Artigo de revisão Q1
Industry transformations for high service provisioning with lower energy and material demand: A review of models and scenarios
Dominik Wiedenhofer (Wiedenhofer, D.); Jan Streeck (Streeck, J.); Frauke Wiese (Wiese, F.); Elena Verdolini (Verdolini, E.); Alessio Mastrucci (Mastrucci, A.); Yiyi Ju (Ju, Y.); Benigna Boza-Kiss (Boza-Kiss, B.); Jihoon Min (Min, J.); Jonathan Norman (Norman, J.); Hanspeter Wieland (Wieland, H.); Nuno Bento (Bento, N.); María Fernanda Godoy León (Godoy León. M. F.); Leticia Magalar (Magalar, L.); Andreas Mayer (Mayer, A.); Simone Gingrich (Gingrich, S.); Ayami Hayashi (Hayashi, A.); Joni Jupesta (Jupesta, J.); Gamze Ünlü (Ünlü, G.); Leila Niamir (Niamir, L.); Tao Cao (Cao, T.); Marianne Zanon-Zotin (Zanon-Zotin, M.); Barbara Plank (Plank, B.); Johan Vélez-Henao (Vélez-Henao, J.); Eric Masanet (Masanet, E.); Volker Krey (Krey, V.); Keigo Akimoto (Akimoto, K.); Arnulf Grubler (Grubler, A.); Bas van Ruijven (van Ruijven, B.); Stefan Pauliuk (Pauliuk, S.); et al.
Título Revista
Annual Review of Environment and Resources
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Estados Unidos da América
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Developing transformative pathways for industry's compliance with international climate targets requires model-based insights into how supply- and demand-side measures affect industry, material cycles, global supply chains, socioeconomic activities, and service provisioning that support societal well-being. We review the recent literature modeling the industrial system in low energy and material demand futures, which mitigates environmental impacts without relying on risky future negative emissions and technological fixes. We identify 77 innovative studies drawing on nine distinct industry modeling traditions. We critically assess system definitions and scopes, biophysical and thermodynamic consistency, granularity and heterogeneity, and operationalization of demand and service provisioning. We find that combined supply- and demand-side measures could reduce current economy-wide material use by 56%, energy use by 40% to 60%, and greenhouse gas emissions by 70% to net zero. We call for strengthened interdisciplinary collaborations between industry modeling traditions and demand-side research to produce more insightful scenarios, and we discuss challenges and recommendations for this emerging field.
Climate change mitigation,Sustainable resource use,Integrated assessment modeling,IAM,Ecological economics,Industrial ecology
  • Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente - Ciências Naturais
  • Geografia Económica e Social - Ciências Sociais
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
EP/R035288/1 UK Research and Innovation
101056810 Comissão Europeia
101056868 Comissão Europeia
757995 Comissão Europeia
853487 Comissão Europeia
PTDC/GES-AMB/0934/2020 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
01UU2004A German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

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