parallel algorithm for computing the action of a matrix exponential on a vector based on a multilevel Monte Carlo method
Artigo em revista científica
Syntgen: a system to generate temporal networks with user specified topology
Artigo em revista científica
Frequency domain equalization for single and multiuser generalized spatial modulation systems in time dispersive channels
Artigo em revista científica
A cognition-driven framework for the evaluation of startups in the digital economy
Artigo em revista científica
Software architecture for YOLO, a creativity-stimulating robot
Artigo em revista científica
SDRS: a new lossless dimensionality reduction for text corpora
Artigo em revista científica
Early exercise boundaries for American-style knock-out options
Artigo em revista científica
Guest satisfaction in East and West: evidence from online reviews of the influence of cultural origin in two major gambling cities, Las Vegas and Macau
Artigo em revista científica
Sustainable cloud service provider development by a Z-number-based DNMA method with Gini-coefficient-based weight determination
Artigo em revista científica
Um capitalismo global em mudança
Artigo em revista científica
Towards industry 4.0: a case study in ornamental stone sector
Artigo em revista científica
Granular technologies to accelerate decarbonization
Artigo em revista científica
Destined for decline? Examining nuclear energy from a technological innovation systems perspective
Artigo em revista científica
Determinants of internal carbon pricing
Artigo em revista científica
Business Intelligence for Human Capital Management
Artigo em revista científica
Interactions between soccer teams reveal both design and emergence: cooperation, competition and Zipf-Mandelbrot regularity
Artigo em revista científica
How brand authenticity and consumer brand engagement can be expressed in reviews: a text mining approach
Artigo em revista científica
3D-Printed transmit-array antenna for broadband backhaul 5G links at V band
Artigo em revista científica
Microwave breast imaging using a dry setup
Artigo em revista científica
Service quality in airport hotel chains through the lens of online reviewers
Artigo em revista científica
Fostering knowledge creation to improve performance: the mediation role of manufacturing flexibility
Artigo em revista científica
Directed technological change, energy and more: a modern story
Artigo em revista científica
Forecast foreign exchange rate: the case study of PKR/USD
Artigo em revista científica
Integrating sustainability into corporate strategy: a case study of the textile and clothing industry
Artigo em revista científica
Wearing failure as a path to innovation
Artigo em revista científica
A consumer engagement systematic review: synthesis and research agenda
Artigo em revista científica
Things2People interaction toward energy savings in shared spaces Using BIM
Artigo em revista científica
Plataformas de online dating: dinâmicas de incorporação e integração numa lógica de domesticação
Artigo em revista científica
E-bike as a technological innovation system in China: transition to the stage of institutionalized certainty?
Artigo em revista científica
Fog computing systems: state of the art, research issues and future trends, with a focus on resilience
Artigo em revista científica
Modeling cooperative behavior for resilience in cyber-physical systems using SDN and NFV
Artigo em revista científica
Ontology fixing by using software engineering technology
Artigo em revista científica
Machine learning for quality control system
Artigo em revista científica
Identifying big data’s opportunities, challenges, and implications in finance
Artigo em revista científica
The impact of teamwork on an organization’s performance: a cooperative game’s approach
Artigo em revista científica
Enabling cyber-physical systems for industry 4.0 operations: a service science perspective
Artigo em revista científica
A systematic literature review on hospitality analytics
Artigo em revista científica
The successful visual artist: the building blocks of artistic careers model
Artigo em revista científica
Innovation reliability and variability strategies: the importance of absorptive capacity on systemic outcomes
Artigo em revista científica
Data-driven approach for incident management in a smart city
Artigo em revista científica
I, Chatbot: modeling the determinants of users’ satisfaction and continuance intention of AI-powered service agents
Artigo em revista científica
Enhancing brand coolness through perceived luxury values: insight from luxury fashion brands
Artigo em revista científica
Exploring drivers and outcomes of brand centrality experience: the role of partner quality as moderator
Artigo em revista científica
A hotel's customers personal, behavioral, demographic, and geographic dataset from Lisbon, Portugal (2015–2018)
Artigo em revista científica
Modified peakedness in M/G/∞ queue busy cycle distribution
Artigo em revista científica
Bessel beam generation using dielectric planar lenses at millimeter frequencies
Artigo em revista científica
The important role of new technologies in supporting Roller Hockey Referees
Artigo em revista científica
Making sense of the sharing economy: a category formation approach
Artigo em revista científica
A discussion on context-awareness to better support the IoT cloud/edge continuum
Artigo em revista científica
A review on scaling mobile snsing platformsfor human activity recognition: challenges and recommendations for future research
Artigo em revista científica
Self-employment and eudaimonic well-being: Energized by meaning, enabled by societal legitimacy
Artigo em revista científica
Sustainable development of small- and medium-sized enterprises in the European Union: a taxonomy of circular economy practices
Artigo em revista científica
Game theory and trade tensions between advanced economies
Artigo em revista científica
Too old for computers? The longitudinal relationship between stereotype threat and computer use by older adults
Artigo em revista científica
Students’ long-term orientation role in e-learning success: A Brazilian study
Artigo em revista científica
The impacts of open data initiatives on smart cities: A framework for evaluation and monitoring
Artigo em revista científica
Brokers in biotechnology and software networks in EU research projects
Artigo em revista científica
Effect of the ironing process on ABS parts produced by FDM
Artigo em revista científica
Estimating the performance of MIMO SC-FDE systems using SISO measurements
Artigo em revista científica
Analytical performance evaluation of massive MIMO techniques for SC-FDE modulations
Artigo em revista científica
European action plans for science–society relations: changing buzzwords, changing the agenda
Artigo em revista científica
Users’ brand page participation: a new construct to measure participation on social networking sites
Artigo em revista científica
The impact of nostalgia and probability markers on the effectiveness of advertising creative strategies
Artigo em revista científica
Does China’s Belt and Road Initiative threaten food security in Central Asia?
Artigo em revista científica
Big Data Skills Sustainable Development in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
Artigo em revista científica
SMEs foreign establishment decision-making: A multiple-case research of internationalisation strategies in the metallurgy and metal-mechanic industry
Artigo em revista científica
Tech-innovation and spillovers on corporate-defensiveness: Evidence from the Lisbon startup ecosystem
Artigo em revista científica
A new matheuristic approach for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem with inter-depot routes
Artigo em revista científica
Dimensions of wine hotel experiences shared online
Artigo em revista científica
A train of thought in product experientiality: Working memory, distraction, and inconsistencies in cue order effects
Artigo em revista científica
Using Different Models of Machine Learning to Predict Attendance at Medical Appointments
Artigo em revista científica
Data Processing Model to Perform Big Data Analytics in Hybrid Infrastructures
Artigo em revista científica
Estimated Maintenance Costs of Brazilian Highways Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Artigo em revista científica
Boosting Big Data Streaming Applications in Clouds With BurstFlow
Artigo em revista científica
PriADA: Management and Adaptation of Information Based on Data Privacy in Public Environments
Artigo em revista científica
Multi-Agent Approach Using LoRaWAN Devices: An Airport Case Study
Artigo em revista científica
PRIPRO: A Comparison of Classification Algorithms for Managing Receiving Notifications in Smart Environments
Artigo em revista científica
A Cost Analysis of Implementing a Blockchain Architecture in a Smart Grid Scenario Using Sidechains
Artigo em revista científica
An Efficient Interface for the Integration of IoT Devices with Smart Grids
Artigo em revista científica
PRIPRO—Privacy Profiles: User Profiling Management for Smart Environments
Artigo em revista científica
A Review of Techniques for Implementing Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication on Hardware
Artigo em revista científica
Hybrid Impedance-Admittance Control for Upper Limb Exoskeleton Using Electromyography
Artigo em revista científica
Tecnologia, organizzazione e lavoro nella quarta rivoluzione industriale: due studi di caso comparati nel settore manifatturiero
Autor de livro
Reporting Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Autor de livro
Global Mobility Management in Next Generation Networks
Autor de livro
Bio-Leadership Guide - The 5 Layers Model For The Success In Social Businesses
Autor de livro
Creación de Valor para Reducción de Pobreza
Autor de livro
Foreign debt, railways and urbanization in Portugal (XIX-XX)
Editor de livro
Intelligent Transport Systems From Research and Development to the Market Uptake Third EAI International Conference, INTSYS 2019
Editor de livro
Recent Studies in Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 2
Editor de livro
Theory and Practice of Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 2
Capítulo de livro
Some considerations on orthogonality, strict separation theorems and applications in Hilbert spaces
Capítulo de livro
A collection of service time probability distributions parameters study and impact in M|G|∞system busy period and busy cycle time length probability distributions
Capítulo de livro
Convex programming based on Hahn Banach theorem
Capítulo de livro
Do we really care about artificial intelligence? A review on social transformations and ethical challenges of AI for the 21st century
Capítulo de livro
Exploring consumer-brand engagement in online environments designed for tourism
Capítulo de livro
Os portugueses e os biobancos: um primeiro mapeamento de uma realidade emergente
Capítulo de livro
Implementing and solving games with best payoff method
Capítulo de livro
Implications of gamification and virtual reality in higher education
Capítulo de livro
Beyond virtual and augmented reality: AI-assisted mixed reality and its impacts on society
Capítulo de livro
Be or not be online engaged: Exploring the flow from stimuli to e-WOM on online retail consumers
Capítulo de livro
Virtual reality, augmented reality and tourism experience
Capítulo de livro
Introduction. In: Knowledge, People, and Digital Transformation: Approaches for a Sustainable Future
Capítulo de livro
An exploratory study of social selling on LinkedIn: The concept and its implications
Capítulo de livro
Inspiring consumers online: A proposed framework comparing different cultures
Capítulo de livro
A Chinese mission for Macau: to build bridges between China and the Portuguese Speaking Countries
Capítulo de livro
Enhancing the correctness of BPMN models
Capítulo de livro
Information Management Systems in the Supply Chain
Capítulo de livro
HRD as the epicentre of governance in public administration
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Robotic construction: experiments with robotic arms and drones for the building construction industry
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Towards a software defined multi-domain architecture for the internet of things
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Creativity encounters between children and robots
Publicação em atas de evento científico
YOLO — Your own living object
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The ‘‘aftermath’’ of Industry 4.0 in small and medium enterprises
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Data science in pharmaceutical industry
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Back to the past to charter the vinyl electronic market: A data mining approach
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Solutions to current problems arising from ICEV use environments
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Automatic truecasing of video subtitles using BERT: a multilingual adaptable approach
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Using topic information to improve non-exact keyword-based search for mobile applications
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Epidermal systems and virtual reality: emerging disruptive technology for military applications
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Building capacity of small-medium cities’ local authorities to implement MaaS and other innovative transport schemes
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Strategic planning for urban air mobility: Perceptions of citizens and potential users on autonomous flying vehicles
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Development of a transmission-based open-ended coaxial-probe suitable for axillary lymph node dielectric measurements
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Reducing beam aberrations of mechanical scanning transmit-array antennas
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Transmit-array antenna design for broadband backhaul 5G communications at WiGiG band
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Relationships between tourists and intelligent virtual assistants: Promoting the love ties
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cybersecurity awareness platform with virtual coach and automated challenge assessment
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cybersecurity games for secure programming education in the industry: gameplay analysis
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Design of secure coding challenges for cybersecurity education in the industry
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Tourist-hotel relationship: the role of customer experience and brand authenticity
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The impact of influencer marketing and instagrammers on consumer purchase intentions and brand attitude
Publicação em atas de evento científico
How influencers and digital interaction can impact customer-brand relationship and engagement
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Exploring young artists’ digital performance: the impact of online community engagement and co-creation on brand love
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cool museum experience in the relationship with visitors
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Virtual supermarket setting: Exploring antecedents of emotions and purchase intentions
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Encouraging the return to museums through the through enriching of the experience and the feeling of pride
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Digital twins para sustentabilidade e gestão de acidentes
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The evolution of vision in nascent stage entrepreneurship
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A experiência dos utilizadores de jogos digitais e reflexões em torno do FIFA Ultimate Team
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The importance of IT in supporting roller hockey referees
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Custom-made: Information system for managing a restaurant chain
Publicação em atas de evento científico
An empirical study on influencers and their engagement factors: The YouTubers' perspective
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Multisensory experiences in virtual environments: The role of sense of power, cognitive flexibility and personality traits
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Knowledge management in an open innovation ecosystem: Building an age-friendly smart living environment
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Wearing failure as a badge of innovation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Co-designing the knowledge management model
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Firm performance through online engagement: The role of experience and customer inspiraton
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Dashboard to monitor outages in a smart grid
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Deployment of electric buses: Planning the fleet size and type, charging infrastructure and operations with an optimization-based model
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Improving concept development success rates by effective redesign of internal collaborative processes
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The role of mental imagery as driver to purchase intentions in a virtual supermarket
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Proposition of the 3-block perfume exhibition model: Using technology on turning visible and invisible reality such as perfumes
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Business Model Canvas as diagnostic tool of the creation of cultural value: Conceptual and exploratory approach to the case of Ferreira’s de Castro Cultural Complex
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Effective non-invasive runway monitoring system development using dual sensor devices
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Using customer segmentation to build a hybrid recommendation model
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Antenna phase center and angular dispersion estimation using planar acquisition setup applied to microwave breast imaging
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Railway territories: A methodological approach to urban studies
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Novo algoritmo para atribuição de potência por circuito em redes ópticas elásticas
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Semantic frame induction as a community detection problem
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Project-based learning to develop leadership competencies in higher education students
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Blockchain technology in education
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Downlink MIMO-NOMA with and without CSI: A short survey and comparison
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Profitability and impacts of FabLabs in Portugal
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A mobile voice search client for European Portuguese
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Especificação de interrogações para recuperação 3D em ambiente imersivo
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Sistema de realidade aumentada para apoio ao projeto de arquitetura
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Low cost center pivot irrigation monitoring systems based on IoT and LoRaWAN technologies
Editor de atas de evento científico
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2020
Foreword-Building Consumer-Brand Relationship in Luxury Brand Management
Recensão de obra em revista
BOOK REVIEW-Hilbert Spaces: Properties and Applications
Recensão de obra em revista
BOOK REVIEW -The Future of Transport Between Digitalization and Decarbonization: Trends, Strategies and Effects on Energy Consumption
Recensão de obra em revista
Como se cria e perde massa crítica, o caso da UNICAMP
Comunicação em evento científico
Diffusion of energy technology innovations in Portugal and perspectives for decarbonization
Comunicação em evento científico
Diffusion of energy technology innovations in Portugal and perspectives for decarbonization
Comunicação em evento científico
Destined for decline? Examining nuclear energy from a technological innovation systems perspective
Comunicação em evento científico
Comunicação em evento científico
Epidermal Systems and Virtual Reality: Emerging Disruptive Technology for Military Applications
Comunicação em evento científico
Reducing Beam Aberrations of Mechanical Scanning Transmit-array Antennas
Comunicação em evento científico
Dual Band Dual-Circulary Polarized Transmit-array Antenna for SoTM Ground Terminals at Ka-band
Comunicação em evento científico
Transmit-array antenna design for broadband backhaul 5G communications at WiGiG band
Comunicação em evento científico
Deviations from normality: Effects on the goodness-of-fit of latent growth curve models
Comunicação em evento científico
The experience of the digital game users and reflections on the FIFA Ultimate Team
Comunicação em evento científico
The importance of IT in supporting roller Hockey referees
Comunicação em evento científico
Old or New Inequalites in Science? Education, Training and Pandemic Immobility
Comunicação em evento científico
Comunicação em evento científico
Comunicação em evento científico
Estratégias de restauro da legitimidade versus personalidade do CEO
Comunicação em evento científico
Tourist-hotel relationship: the role of customer experience and brand authenticity
Comunicação em evento científico
The evolution of vision in nascent stage entrepreneurship
Comunicação em evento científico
Knowledge management in an open innovation ecosystem: Building an age-friendly smart living environment
Comunicação em evento científico
Wearing Failure as a Badge of Innovation
Comunicação em evento científico
Co-designing the Knowledge Management Model
Comunicação em evento científico
How to detect the manipulation of financial statements in EU financial incentives in Portugal
Comunicação em evento científico
Evolutionary robotics - from simulation to real world experiments.
Comunicação em evento científico
An exploratory study of social selling on LinkedIn: the concept and its implications
Comunicação em evento científico
Deployment of electric buses planning the fleet size and type, charging infrastructure and operations with an optimization-based model
Comunicação em evento científico
Proposition of the 3-block Perfume Exhibition Model: Using Technology on Turning Visible an Invisible Reality Such as Perfumes
Comunicação em evento científico
Creating Memories and Engagement in College Student Through Virtual Reality
Comunicação em evento científico
Content creation for voice assistants and smart speakers: A challenge for non-English language media
Comunicação em evento científico
How innovation attract innovators: insights from 20 years of marine renewable energy technologies in Portugal
Comunicação em evento científico
Social media and brand dilution risk for luxury brands
Outras publicações
Business Intelligence e a gestão de performance: Sebenta de Sistemas Informáticos de Apoio à Decisão II
Editor de revista científica
Frontiers in Psychology
Editor de revista científica
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, SI on Evolution of IoT Networking Architectures
MCDM/A studies for entrepreneurship, technology enhancement and business development
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
New horizons from Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and opportunities for Management, Education and Social Sciences
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
New horizons from Big Data and Artificial Intelligence : Challenges and opportunities for Management and Business
Dissertação de Mestrado
Inovacao Social com aplicacao de realidade virtual na escola publica
Artigo em revista científica
Can we trace back hotel online reviews’ characteristics using gamification features?
Artigo em revista científica
Leveraging a luxury fashion brand through social media
Artigo em revista científica
Compliance with intangible assets disclosure requirements: study of Portuguese non-financial companies
Artigo em revista científica
Exploring online customer engagement with hospitality products and its relationship with involvement, emotional states, experience and brand advocacy
Artigo em revista científica
Understanding the use of Virtual Reality in Marketing: a text mining-based review
Artigo em revista científica
Unfolding the characteristics of incentivized online reviews
Artigo em revista científica
Gamification: a key determinant of massive open online course (MOOC) success
Artigo em revista científica
Improving the drug discovery process by using multiple classifier systems
Artigo em revista científica
Where is the politics? E-bike mobility in urban China and civilizational government
Artigo em revista científica
Identification of common city characteristics influencing room occupancy
Artigo em revista científica
How fashion brands engage on social media: a netnography approach
Artigo em revista científica
Analysing consumer-brand engagement through appreciative listening on social network platforms
Artigo em revista científica
A multiple criteria group decision-making approach for the assessment of small and medium-sized enterprise competitiveness
Artigo em revista científica
SDN-based intrusion detection system for early detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks
Artigo em revista científica
Humanization of robots: is it really such a good idea?
Artigo em revista científica
Analyzing the determinants of e-commerce in small and medium-sized enterprises: a cognition-driven framework
Artigo em revista científica
Solving logistics’ problems through an infinite servers queue systems approach
Artigo em revista científica
To be or not to be digital, that is the question: firm innovation and performance
Artigo em revista científica
Entrepreneurship ecosystems and women entrepreneurs: a social capital and network approach
Artigo em revista científica
Outage probability due to intercore crosstalk in dual-core fiber links with direct-detection
Artigo em revista científica
State interventions to rescue banks during the global financial crisis
Artigo em revista científica
Multiple-beam focal-plane dual-band fabry–pérot cavity antenna with reduced beam degradation
Artigo em revista científica
Guide to build YOLO, a creativity-stimulating robot for children
Artigo em revista científica
Exergames for motor rehabilitation in older adults: an umbrella review
Artigo em revista científica
Os quatro grandes desafios ao modelo de ciência aberta: (des)acreditação, informalidade, comodificação e predação
Artigo em revista científica
Interactive impact of ethnic distance and cultural familiarity on the perceived effects of free trade agreements
Artigo em revista científica
Exploring the determinants of digital entrepreneurship using fuzzy cognitive maps
Artigo em revista científica
Modelling wine tourism experiences
Artigo em revista científica
Modelling an idle building case through SWOT analysis and Fuzzy DEMATEL: a study on anti-commons
Artigo em revista científica
Creativity and innovation: a contribution of behavioral economics
Artigo em revista científica
Patients’ out-of-pocket expenses analysis of presurgical teledermatology
Artigo em revista científica
Modelling insurgent-incumbent dynamics: vector autoregressions, multivariate Markov chains, and the nature of technological competition
Artigo em revista científica
Knowledge-intensive consumer services. Understanding KICS in the innovative global health-care sector
Artigo em revista científica
Efficient Evaluation of Gradient Transmit-Arrays Through an Equivalent Dispersive Dielectric Description
Artigo em revista científica
Pricing double barrier options on homogeneous diffusions: a Neumann series of Bessel functions representation
Artigo em revista científica
Replacing coal-fired power plants by photovoltaics in the Portuguese electricity system
Artigo em revista científica
Are intangibles really a source of future economic benefits? Evidence from the technology sector
Artigo em revista científica
Evaluating a guest satisfaction model through data mining
Artigo em revista científica
IoT power monitoring system for smart environments
Artigo em revista científica
Anticipating the duration of public administration employees' future absences
Artigo em revista científica
Dynamic capabilities in Italian leading SMEs adopting industry 4.0
Artigo em revista científica
From problem structuring to optimization: a multi-methodological framework to assist the planning of medical training
Artigo em revista científica
Representação da mobilidade e práticas de mobilização em empresas portuguesas: o caso de uma expatriação
Artigo em revista científica
Divisões digitais em Portugal e na Europa: Portugal ainda à procura do comboio europeu?
Artigo em revista científica
Understanding the role of visual attention on wines’ purchase intention: an eye-tracking study
Artigo em revista científica
The use of circular economy practices in SMEs across the EU
Artigo em revista científica
IoT and engagement in the ubiquitous museum
Artigo em revista científica
Reckless proliferation and guardianship proliferation: The fast breeder nuclear reactor and the plutonium economy
Artigo em revista científica
Framework for life cycle sustainability assessment of additive manufacturing
Artigo em revista científica
Emergence of floating offshore wind energy: technology and industry
Artigo em revista científica
Shared Value Creation, Creative Tourism and Local Communities Development: The Role of Cooperation as an Antecedent
Artigo em revista científica
Characterizing the sharing economy state of the research: a systematic map
Artigo em revista científica
Main gamification concepts: a systematic mapping study
Artigo em revista científica
An integrative literature review on leadership models for innovative organizations
Artigo em revista científica
The job design happiness scale (JDHS)
Artigo em revista científica
Effects of adopting IFRS 10 and IFRS 11 on consolidated financial statements: an exploratory research
Artigo em revista científica
Are provisions and contingent liabilities priced by the market? An exploratory study in Portugal and the UK
Artigo em revista científica
Antenna design and near-field characterization for medical microwave imaging applications
Artigo em revista científica
Organisational innovation facilitators as drivers for international trade between China and European Union
Artigo em revista científica
Shine bright like a star: Hotel performance and guests’ expectations based on star ratings
Artigo em revista científica
PRISEC: Comparison of Symmetric Key Algorithms for IoT Devices
Artigo em revista científica
PRISER: Managing Notification in Multiples Devices with Data Privacy Support
Artigo em revista científica
PRICHAIN: A Partially Decentralized Implementation of UbiPri Middleware Using Blockchain
Editor de livro
Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 3
Editor de livro
Intellectual Capital Management as a Driver of Sustainability: Perspectives for Organizations and Society
Capítulo de livro
Impression management strategies in the chairmen’s statements: evidence from the Portuguese banking industry
Capítulo de livro
Understanding memorable enogastronomic experiences: A qualitative approach
Capítulo de livro
Active modes and sustainability
Capítulo de livro
Airports’ role and operations in the international environment
Capítulo de livro
Applying advanced data analytics and machine learning to enhance the safety control of dams
Publicação em atas de evento científico
LAPLACE transform effectiveness in the M/G/oo queue busy period probabilistic study
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Laplace transform effectiveness in the M|G|∞ queue busy period probabilistic study
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A queue model to monitor the conversion from ICEV to EV, HEV and DV in a scarce oil environment
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Integrating a local CRIS with the PTCRIS synchronization ecosystem
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Exploring prosociality in Human-Robot teams
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The Stereotype Content Model applied to Human-Robot interactions in groups
Publicação em atas de evento científico
ERP conceptual ecology
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Tailored virtual reality for smart physiotherapy
Publicação em atas de evento científico
How atmospheric cues in a virtual reality fashion stores affect the sense of presence
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Adoption and use of ICT for e-Government services: The case of Mozambique
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Interactive algorithm for generating accurate as-built plans by building owners
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A note on the examination of Portugal’s hotels performance: a proposal for a new perspective’s approach
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Supporting the decision on dashboard design charts
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A formação e o apoio da gestão no sucesso dos ERP
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Learning programming using educational robotics
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Data science and AI: Trends analysis
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Robotic Process Automation: A Case Study in the Banking Industry
Publicação em atas de evento científico
SMART TOURISM – CITY TOURISM RADAR: A Tourism Monitoring Tool at the City of Lisbon
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Key competencies for digital transformation in workplace
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Gamification in higher education: Text mining approach
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Insights into brand authenticity and customer engagement in a restaurant setting: A text mining approach
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The impact of Massclusivity campaigns on perceptions and brand love of Gucci online brand communities’ members
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Technology transfer, climate change mitigation, and environmental patent impact on sustainability and economic growth: A comparison of European countries
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Analyzing resilience in small and medium-sized enterprises: A fuzzy cognitive mapping-based approach
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Self-adapting linear network coding emulation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Environmental and social impacts of infrastructure development in East Africa
Publicação em atas de evento científico
How effective are retargeting ads?
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Unveiling how consumers from different cultures engage with Facebook pages
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Sustainable customer relationship management for BIM procurement in the ornamental stones cluster under industry 4.0
Publicação em atas de evento científico
PRIvacy management responsibility on a scrutinized environment (primrose): A management method to address privacy challenges
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Outlining a new collaborative business model as a result of the green Building Information Modelling impact in the AEC supply chain
Publicação em atas de evento científico
”Should I stay or should I go?”: A multiple-criteria group decision-making approach to SME internationalization
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Agent-based negotiation solution for enterprise business collaboration
Publicação em atas de evento científico
As vilas portuárias do Tejo enquanto Paisagens Culturais: agência, contingência e permanências. Um estudo de caso - Constância
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The coexistence between GDPR and blockchain
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Analyzing a fleet solution using scenarios
Publicação em atas de evento científico
On the suitability of Data Selection for Cross-building Knowledge Transfer
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Creating a blue economy: Research and innovation partnerships to accelerate the development of ocean-related industries
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Networks and the transition to Circular Business Models
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Collaborative gamified approach for transportation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A blockchain and gamification approach for smart parking
Publicação em atas de evento científico
SUMPs implementation: Designation of capacity gaps of local authorities in the delivery of sustainable mobility projects
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Individualism vs. collectivism in a sharing economy context: A study on what determines Portuguese consumers’ participation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cooperation between university and industry in the research of the suitability of agile methodologies in software development
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Exploring the future of virtual reality and gamification in learning enviornments: Students motivation and engagement in higher education
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Overview of machine learning methods for Android malware identification
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Creative Tourism Destination Competitiveness
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Optimize capacity for a uniform waste transportation collection
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Tourism guidance tracking and safety platform
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Improving fleet solution – a case study
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Towards the use of machine learning algorithms to enhance the effectiveness of search strings in secondary studies
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Crowding detection combining trace elements from heterogeneous wireless technologies
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Outage probability due to intercore crosstalk in weakly-coupled MCF systems with OOK signaling
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Assessment of the combined effect of laser phase noise and intercore crosstalk on the outage probability of DD OOK Systems
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Policies to implement smart learning in higher education
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Trends of intangibles and intellectual capital: State of art and research
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Knowledge management and additive manufacturing technology: A literature review
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Privacy in the internet of things: A study to protect user's data in LPR systems using blockchain
Publicação em atas de evento científico
PRIvacy Management Responsibility On a Scrutinized Environment (PRIMROSE) - A management methodology to address privacy challenges
Editor de atas de evento científico
Current status of Bioenergy in Portugal Portugal National Day Conference, EUBCE 2019
Recensão de obra em revista
A Book Review: Frontiers of Dynamic Games
Comunicação em evento científico
Drivers and Barriers Influencing Sustainable Food Procurement in the Hospitality Industry
Comunicação em evento científico
Grupos de Humanos e Robôs: A importância do calor emocional e da competência
Comunicação em evento científico
Comunicação em evento científico
Social robots for creativity stimulation in children
Comunicação em evento científico
Integration of BIM and IoT for Campus Sustainability
Comunicação em evento científico
Integration of sustainability into corporate strategy: a case study of the textile and clothing industry
Comunicação em evento científico
Turnover growth and eco-innovation: a European overview
Comunicação em evento científico
European assessment of support for eco-innovation: impacts over firm performance
Comunicação em evento científico
Technology transfer, climate change mitigation, and environmental patent impact on sustainability and economic growth: A comparison of European countries
Comunicação em evento científico
Analyzing Resilience in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping-Based Approach
Comunicação em evento científico
A Research Outlook on Wireless Communications and Quantum Communications
Comunicação em evento científico
Emotional Gratifications and Psychophysiological Correlates
Comunicação em evento científico
Sustainable Customer Relationship Management for BIM Procurement in the Ornamental Stones Cluster under Industry 4.0
Comunicação em evento científico
“Should I Stay or Should I Go?”: A Multiple-Criteria Group Decision-Making Approach to SME Internationalization
Comunicação em evento científico
Cyber Security Portfolio Selection under Limited Budget Constraints
Comunicação em evento científico
Creating Shared Value in Rock in Rio Business Model: Case Study
Comunicação em evento científico
As Dinâmicas Socioeconómicas das Vilas Portuárias do Tejo, no século XVIII, entre o Local e o Global.
Comunicação em evento científico
International nuclear cost escalation in the 1970s,
Comunicação em evento científico
Entrepreneurial demands and affect oscillation: the moderator effect of empowering leadership
Comunicação em evento científico
The impact of creativity at work on work-non work enrichment: the mediating role of meaningfulness at work
Comunicação em evento científico
Urban environment and relationship with the waterfront in port cities
Comunicação em evento científico
The Coexistence between GDPR and Blockchain
Comunicação em evento científico
Agent-based Negotiation Solution for Enterprise Business Collaboration
Comunicação em evento científico
Comunicação em evento científico
PRIvacy Management Responsibility On a Scrutinized Environment (PRIMROSE) - A management methodology to address privacy challenges
Outras publicações
Entrepreneurship and well-being: The role of experienced meaningfulness of work and societal legitimation
“Duas maneiras de se dedicar ao tema da Mudança Social”
Periódico generalista
Realidades Artificiais em Arquitetura: a virtualidade como meio estético no processo de conceção de ideias
Assessing the Marketability of EO (Earth Observations) 1 Projects – In the ambit of EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – Horizon 2020 and FP7.
Artigo em revista científica
What’s next in complex networks? Capturing the concept of attacking play in invasive team sports
Artigo em revista científica
Proposal of a green index for small and medium-sized enterprises: a multiple criteria group decision-making approach
Artigo em revista científica
A holistic conception of sustainable banking: adding value with fuzzy cognitive mapping
Artigo em revista científica
Dual-band skin-adhesive repeater antenna for continuous body signals monitoring
Artigo em revista científica
Phase-delay versus phase-rotation cells for circular polarization transmit arrays - application to Satellite Ka-Band Beam steering
Artigo em revista científica
Synthesis of shaped-beam radiation patterns at millimeter-waves using transmit arrays
Artigo em revista científica
Social infrastructure and the preservation of physical capital: equilibria and transitional dynamics
Artigo em revista científica
The Laplace transform in the context of some of the queue related probability distributions
Artigo em revista científica
Leveraging national tourist offices through data analytics
Artigo em revista científica
Photogrammetry for digital reconstruction of railway ballast particles – a cost-efficient method
Artigo em revista científica
Determinants of risk reporting by portuguese and spanish non-finance companies
Artigo em revista científica
Impairment losses: the impact of the first-time adoption of the accounting standardization system In Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Do social network sites contribute for building brands? Evaluating the impact of users’ participation on brand awareness and brand attitude
Artigo em revista científica
Universal recurrence algorithm for computing Nuttall, generalized Marcum and incomplete Toronto functions and moments of a noncentral x2 random variable
Artigo em revista científica
Vulture funds and the fresh start accounting value of firms emerging from bankruptcy
Artigo em revista científica
Defaults in bank loans to SMEs during the financial crisis
Artigo em revista científica
Regional centrality: economic and geographical factors
Artigo em revista científica
Be friendly, stay well: the effects of job resources on well-being in a discriminatory work environment
Artigo em revista científica
Spanish validation of the shorter version of the Workplace Incivility Scale: an employment status invariant measure
Artigo em revista científica
De velhas e novas humanidades, velhos e novos estudos de média: uma leitura crítica de Blow up the humanities e Greening the media
Artigo em revista científica
Dual-band dual linear to circular polarization converter in transmission mode-application to K/Ka-band satellite communications
Artigo em revista científica
A decision support system framework to track consumer sentiments in social media
Artigo em revista científica
Computer programming learning: how to apply gamification on online courses?
Artigo em revista científica
Gamification: software usage ecology
Artigo em revista científica
E-learning success determinants: Brazilian empirical study
Artigo em revista científica
Fashion brands on retail websites: customer performance expectancy and e-word-of-mouth
Artigo em revista científica
Engaging fashion consumers in social media: the case of luxury brands
Artigo em revista científica
Multiobjective sparse ensemble learning by means of evolutionary algorithms
Artigo em revista científica
Planning process for an operational management platform for a public transport
Artigo em revista científica
3D fast convex-hull-based evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithm
Artigo em revista científica
Stasis, dynamism and emergence of the e-mobility system in China: a power relational perspective
Artigo em revista científica
Coordinating negotiations in data-intensive collaborative working environments using an agent-based model-driven platform
Artigo em revista científica
The M|M|∞ queue transient probabilities
Artigo em revista científica
A saúde mental dos assistentes sociais em Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
A proposal of Infrastructure-as-a-Service providers pricing model using linear regression
Artigo em revista científica
Investigação sobre conservadorismo: uma análise bibliométrica
Artigo em revista científica
Additive manufacturing technology: mapping social impacts
Artigo em revista científica
What drives foreign direct investment: the role of language, geographical distance, information flows and technological similarity
Artigo em revista científica
Lost in transition? Drivers and barriers in the eco-innovation road to the circular economy
Artigo em revista científica
Eco-Innovation in the transition to a circular economy: an analytical literature review
Artigo em revista científica
New cars and emissions: effects of policies, macroeconomic impacts and cities characteristics in Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Time to get ready: conceptualizing the temporal and spatial dynamics of formative phases for energy technologies
Artigo em revista científica
Genuine participation in participant-centred research initiatives: the rhetoric and the potential reality
Artigo em revista científica
Luís Possolo, el estudiante portugués en la edición inaugural del Curso en Arquitectura Tropical de la Architectural Assocation
Artigo em revista científica
Sustainable skills for the world of work in the digital age
Artigo em revista científica
The role of website stimuli of experience on engagement and brand advocacy
Artigo em revista científica
Engaged in integrated reporting? Evidence across multiple organizations
Artigo em revista científica
Sparse-coding denoising applied to reversible conformational switching of a porphyrin self?assembled monolayer induced by scanning tunnelling microscopy
Artigo em revista científica
The first decade of service dominant logic research - a bibliometric analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Discovering the optimal set of ratios to use in accounting-based models
Artigo em revista científica
Capital social, redes sociais e empreendedorismo em Moçambique – Análise de Casos de Jovens Empreendedores
Artigo em revista científica
Another post-heroic view on entrepreneurship: the role of employees in networking the start-up process
Artigo em revista científica
The mediating effects of ego-resilience in the relationship between organizational support and resistance to change
Artigo em revista científica
The impact of anger on creative process engagement: the role of social contexts
Autor de livro
Álgebra linear: matrizes e determinantes
Autor de livro
Urban mobility in modern China: the growth of the e-bike
Editor de livro
Modeling innovation sustainability and technologies: economic and policy perspectives
Capítulo de livro
Nanotechnology applications: the future arrived suddenly
Capítulo de livro
Ethical considerations on nanotechnology
Capítulo de livro
Integrated Lens Antennas
Capítulo de livro
Game theory for cooperation in multi-access edge computing
Capítulo de livro
An open environment for development of manufacturing applications on vf-OS
Capítulo de livro
Enterprise application integration: Approaches and platforms to design and implement solutions in the cloud
Capítulo de livro
Crowdfunding and networked platforms exploring col-labor-ation and mediation for value-creation in Portuguese crowdfunding ecosystem
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Distributed crowd-based annotation of soccer games using mobile devices
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Friends or foes?: socioemotional support and gaze behaviors in mixed groups of humans and robots
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Interoperabilidade: da preservação da produção científica à monitorização do acesso aberto
Publicação em atas de evento científico
KINE[SIS]TEM´17: a methodological process for a Nature-Based Design
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Mixed reality application to support infrastructure maintenance
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Public building energy efficiency - an IoT approach
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Blockchain technology in the auditing environment
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A utilização de ERP em contexto de Ensino Superior
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Are you in(gaged)? The importance of engagement and experience on employees and organizations' success
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A negotiation cloud-based solution to support interoperability among interconnected autonomous microgrids
Publicação em atas de evento científico
WalliD: secure your ID in an Ethereum Wallet
Publicação em atas de evento científico
O BIM no ensino da arquitetura em Portugal: o caso do ISCTE-IUL
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Entrepreneurship and well-being: the role of national entrepreneurship norm and the importance of meaningfulness at work
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Shaper-GA: automatic shape generation for modular house design
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Working conditions and health complaints in urban refuse collection: the role of experience
Publicação em atas de evento científico
KINE[SIS]TEM’17 From Nature to Architectural Matter International Conference
Publicação em atas de evento científico
La expresión de la lógica constructiva de la vivienda colectiva moderna lusa Mirada comparada entre obras producidas en Portugal, Angola y Mozambique
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Software Greenability: A Case Study of Cloud-Based Business Applications Provisioning
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Online brand communities: when consumers are negatively engaged
Publicação em atas de evento científico
From native to cross-platform hybrid development
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The perception of active listening practice on social networks
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Harvesting indoor available light for low-power wireless networks
Publicação em atas de evento científico
How tax audit and tax advisory can benefit from big data analytics tools data analysis and processing in relational databases using SQL Server and Power Pivot & Power View in Excel
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Context-aware information in mobile devices
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Innovative Enterprise Architectures for Deploying Product-Service Systems in SME
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Neural methods for cross-lingual sentence compression
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Using mixed realities to explore consumers behaviors
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Planeamento do treino de combate em ambiente urbano, utilizando realidade virtual e aumentada
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Data transmission performance analysis with smart grid protocol and cryptography algorithms
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Internet of things: Concepts, architectures and technologies
Editor de atas de evento científico
Book of abstracts: ISTAR-IUL Winter School 2018 Applied Transdisciplinary Research
Working paper
Promoting private sector for development : the rise of blended finance in EU aid architecture
Recensão de obra em revista
Electrical Power Unit Commitment Deterministic and Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Models and Algorithms
Recensão de obra em revista
Handbook of dynamic game theory
Comunicação em evento científico
Social Machines: Looking at the bright side of Robots
Comunicação em evento científico
Moral Machines: Ethics in Human-Robot Interaction
Comunicação em evento científico
Interações entre Humanos e Robôs em Pequenos Grupos: Contributos da Psicologia Social
Comunicação em evento científico
OpenAIRE & Science Management: example of ISCTE-IUL
Comunicação em evento científico
Data Quality: o problema da duplicação de dados
Comunicação em evento científico
Cinema industrial e política económica: o caso da CUF em Portugal
Comunicação em evento científico
Employment of PhD holders: a picture of public policies in Portugal
Comunicação em evento científico
Research Seminars associated to BRU-IUL
Comunicação em evento científico
Eco-efficiency Actions and Firm Growth in Portugal
Comunicação em evento científico
From Native to Cross-platform Hybrid Development
Comunicação em evento científico
A Negotiation Cloud-based Solution to Support Interoperability among Interconnected Autonomous Microgrids
Comunicação em evento científico
WalliD: Secure your ID in an Ethereum Wallet
Comunicação em evento científico
O BIM no ensino da arquitetura em Portugal - o caso do ISCTE-IUL
Comunicação em evento científico
Pricing Double Barrier Options on Homogeneous Diffusions: A Neumann Series of Bessel Functions Representation
Comunicação em evento científico
Valuation of Lookback Options and Turbo Warrants on Defaultable Stocks
Comunicação em evento científico
Early Exercise Boundaries for American-style Knock-Out Options
Comunicação em evento científico
Generalized Exponential Basis for Efficient Solving of Homogeneous Diffusion Free Boundary Problems: Russian Option Pricing
Comunicação em evento científico
Valuation of Lookback Options and Turbo Warrants on Defaultable Stocks
Comunicação em evento científico
Application of the Transmutation Operators to Parabolic Boundary and Free Boundary Problems
Comunicação em evento científico
Investigar Arquitectura no LNEC, uma pesquisa em parceria
Comunicação em evento científico
O estudo do ‘Território’ e da ‘Morfologia Urbana’ no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (1962-1974).
Comunicação em evento científico
An Open Environment for Development of Manufacturing Applications on vf-OS
Comunicação em evento científico
The Iberian energy Transition: Towards a low Carbon Power Sector?
Comunicação em evento científico
Working conditions and health complaints in urban refuse collection: the role of experience
Comunicação em evento científico
A (r)evolução das exposições de Arte através da Realidade Virtual: Uma nova abordagem a um Modelo de Negócio Sustentável (Estudo Exploratório
Comunicação em evento científico
Estudo Longitudinal da Adequabilidade da Estrutura Organizacional ao Negócio: O Caso da Petromoc, SA
Comunicação em evento científico
On the Role of Metamodeling in Software Engineering
Outras publicações
Thinking lab on sustainableg growth – Dialogue on Europe Policy Brief
Outras publicações
Modelação do maciço rochoso para avaliação do comportamento de barragens de betão sujeitas a vibrações explosivas
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Discussió i debat - Infrastrutures i Mobilitats a Àfrica
Outras publicações
Avaliação de opções standard e barreira com o modelo CEV
Outras publicações
ASR Automatic Speech Recognition for European Portuguese with the Kaldi Framework
Periódico generalista
PRISER - Utilização de BLE para localização e notificação com base na privacidade de dados
Conhecimento dos serviços da FCCN junto da comunidade científica e tecnológica nacional: um inquérito por questionário
Artigo em revista científica
Hypernetworks reveal compound variables that capture cooperative and competitive interactions in a soccer match
Artigo em revista científica
Ball Grid Array Module with Integrated Shaped Lens for 5G Backhaul/Fronthaul Communications in F-Band
Artigo em revista científica
Focal-plane multibeam dual-band dielectric lens for ka-band
Artigo em revista científica
Stereolithography-based antennas for satellite communications in Ka-Band
Artigo em revista científica
Three-dimensional printed ABS plastic peanut-lens with integrated ball grid array module for high-data-rate communications in F-band
Artigo em revista científica
Wideband and high-selectivity dual-band filter for Ka-Band satellite antennas
Artigo em revista científica
High gain dual-band beam-steering transmit array for Satcom terminals at Ka-band
Artigo em revista científica
Income inequality and technological adoption
Artigo em revista científica
Income inequality, TFP, and human capital
Artigo em revista científica
Trade protectionism and intra-industry trade: a USA - EU comparison
Artigo em revista científica
Modelling preferences for nature-based recreation activities
Artigo em revista científica
Customers' relationship with their grocery store: direct and moderating effects from store format and loyalty programs
Artigo em revista científica
Online determinants of e-customer satisfaction: application to website purchases in tourism
Artigo em revista científica
The binomial CEV model and the Greeks
Artigo em revista científica
Earnings quality and the heterogeneous relation between earnings and stock returns
Artigo em revista científica
Impression management and non-GAAP disclosure in earnings announcements
Artigo em revista científica
The role and current status of IFRS in the completion of national accounting rules – evidence from Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Do multinational banks create or destroy shareholder value? A cross-country analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Enhancing individual entrepreneurial orientation measurement using a metacognitive decision making-based framework
Artigo em revista científica
Do investors price industry risk? Evidence from the cross-section of the oil industry
Artigo em revista científica
Threshold stochastic volatility: properties and forecasting
Artigo em revista científica
Calibrating 30 years of experimental research: a meta-analysis of the atmospheric effects of music, scent, and color
Artigo em revista científica
An examination of the role of arousal and actual behaviour on commitment towards recycling and environmental preservation
Artigo em revista científica
Wine tourism activities as facilitators of relationship quality in wine sector
Artigo em revista científica
Are Yelp's tips helpful in building influential consumers?
Artigo em revista científica
Stepwise API usage assistance using n-gram language models
Artigo em revista científica
Variability management of plugin-based systems using feature models
Artigo em revista científica
Design annotations to improve API discoverability
Artigo em revista científica
Ba: um fator determinante no uso de sistemas de gestão do conhecimento
Artigo em revista científica
Don’t go in there! using the APEX framework in the design of ambient assisted living systems
Artigo em revista científica
School architecture: an analysis of the role of the state in the (re)configuration of the profession*
Artigo em revista científica
Designing science laboratories: learning environments, school architecture and teaching and learning models
Artigo em revista científica
Methods of evaluation of intangible assets and intellectual capital
Artigo em revista científica
Knowledge management as a factor for the formulation and implementation of organization strategy
Artigo em revista científica
Increasing smart city competitiveness and sustainability through managing structural capital
Artigo em revista científica
Automatic run-time versioning for BPEL processes
Artigo em revista científica
Linked USDL Extension for Describing Business Services and Users' Requirements in a Cloud Context
Artigo em revista científica
MADONA: a method for automated provisioning of cloud-based component- oriented business applications
Artigo em revista científica
The impact of regulation on a firm's incentives to invest in emergent smart grid technologies
Artigo em revista científica
Sharing economy: the establishment of organizational identity overtime, considering identify claims and legitimacy granting
Artigo em revista científica
Handling confidentiality and privacy on cloud-based health information systems
Artigo em revista científica
PMIPv6 integrated with MIH for flow mobility management: a real testbed with simultaneous multi-access in heterogeneous mobile networks
Artigo em revista científica
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems: Literature review
Artigo em revista científica
Efficient message exchange protocols exploiting state-of-the-art PHY layer
Artigo em revista científica
Central Asian ‘Characteristics’ on China’s New Silk Road: The role of landscape and the politics of infrastructure
Artigo em revista científica
How does the web game design influence the behavior of e-banking users?
Artigo em revista científica
Clustering of architectural floor plans: a comparison of shape representations
Autor de livro
An Introduction to Silent Speech Interfaces
Capítulo de livro
Sharing economy: The establishment of organizational identity overtime, considering identify claims and legitimacy granting
Capítulo de livro
Biobancos de pesquisa clínica: uma questão de cidadania (biológica) [Clinical research Biobanks: a question of (biological) citizenship]
Capítulo de livro
Capítulo de livro
Using data science to predict hotel booking cancellations
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Hypernetworks: capturing the multilayers of cooperative and competitive interactions in soccer
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A unity-based framework for sound transmission and perception in video games
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Cork Re-Wall: computational methods of automatic generation and digital fabrication of partition walls for building renovation
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Modelos de sucesso S.I., 25 anos de evolução
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Gamification usage ecology
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Modelo de competitive intelligence (CI)
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First order differential equations induced by the infinite servers queue with poisson arrivals transient behavior probability distribution parameters study as time functions
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Key performance indicators for improving a CRM implementation
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A negotiation approach to support interoperability in a collaborative manufacturing environment
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Distributed software development of a cloud solution for collaborative manufacturing networks
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Sharing economy: Crafting temporal identity and legitimacy claims as an emergent category
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Sharing economy: The establishment of organizational identity overtime, considering identify claims and legitimacy granting
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Designing integrated biorefineries supply chain: combining stochastic programming models with scenario reduction methods
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Data Mining Approach tool in Fishing Control Activity
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Predicting hotel bookings cancellation with a machine learning classification model
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Spatial perception of landmarks assessed by objective tracking of people and space syntax techniques
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Excellent cooking, worth a detour!: Dimensions of the overall experience offered by culinary arts
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Exploring drivers to engage in fashion luxury consumption
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Engaging customers in the restaurante sector
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Revisiting the city augmented by digital technologies – SeeARch tool
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ARch4models: a tool to augment physical scale models
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Cognition and evaluation of architecture environments based on geometric contour references and aesthetic judgements
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Analyzing web applications quality evolution
Artigo sem avaliação científica
'Uma nação start-up': Contributo para uma análise do empreendedorismo de base tecnológica em Portugal.
Comunicação em evento científico
Militant cinema, social memories and narratives on work
Comunicação em evento científico
Ethnographying the invisibility of work in two ICT companies: work and research tools
Comunicação em evento científico
Cinema e trabalho: diálogos entre imagens e documentos arquivísticos
Comunicação em evento científico
Exploring artistic work: an ethnographic approach of an artistic programme of the Performative Arts Service - Serralves Museum
Comunicação em evento científico
Board of Directors Characteristics and Foreign Shareholdings in Euro Zone Publicly Traded Banks
Comunicação em evento científico
First order differential equations induced by the infinite servers queue with poisson arrivals transient behavior probability distribution parameters study as time functions
Outras publicações
“«Workers on the move» the posting of construction labour force in the EU from mobilities studies perspective”
Outras publicações
Pedestrian and Cycling Bridge. Lisboa, Portugal
Intellectual capital management as a driver of competitiveness and sustainability
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
Enabling bookings cancellation prediction with data science
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Sustainable technologies and transdisciplinary futures: from collaborative design to digital fabrication
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How does creativity at work influence employee's positive affect at work?
Artigo em revista científica
Organizational identification and “currencies of exchange”: integrating social identity and social exchange perspectives
Artigo em revista científica
Wideband Implantable Antenna for Body-Area High Data Rate Impulse Radio Communication
Artigo em revista científica
Ball grid array-module with integrated shaped lens for WiGig applications in eyewear devices
Artigo em revista científica
Cork re-Wall: computational methods of automatic generation and digital fabrication of cork partition walls for building renovation
Artigo em revista científica
Qualitative analysis of vehicle needs and perceptions towards the adoption of a reconfigurable vehicle
Artigo em revista científica
Impression management and self-presentation dissimulation in Portuguese chairman's statements
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Online purchase determinants of loyalty: the mediating effect of satisfaction in tourism
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In-out parity relations for American-style barrier options
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Online market entry: the motivations for imitation across retailer types
Artigo em revista científica
What drives cross-border M&As in commercial banking?
Artigo em revista científica
The impact of continuous training in small and medium enterprises: lessons from an industrial case analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Framework for success of online brand management: a systematic literature review
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Approaching the discriminatory work environment as stressor: the protective role of job satisfaction on health
Artigo em revista científica
Cultural impacts on e-learning systems' success
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Enterprise resource planning adoption and satisfaction determinants
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A text mining-based review of cause-related marketing literature
Artigo em revista científica
Os processos de gestão do conhecimento influentes na inovação organizacional
Artigo em revista científica
Marketing resources, performance, and competitive advantage: a review and future research directions
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Service-based negotiation for advanced collaboration in enterprise networks
Artigo em revista científica
Moving towards an equitable long-term care network: a multi-objective and multi-period planning approach
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Cloud big data application for transport
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A cloud-based platform to ensure interoperability in aerospace industry
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Big Data Collections and Services for Building Intelligent Transport Applications
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The capacity for adopting energy innovations in Portugal: historical evidence and perspectives for the future
Artigo em revista científica
Measuring the duration of formative phases for energy technologies
Artigo em revista científica
Calling for change? Innovation, diffusion, and the energy impacts of global mobile telephony
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Market-based instruments in a growth model with dirty and clean technologies
Artigo em revista científica
Fast matrix inversion updates for massive MIMO detection and precoding
Artigo em revista científica
Situation awareness and computational intelligence in opportunistic networks to support the data transmission of urban sensing applications
Autor de livro
Segurança privada em Portugal
Autor de livro
Marketing do conhecimento à decisão
Capítulo de livro
Dielectric Lens Antennas
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Digital technologies in architecture and engineering: Exploring an engaged interaction within curricula
Capítulo de livro
A failure detector based on processes’ relevance and the confidence degree in the system for self-healing in ubiquitous environments
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Plataforma Web-BIM para gestão de instalações de um campus universitário
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An Approach for Automatic Formalization of Business Rules
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A Negotiation Model for Concurrent Engineering
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Emotional flow monitoring for health using FLOWSENSE: an experimental study to test the impact of antismoking campaigns
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The role of digital technologies in the innovation of collaborative networks: The case of the ornamental stones in Portugal
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Towards activity theory - preliminary report: Ambient intelligence applied to smart education
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ARch4maps: A mobile augmented reality tool to enrich paper maps
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Realidade virtual aplicada às obras subterrâneas
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IT project management practices in olympic summer Games-Rio2016 case study
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Experimental projects as learning settings for system building in sustainability transitions: The case of marine renewable energies
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CogniWin: An integrated framework to support older adults at work
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Predicting human activities in sequences of actions in RGB-D videos
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See architecture through digital technologies
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Human activity recognition from automatically labeled data in RGB-D videos
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Impact of automated action labeling in classification of human actions in RGB-D videos
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Design and analysis of a database to evaluate children’s reading aloud performance
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Cloud and Services Testing Applied in Manufacturing
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Fast and Extensible Online Multivariate Kernel Density Estimation
Comunicação em evento científico
Impact of Corporate R&D on efficiency in OECD industries
Comunicação em evento científico
Impact of corporate R&D on efficiency in OECD industries
Comunicação em evento científico
Estudo da memória episódica num contexto de simulação da realidade
Outras publicações
Corporate Risk and Governance: An End to Mismanagement, Tunnel Vision, and Quackery
Bank business models, regulation, and the role of financial market participants in the global financial crisis
Editorial ICAA
Dissertação de Mestrado
Exploring news ways of looking at Leadership A Dissertation on the Fundamental Leadership Qualifications in the Workplace
Artigo em revista científica
Using an educational multimedia application to prepare children for outpatient surgeries
Artigo em revista científica
RFID-based smart blood stock system
Artigo em revista científica
Estratégias para a renovação do edificado através das Gramáticas de Forma
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Tx-Rx lens-based satellite-on-the-move Ka-band antenna
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Circular polarization wide-angle beam steering at Ka-Band by in-plane translation of a plate lens antenna
Artigo em revista científica
Noncollimating MmW polyethylene lens mitigating dual-source offset from a Tx/Rx WiGig module
Artigo em revista científica
Review of 20 years of research on microwave and millimeter-wave lenses at “Instituto de Telecomunicações”
Artigo em revista científica
Regional and sectoral foreign direct investment in Portugal since joining the European union: a dynamic portrait
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Fair value: model proposal for the dairy sector
Artigo em revista científica
Pricing and static hedging of european-style double barrier options under the jump to default extended CEV model
Artigo em revista científica
Pricing and static hedging of American-style knock-in options on defaultable stocks
Artigo em revista científica
The effects of women on corporate boards on firm value, financial performance, and ethical and social compliance
Artigo em revista científica
The role of institutional and economic factors in the strategic use of non-GAAP disclosures to beat earnings benchmarks
Artigo em revista científica
The effectiveness of regulatory capital requirements prior to the onset of the financial crisis
Artigo em revista científica
Female directors in bank boardrooms and their influence on performance and risk-taking
Artigo em revista científica
Dynamic effects in inefficiency: evidence from the Colombian banking sector
Artigo em revista científica
Spatial centrality: an approach with sectoral linkages
Artigo em revista científica
Feeling better while waiting: hospital lobby in Portugal and South Korea
Artigo em revista científica
Attention, emotions and cause-related marketing effectiveness
Artigo em revista científica
Impact of product differentiation, marketing Investments and brand equity on pricing strategies: a brand level investigation
Artigo em revista científica
Inequality in the network society: an integrated approach to ICT access, basic skills, and complex capabilities
Artigo em revista científica
An integrated approach for planning a long-term care network with uncertainty, strategic policy and equity considerations
Artigo em revista científica
BEAUFORD: A Benchmark for Evaluation of Formalisation of Definitions in OWL
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The construction of a new technological innovation system in a follower country: wind energy in Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Spatial diffusion and the formation of a technological innovation system in the receiving country: the case of wind energy in Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Developing a structured and strategically focused performance assessment system
Artigo em revista científica
Challenging times to pharmaceutical supply chains towards sustainability: a case study application
Artigo em revista científica
Matter over mind: Environmental influences on the activation of aging stereotypes
Artigo em revista científica
Good Appearance and 3D Shape Descriptors for Object Category Recognition
Artigo em revista científica
Detecting nasal vowels in speech interfaces based on surface electromyography
Artigo em revista científica
Infinite servers queue systems busy period - a practical case on logistics problems solving
Autor de livro
Introdução à gestão
Autor de livro
Custos, Qualidade e Informação: uso da informação sobre os custos da qualidade nas empresas portuguesas
Capítulo de livro
Enhancing the Formation and Implementation of Sustainability Strategies Using the Balanced Scorecard: Evidence from the Chemical Industry
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Do we need a shared European MOOC platform
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Services for Business Knowledge Representation and Capture
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Resolving interoperability in concurrent engineering
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Investment in the infrastructure for hydrogen passenger cars – New hype or reality?
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Intelligent management and efficient operation of big data
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Elderly speech-gaze Interaction: State of the art and challenges for interaction design
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CogniWin – A virtual assistance system for older adults at work
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A living labs approach for usability testing of ambient assisted living technologies
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Velar Movement Assessment for Speech Interfaces: An Exploratory Study Using Surface Electromyography
Capítulo de livro
An Ubiquitous Service-Oriented Architecture for Urban Sensing
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cork re-wall: computational methods of automatic generation and digital fabrication of cork partition walls for building renovation
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Strategic partnerships in the formation of a renewable energy sector in Portugal
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Towards Cloud big data services for intelligent transport systems
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Aggregating and managing big realtime data in the cloud: Application to intelligent transport for smart cities
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The Hahn Banach theorem in convex programming
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Modelling services for business knowledge capture
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Negotiation in Collaborative Working Environment for the Next Generation of Product Design
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Human activity recognition and prediction
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Adversity in relationships: The Research Evidence
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I am so cool! : Capturing the core essence of the cool boutique hotel
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Feeling better while waiting: The influence of intrinsic cues of hospital lobby in Portugal and South Korea
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Giving voices to multimodal applications
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Multilingual speech recognition for the elderly: The AALFred personal life assistant
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SHREC’15 Track: Retrieval of Oobjects captured with kinect one camera
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Analysing people's movement in the built environment via space syntax, objective tracking and gaze data
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VIARmodes: visualization and iiteraction in mmersive virtual reality for architectural design process
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“Read That Article”: Exploring synergies between gaze and speech interaction
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Multimodal interaction with BIM data in immersive virtual reality
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Environmental policy on dirty and ecological technology
Editor de atas de evento científico
14th International Conference on Applied Mathematics (APLIMAT 2015)
Artigo sem avaliação científica
The influence of context on dialog act recognition
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Towards Using Machine Translation Techniques to Induce Multilingual Lexica of Discourse Markers
Artigo em revista científica
Developing of sustainability balanced scorecard for the chemical industry: preliminary evidence from a case analysis
Artigo em revista científica
Providing preoperative information for children undergoing surgery: a randomized study testing different types of educational material to reduce children’s preoperative worries
Artigo em revista científica
Design and ranging performance of a low-profile UWB antenna for WBAN localization applications
Artigo em revista científica
Spatially Confined UHF RFID Detection With a Metamaterial Grid
Artigo em revista científica
A broadband implantable and a dual-band on-body repeater antenna: design and transmission performance
Artigo em revista científica
Viability of wall-embedded tag antenna for ultra-wideband real-time suitcase localisation
Artigo em revista científica
A growth model with qualities, varieties, and human capital: stability and transitional dynamics
Artigo em revista científica
Quantifying distortions from pollution in a R&D endogenous growth model
Artigo em revista científica
The dynamics of the trade balance and the terms of trade in Central and Eastern European countries
Artigo em revista científica
Say yes to Facebook and get your customers involved! Relationships in a world of social networks
Artigo em revista científica
Internal capital markets and the funding of subsidiaries of multinational banks
Artigo em revista científica
Owner liability and financial reporting information as predictors of firm default in bank loans
Artigo em revista científica
International diversification and risk of multinational banks: evidence from the pre-crisis period
Artigo em revista científica
The exit decision in the European venture capital market
Artigo em revista científica
Using social networks sites in the purchasing decision process
Artigo em revista científica
Medical tourism: how lobby servicescape may influence customers’ image and pleasure
Artigo em revista científica
Differential effects of atmospheric cues on emotions and loyalty intention with respect to age under online/offline environment
Artigo em revista científica
Who needs delight? The greater impact of value, trust and satisfaction in utilitarian, frequent-use retail
Artigo em revista científica
Rebuilding the social dialogue and promoting inclusive organizations. A tool for social innovation in times of crisis
Artigo em revista científica
GUI code tracing through direct program interaction
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Data visualization
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Prototyping and analysing ubiquitous computing environments using multiple layers
Artigo em revista científica
Cumprimento dos requisitos de divulgação da NCRF 18: inventários
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The "Smart Paradox": stimulate the deployment of smart grids with effective regulatory instruments
Artigo em revista científica
Collaborative negotiation for ontology-driven enterprise businesses
Artigo em revista científica
Performance and differential costs analysis in a two echelons repair system with infinite servers queues
Artigo em revista científica
Assessing lean deployment in healthcare - a critical review and framework
Artigo em revista científica
The M|D|oo queue busy cycle distribution
Artigo em revista científica
Game theory and coopetition
Artigo em revista científica
Game theory, the science of strategy
Artigo em revista científica
Report on the capability assessment and improvement workshop (CAIW) at iPres 2013
Artigo em revista científica
Reversal in the relative performance of state- and legal person-owned companies during the Chinese split share structure reform
Capítulo de livro
Design and evaluation of a smart library using the APEX framework
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Improving speech recognition through automatic selection of age group – specific acoustic models
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Automatically recognising European Portuguese children’s speech: Pronunciation patterns revealed by an analysis of ASR errors
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Assessing the applicability of surface EMG to tongue gesture detection
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Luís Possolo: La stazione radio navale di Luanda e Angola
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Back and forth between social and technical: A collective experience in the transdisciplinary making of sustainable artifacts
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CORK'EWS From micro structural composition into macro structural performance
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A parametric composition based on cork morphogenesis
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Nanotechnology and processes the nano-photovoltaic panels
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Evaluating success of a programming learning tool
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Adoption of cloud computing systems
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Trends in the e-learning ecosystem: A bibliometric study
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Improving open information extraction using domain knowledge
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Cloud Application Development Methodology
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Cloud-based Business Applications Development Methodology
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Service-Oriented Architecture for Cloud Application Development
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Automatic Software Development as a Service (ASDaaS)
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Methodology for Semi-Automatic Development of Cloud-based Business Applications
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Methodology for Negotiation in Collaborative Working Environment for Innovation in Services Design
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Applying the TIMBUS Approach to Preserving Context in Digital Libraries
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Framework for the development of static and flexible collaborative solutions
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Modelling Services for Interoperability Negotiation
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Elaborating a master model of leadership: A paper on the fundamental leadership qualifications in the workplace
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Operation modes of battery chargers for electric vehicles in the future smart grids
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How gamification can influence the webdesign and the customer to use the e-banking systems
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Galactica, a digital planetarium that explores the solar system and the milky way
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Designing better spaces for people: Virtual reality and biometric sensing as tools to evaluate space use
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Enhancing multimodal silent speech interfaces with feature selection
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Speaker age estimation for elderly speech recognition in European Portuguese
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Space perception in virtual environments: On how biometric sensing in virtual environments may give architects users's feedback
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Casa de la Lhéngua: A set of language resources and natural language processing tools for Mirandese
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A traceable maturity assessment method based on enterprise architecture modelling
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Casa de la Lhéngua: A set of language resources and natural language processing tools for Mirandese
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Velum movement detection based on surface electromyography for speech interface
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The EASR corpora of European Portuguese, French, hungarian and polish elderly speech
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Multimodal corpora for silent speech interaction
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Can ultrasonic doppler help detecting nasality for silent speech interfaces?: An exploratory analysis based on alignement of the doppler signal with velum aperture information from real-time MRI
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Speech-centric multimodal interaction for easy-to-access online services: A personal life assistant for the elderly
Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência
A previsão do fracasso empresarial utilizando a análise discriminante e o logit no sector hoteleiro português
Artigo em revista científica
Distributed Coordination of Heterogeneous Agents Using a Semantic Overlay Network and a Goal-Directed Graphplan Planner
Artigo em revista científica
Dual-band implantable antennas for medical telemetry: A fast design methodology and validation for intra-cranial pressure monitoring
Artigo em revista científica
Hybrid UHF/UWB antenna for passive indoor identification and localization systems
Artigo em revista científica
Broadband UHF RFID Passive Tag Antenna for Near-Body Applications
Artigo em revista científica
On the Effect of Technological Progress on Pollution: An Overlooked Distortion in Endogenous Growth
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Social capital and investment in R&D: new externalities
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Technical note: company risk-related disclosures in a code law country: a synopsis
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Public visibility and risk-related disclosures in Portuguese credit institutions
Artigo em revista científica
Pricing and static hedging of American-style options under the jump to default extended CEV model
Artigo em revista científica
On the computation of option prices and Greeks under the CEV Model
Artigo em revista científica
Institutional Investors’ Reaction to SEC Concerns about IFRS and US GAAP Reporting
Artigo em revista científica
The effects of compensation and board quality on non-GAAP disclosures in Europe
Artigo em revista científica
The role of financial, macroeconomic, and non-financial information in bank loan default timing prediction
Artigo em revista científica
The determinants of venture capital across Europe: evidence across countries
Artigo em revista científica
Effects of atmospherics on emotions and intention with respect to involvement under different shopping environments
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The “sailing ship effect”: reassessing history as a source of insight on technical change
Artigo em revista científica
Sustainable interoperability on space mission feasibility studies
Artigo em revista científica
Biplot Methodology Applied to an Intellectual Capital Model
Artigo em revista científica
A Theoretical Model for the Report of Intellectual Capital
Artigo em revista científica
Linking Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital: A Study in Portuguese Banks
Artigo em revista científica
Strategic outsourcing: a lean tool of healthcare supply chain management
Artigo em revista científica
A M|G|? Queue Busy Period Distribution Characterizing Parameter
Artigo em revista científica
M|G|∞ queue busy period with PME distribution
Artigo em revista científica
Some considerations about the M|G|? queue approximation by a Markov renewal process
Artigo em revista científica
Optimization of anti-spam systems with multiobjective evolutionary algorithms
Artigo em revista científica
A emergência do modelo de desenvolvimento chinês
Artigo em revista científica
Agent-based approach to model parallel and concurrent negotiations
Artigo em revista científica
On the development of an automatic voice pleasantness classification and intensity estimation system
Artigo em revista científica
Analysis of object description methods in a video object tracking environment
Artigo em revista científica
The modified peakedness as a M|G|? busy cycle distribution characterizing parameter
Autor de livro
Excelência Organizacional
Capítulo de livro
The CNG corpus of European Portuguese children's speech
Capítulo de livro
Tecnologias de fala para pessoas idosas
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Agents and rules for the negotiation of interoperability solutions
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Standardisation Tools for Negotiating Interoperability Solutions
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Multi-agent framework for negotiation in a closed environment
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Digital preservation of business assets as a risk management strategy
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Intelligent Negotiation Mechanism for Supporting the Interoperability within the Sensing Enterprise
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Sustainable Interoperability of Negotiation of Manufacturing Robotic Machining Processes
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Infinite servers queue systems computational simulation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Forecasting the Usage of Home Appliances with Denoised Signal Patterns
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Transcribing and annotating speech corpora for speech recognition: A three-step crowdsourcing approach with quality control
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Good appearance and shape descriptors for object category recognition
Publicação em atas de evento científico
How space experimentation can inform design: immersive virtual reality as a design tool
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Multimodal silent speech interface based on video, depth, surface electromyography and ultrasonic Doppler: Data collection and first recognition results
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A multimodal educational game for 3-10-year-old children: Collecting and automatically recognising European Portuguese children’s speech
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A corpus-based study of elderly and young speakers of European Portuguese: Acoustic correlates and their impact on speech recognition performance
Publicação em atas de evento científico
How to develop financial applications with game features in e-banking?
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The adoption of gamification in e-banking
Periódico generalista
Twitter - Existe um futuro no mercado de capitais? Decisao acertada ou estrategia equivocada?
Periódico generalista
Fusão Vodafone/Verizon: acordo promissor ou apenas de alto risco?
Artigo em revista científica
Miniature Implantable Antennas for Biomedical Telemetry: From Simulation to Realization
Artigo em revista científica
Prototyping Vitruvius, new challenges: digital education, research and practice
Artigo em revista científica
When sociable workers pay off: can firms internalize social capital externalities?
Artigo em revista científica
Firm incentives, institutional complexity and the quality of "harmonized" accounting numbers
Artigo em revista científica
Internationalization, diversification and risk in multinational banks
Artigo em revista científica
The influence of managerial ownership on bank market value, performance, and risk: evidence from banks listed on the stoxx global index
Artigo em revista científica
The commercialisation decisions of research-based spin-off: Targeting the market for technologies
Artigo em revista científica
Le défi du déploiement des nouveaux réseaux énergétiques : quel rôle de l’État ?
Artigo em revista científica
NEGOSEIO: a framework for negotiations toward sustainable enterprise interoperability
Artigo em revista científica
Infinite Servers Queue Systems Busy Period Length Moments
Artigo em revista científica
Cooperation in port wine distribution
Artigo em revista científica
Transient Behavior of the M/G/m and M/G/00 systems
Artigo em revista científica
A note on the M/G/oo Queue Busy Period Variance
Artigo em revista científica
Review on multiobjective evolutionary algorithms and application in metal matrix composites
Artigo em revista científica
Value-driving activities in Euro-zone banks
Artigo em revista científica
Probing a Noisy Oscillator System
Artigo em revista científica
Indicator-based multi objective evolutionary algorithms and an application in filament winding process
Artigo em revista científica
The Age or Excess of the M|G|? Queue Busy Cycle Mean Value
Autor de livro
Resíduos: Uma Oportunidade
Capítulo de livro
A proposal for a visual speech animation system for European Portuguese
Capítulo de livro
Impact of age in ASR for the elderly: Preliminary experiments in European Portuguese
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Fabricating a living system - Uploading the design process into materiality performance
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Using Open Source for forensic purposes
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Proposing a system to support crowdsourcing
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Information aggregation in an entrepreneurship portal
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Macroeconomics leverage trough open source
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Patient health portal: a calendar paradigm
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Design of communication: a review of theories and models
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cloud services evaluation framework
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Brainstorming reconsidered in computer-mediated communication and group support system context
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Social networks and the software sector in Portugal
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A Framework for Sustainable Interoperability of Negotiation Processes
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Sustainable Interoperability Framework for supporting Negotiation Processes
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A Framework for Negotiation-Based Sustainable Interoperability for Space Mission Design
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Ontology Enriched Framework for Cloud-based Enterprise Interoperability
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Negotiations Framework for Monitoring the Sustainability of Interoperability Solutions
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cloud-based negotiation for sustainable enterprise interoperability
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Multimodal user interfaces to improve social integration of elderly and mobility impaired
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Automatic speech recognition based on ultrasonic doppler sensing for European Portuguese
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The first European Portuguese elderly speech corpus
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Architectural rehabilitation and conservation processes informed by augmented reality
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Towards a silent speech interface for Portuguese: Surface electromyography and the nasality challenge
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Towards elderly social integration using a multimodal human-computer interface
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Title of tutorial: Designing immersive VR systems: From bits to bolts
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Sustainable Interoperability in Business Relationships
Editor de atas de evento científico
Proceedings of the 2nd International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications, AAL 2012, in Conjunction with BIOSTEC 2012
Working paper
The Possibilities for Enhancing Ownership of Development in Africa: the role of regional integration in the external relations of Africa
Working paper
European responses to Asia’s enhanced role as an aid donor
Tese de Doutoramento
NEGOSEIO: Framework for the Sustainability of Model-oriented Enterprise Interoperability
Artigo em revista científica
Mirror-Integrated Transparent Antenna for RFID Application
Artigo em revista científica
Passive UHF RFID Tag for Airport Suitcase Tracking and Identification
Artigo em revista científica
RFID Reader Antennas For Tag Detection in Self-Confined Volumes at UHF
Artigo em revista científica
Evaluation of a New Wideband Slot Array for MIMO Performance Enhancement in Indoor WLANs
Artigo em revista científica
Pricing real options under the constant elasticity of variance diffusion
Artigo em revista científica
Hysteresis effects under CIR interest rates
Artigo em revista científica
MXT Studio
Artigo em revista científica
Accurate infrared tracking system for immersive virtual environments
Autor de livro
Capítulo de livro
Towards a multimodal silent speech interface for European Portuguese
Publicação em atas de evento científico
ERP and assistance systems
Publicação em atas de evento científico
An eclipse plugin to support code smells detection
Publicação em atas de evento científico
SLALOM: A language for SLA specification and monitoring
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Moving to the cloud: Estimating the internet connection bandwidth
Publicação em atas de evento científico
DigitalPinDirector: A digital pinscreen editor for images and realtime animation in low cost personal computers
Publicação em atas de evento científico
An automatic voice pleasantness classification system based on prosodic and acoustic patterns of voice preference
Publicação em atas de evento científico
On the benefits of speech and touch interaction with communication services for mobility impaired users
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A new living lab for usability evaluation of ICT and next generation networks for elderly@home
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Acoustic notes on stressed Mirandese vowels: a contribution to the description of Mirandese phonetics
Editor de atas de evento científico
Proceedings of “1st International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications”, in conjunction with the 4th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC 2011
Working paper
Understanding the topologies of innovation networks in knowledge-intensive sectors
Working paper
The emergence of a knowledge-intensive-sector in Portugal: social networks and innovation in the software sector
Working paper
Lessons from Korea to Africa : leaders, politics and developmental states
Tese de Doutoramento
Distributed Coordination in Unstructured Intelligent Agent Societies
Artigo em revista científica
Broadband integrated lens for illuminating reflector antenna with constant aperture efficiency
Artigo em revista científica
Wideband Slot Antenna for WLAN Access Points
Artigo em revista científica
Accounting and non-accounting determinants of default: an analysis of privately-held firms
Artigo em revista científica
Automating the construction of domain-specific modeling languages for object-oriented frameworks
Artigo em revista científica
L'economie de l'hydrogene est-elle définitivement enterrée? = Is hydrogen eonomy dead and buried ?
Artigo em revista científica
Is carbon lock-in blocking investments in the hydrogen economy? A survey of actors' strategies
Artigo em revista científica
Investing in the hydrogen delivery infrastructure: methodology for a public policy
Artigo em revista científica
Dynamic competition between plug-in hybrid and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles for personal transportation
Artigo em revista científica
Designing a highly immersive interactive environment: the virtual mine
Artigo em revista científica
O Porto e a Estrutura Urbana da cidade da Horta
Artigo em revista científica
Determinant factors of structural similarity at the regional level: evidence from Portugal
Autor de livro
A Marca Portugal
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Software distribution to remote locations
Publicação em atas de evento científico
On interoperability between online virtual worlds and augmented reality
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Utilização de Realidade Aumentada num Mapa em Suporte de Papel para a Gestão de Crises
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Improving the Social Inclusion of Mobility Impaired Users
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Elderly speech collection for speech recognition based on crowd sourcing
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Building high quality databases for minority languages such as Galician
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Multi-projector VR Systems
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Tutorial: Designing Multi-projector VR Systems: From Bits to Bolts
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Tutorial: Designing immersive VR systems: from bits to bolts
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Tutorial: Designing multi-projetor VR systems: from bits to bolts
Comunicação em evento científico
Investigação & Arquitectura: Investigar em Projecto - MXTstudio
Artigo em revista científica
Performance of a crossed exponentially tapered slot antenna for UWB systems
Artigo em revista científica
Compact tapered slot UWB antenna with WLAN band rejection
Artigo em revista científica
Compact Beam-Steerable Lens Antenna for 60-GHz Wireless Communications
Artigo em revista científica
Durable vs. disposable equipment choice under interest rate uncertainty
Artigo em revista científica
The effectiveness of auditor's going concern evaluation as an external governance mechanism: evidence form bank loan defaults
Artigo em revista científica
A theoretical perspective on the location of banking FDI
Artigo em revista científica
The influence of foreign equity and board membership on corporate strategy and management of internal costs in Portuguese banks
Artigo em revista científica
Extending internalisation theory
Artigo em revista científica
Venturing into the Wilderness. Preparing for Wild Cards in the Civil Aircraft and Asset-Management Industries
Artigo em revista científica
The changing role of science in the innovation process: From Queen to Cinderella?
Artigo em revista científica
Brave old world: Accounting for 'high-tech' knowledge in 'low-tech' industries
Artigo em revista científica
Telecommunications for the needy: how needed are they?
Artigo em revista científica
Technology adoption in nonrenewable resource management
Artigo em revista científica
Collaborative car pooling system
Artigo em revista científica
Entrepreneurship and social networks in IT sectors: the case of the software industry in Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Heuristic Methods for the sectoring arc routing problem
Editor de livro
Gesture-Based Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation - 7th International Gesture Workshop, GW 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007, Revised Selected Papers
Capítulo de livro
KC-PLM: Knowledge collaborative product lifecycle management
Capítulo de livro
Spoken Language Interface for Mobile Devices
Capítulo de livro
Skin color profile capture for scale and rotation invariant hand gesture recognition
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Using hand gesture and speech in a multimodal augmented reality environment
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Automatic syllabification for Danish text-to-speech systems
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Immersive Virtual Mine
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Speech as the Basic Interface for Assistive Technology
Editor de atas de evento científico
Proceedings of the I Iberian SLTech 2009, I Joint SIG-IL/Microsoft Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages
Comunicação em evento científico
Citizen Journalism
Comunicação em evento científico
Cultural tourism and innovation: real failures and virtual reality
Dissertação de Mestrado
A Marca Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Improving multi-agent based resource coordination in peer-to-peer networks
Artigo em revista científica
Compact Ka-Band lens antennas for LEO satellites
Artigo em revista científica
Evaluation of a double-shell integrated scanning lens antenna
Artigo em revista científica
RFID smart shelf with confined detection volume at UHF
Artigo em revista científica
Collaboration, competition and strategic costing: Knowing when to start learning
Artigo em revista científica
Accurate minimum capital risk requirements: a comparison of several approaches
Artigo em revista científica
Building and interconnecting hydrogen networks: insights from the electricity and gas experience in Europe
Artigo em revista científica
When the South emulates the North: energy policies and nationalism in the twentieth century
Artigo em revista científica
Gestão do capital intelectual: A nova vantagem competitiva das organizações
Artigo em revista científica
Automatic camera pose initialization, using scale, rotation and luminance invariant natural feature tracking
Autor de livro
Casos empresariais: Trás-os-Montes
Autor de livro
Casos empresariais: Beira Interior
Autor de livro
Casos empresariais: Açores
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Vibration control of underwater blasting works using artificial neural networks
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Automatic camera pose initialization, using scale, rotation and luminance invariant natural feature tracking
Publicação em atas de evento científico
HMM-based Brazilian Portuguese TTS
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Multi-Language Telephony Speech Data Collection and Annotation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Automatic word stress marking and syllabification for Catalan TTS
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Secure License Management for Interoperable DRM Systems
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Os recursos da Linguateca ao serviço do desenvolvimento da tecnologia de fala na Microsoft
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Short Course: Designing multi-projetor VR systems: from bits to bolts
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Short Course: Designing multi-projetor VR systems: from bits to bolts
Publicação em atas de evento científico
The ESA OCDS Project - Enhancing the Concurrent Design Concept
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Domain Design Application (DDA) and enhancements of communication layer for CDF
Editor de atas de evento científico
Estatística – da teoria à prática: Actas do XV Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística,
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Interfacing with robots: do robots do what we want them to do?
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Virtualization Technology Transforms old Mining Site in Portugal into a Leading Centre for Scientific Education and Research
Artigo em revista científica
Broadband slot feed for integrated lens antennas
Artigo em revista científica
Choice of scale by banks in financial centers
Artigo em revista científica
Enterprises, incentives and networks: the formative years of the electrical network in Portugal, 1920–1947
Artigo em revista científica
Accuracy of Gaussian approach for the performance evaluation of direct-detection receiver with partially polarized noise
Capítulo de livro
European Portuguese Accent in Acoustic Models for Non-native English Speakers
Capítulo de livro
Accessing earth observation data using JPEG2000
Publicação em atas de evento científico
M|G|∞ system parameters for a particular collection of service time distributions
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Efficient synchronization with chaotic quadratic maps
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Morphosis : A responsive membrane
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Using service-oriented architectures towards rights management interoperability
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Spoken Language Interface for Mobile Devices
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Subjective and Objective Assessment of TTS Voice Font Quality
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Subjective and Objective Evaluation of Brazilian Portuguese TTS Voice Font Quality
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Hand Gesture and Speech in a Multimodal Augmented Reality Environment
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Skin Color Profile Capture for Scale and Rotation Invariant Hand Gesture Recognition
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Key management in open DRM platforms
Publicação em atas de evento científico
PKI as a way to leverage DRM interoperability
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Abstract Distributed Engine (ADE): A Library for Data Consistency in Distributed Virtual Environments
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Tela de Alfinetes Virtual
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Efficient Texture Tracking using Optical Flow and Backprojection Information
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Nausea Transformer
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A TN/ITN Framework for Western European languages
Publicação em atas de evento científico
An Optimized Marker Tracking System
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Modeling the Experimental Software Engineering Process
Editor de atas de evento científico
Proceedings of GW 2007, 7th European Gesture Workshop
Comunicação em evento científico
Vibration propagation during the Leixões Harbour deepening works
Outras publicações
Proceedings of QUATIC'2007
Periódico generalista
Microsoft and Its Rivals Take 'Office'Politics Global
Artigo em revista científica
Portugal positivo: investimento directo estrangeiro e/ou plano tecnológico?
Artigo em revista científica
Dirty surplus accounting flows and valuation errors
Artigo em revista científica
Integration of geo-referenced data for visual simulation in location-based mobile computing
Artigo em revista científica
Interoperability mechanisms for registration and authentication on different open DRM platforms
Artigo em revista científica
Semi-automatic 3D reconstruction of urban areas using epipolar geometry and template matching
Capítulo de livro
Bringing DRM interoperability to digital content rendering applications
Publicação em atas de evento científico
On the Influence of Practitioners' Expertise in Component-Based Software Reviews
Publicação em atas de evento científico
O.G.R.E.: Open Gestures Recognition Engine, a platform for gesture-based communication and interaction
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Using Service-oriented architectures towards Rights Management Interoperability
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Flexible access to ESA Earth Observation data using JPEG2000 and DRM
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Protection of MP3 music files using digital rights management and symmetric ciphering
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Open-Source Software as a Driver for Digital Content E-Commerce and DRM Interoperability
Publicação em atas de evento científico
JPEG2000 Image Compression and Visualization for Desktop and Mobile Clients
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Digital object rights management: Interoperable client-side DRM middleware
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Kit Assembly Helper in Augmented Realit
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Magic in Augmented Reality
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Gesture human-computer interface for command and control
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cooking an ontology
Working paper
Ontology construction: cooking domain
Comunicação em evento científico
Resources dynamics from the point of view of the regenerated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model
Artigo em revista científica
Advances and challenges in innovation studies
Artigo em revista científica
Phase error resilience to I/Q mismatch of a simplified CPM receiver
Artigo em revista científica
Limits for CPM signals representation by Walsh functions
Artigo em revista científica
From OPIMA to MPEG IPMP-X: A standard's history across R&D projects
Autor de livro
Planeamento e Controlo de Gestão
Autor de livro
Princípios de Marketing Internacional - Campeões Portugueses no Estrangeiro
Capítulo de livro
Mudança Tecnológica e Emprego: Questões Centrais e Abordagens Teóricas
Capítulo de livro
Mudança Tecnológica e Emprego em Portugal: uma abordagem estrutural a partir dos anos 90
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Developing games with Magic Playground: A gesture-based game engine
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Using Web-Services to Manage and Control Access to Multimedia Content
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Real Time Deformation for a Car Simulation Game
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Seamless Indoor and Outdoor Location, Guidance and Visualization in Mobile Computing
Publicação em atas de evento científico
HICOD2000 - Integrated system for coding, protection and trading of earth observation products in JPEG2000
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Fully automated texture tracking based on natural features extraction and template matching
Publicação em atas de evento científico
D4MD - Deformation system for a vehicle simulation game
Editor de atas de evento científico
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality - CONVR 2005 -
Dissertação de Mestrado
Metodologias de Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Projectos para Site na Web Aplicadas a Pequenas Organizações - Caso Prático: Casa do Brasil de Lisboa
Artigo em revista científica
Developing small web based systems
Artigo em revista científica
Trademarks as an indicator of innovation and industrial change
Artigo em revista científica
Wild cards, weak signals and organisational improvisation
Artigo em revista científica
Dirty surplus accounting flows: international evidence
Editor de livro
Portugal e a Sociedade do Conhecimento
Publicação em atas de evento científico
M|G|∞ queue busy cycle renewal function for some particular service time distributions
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Variable resolution coding with JPEG 2000 part 10
Publicação em atas de evento científico
JPEG 2000 coding of textured parametric surfaces
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Lossless coding of floating point data with JPEG 2000 part 10
Publicação em atas de evento científico
O.G.R.E. - Open Gestures Recognition Engine
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Development of a cooperative integration system for AEC design
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Gesturing with tangible interfaces for mixed reality
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Parallel JPEG2000 Encoding on a Beowulf Cluster
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Automatic 3D Reconstruction of Urban Areas, by using Epipolar Geometry and Template Matching
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Fusion of Geo-Referenced Data for Visual Simulation in Location-based Mobile Computing
Publicação em atas de evento científico
ARTIC: Augmented Reality Tangible Interface by Color Evaluation
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Reaktor: a game engine prototype
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Mini-Course: From Virtual Reality to Augmented Reality – Fundamental Concepts and Applications
Artigo em revista científica
Corporate debt policy of small firms: An empirical (re)examination
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A Two Echelons Repair System Modelled Through Infinite Servers Queues
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A further note about the Ricatti equation application to the M|G|? system busy period study
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Bridging the gap between Acme and UML for CBD
Publicação em atas de evento científico
JPEG 2000 coding of image data over adaptive refinement grids
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Usability evaluation of tangible user interfaces for augmented reality
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Developing and authoring mixed reality with MX toolkit
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A method for protecting and controlling access to JPEG2000 images
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A4D: Augmented Reality 4D System for Architecture and Building Construction
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Increasing the Performance of JPEG2000 Encoding through High-Performance Computing
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Gesturing with Tangible Interfaces for Mixed Reality
Dissertação de Mestrado
Anotação Morfossintáctica Desambiguada do Português
Cultural Tastes - Depth Interview
The Dynamics of Cultural Consumption
Cultural Tastes - Focus Groups Interview
New Communication Age vs. Citizenship
Artigo em revista científica
A note on foreign bank investment in the USA
Artigo em revista científica
Steady change: the 200 largest US manufacturing firms throughout the 20th century
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Mean sojourn time in state k, k=0,1,..., for the M|G|∞ queueing system (Exact and approximated expressions)
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Formalizing Object-Oriented Design Metrics upon the UML Meta-Model
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Simulating cloth free-form deformation with a beowulf cluster
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Mixed Reality Interactive Visualisation for Human Space Missions
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Space and Planetary Imaging using JPEG2000
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Tangible Interaction for Conceptual Architectural Design
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Augmented Reality for Non-Invasive Medical Imaging
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Cooperative Work Support and Automatic Design Verification in Architecture and Building Construction
Comunicação em evento científico
From DAML-S to Executable Code
Artigo em revista científica
Numerical study of passive gain equalization with twin-core fiber coupler amplifiers for WDM systems
Artigo em revista científica
Modified split-step Fourier method for the numerical simulation of soliton amplification in erbium-doped fibers with forward-propagating noise
Artigo em revista científica
(Re)Testing the 'follow the customer' hypothesis in multinational bank expansion
Publicação em atas de evento científico
IDL: A Geometric Interference Detection Language
Artigo em revista científica
A discretized linear elastic model for cloth buckling and drape
Capítulo de livro
A cooperative architecture design system via communication network
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Bounds for the M|M|∞ queueing system busy period distribution function
Artigo sem avaliação científica
Improving the Cooperation and Comunication in the Plastic Mould Life-Cycle
Artigo em revista científica
Utilização do jogo de simulação de gestão SIM 7 como instrumento pedagógico: um estudo exploratório
Capítulo de livro
Convergência e padrão de competitividade em Portugal: sucesso económico e debilidades tecnológicas
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Interference Detection in Architectural Databases
Publicação em atas de evento científico
A prototype system for cooperative architecture design
Artigo em revista científica
Multichannel soliton amplification in Erbium-Doped fiber amplifiers
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Modelling Cloth Buckling and Drape
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Sustainability through integration
Artigo em revista científica
mWorld: A multiuser 3D virtual environment
Capítulo de livro
Deformable Objects with Real Time Realistic Behaviour for Virtual Scenarios
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CODI - a system for cooperative 3D design
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Projetos da Arquitectura à Distância, em Ambientes de Realidade Virtual Distribuída, na Rede de Banda Larga VISINET
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Acesso a Conteúdos Multimédia sobre Informação Artística na Rede Trans-Europeia ARTLINE
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Serviços Telemáticos de apoio a Trabalho Cooperativo na Rede Europeia de Banda Larga Fashion-Net
Artigo em revista científica
Some further properties of the busy period of an M/G/oo queue
Artigo em revista científica
Artigo em revista científica
Neural networks and empirical research in accounting
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Evaluating the impact of object-oriented design on software quality
Artigo em revista científica
Accounting identities and the distribution of ratios
Artigo em revista científica
Incorporating complementary ratios in the analysis of financial statements
Capítulo de livro
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Fashion Desk: Um Sistema CAD 3D em Ambiente Cooperativo para Auxílio ao Estilismo e Modelismo nas Confecções Têxteis
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Simulação e Animação de Superfícies Deformáveis
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Projecto ESPRIT 6534 3D-Fashion: Distributed and Cooperative 3D Fashion and Modelling Design System
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Modelação de Curvatura Induzida por ligação entre Moldes
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Um Modelo Energético para Simulação de Superfícies Deformáveis
Working paper
A Emergência de um Novo Paradigma Técnico-Económico e os Pequenos Países - O caso de Portugal
Artigo em revista científica
Industrialization and communism: the Portuguese Communist Party confronts the Sines growth pole
Publicação em atas de evento científico
CADIN, Um sistema de CAD para a Indústria de Confecções Têxteis
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Roblas, Um Sistema Avançado para a Indústria Têxtil de ConfecçõesEndiel, Porto, 1989.
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Animação por Computador de Objectos Sintetizados ou Adquiridos
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Um Sistema de Desenho Assistido por Computador para a Indústria das Confecções Têxteis
Publicação em atas de evento científico
Animação Aplicada à Engenharia