Artigo em revista científica
Agent-based approach to model parallel and concurrent negotiations
Adina Georgeta Bratu Cretan (Cretan, A.); Carlos Coutinho (Coutinho, C.); Ben Bratu (Bratu, B.); Ricardo Luís Rosa Jardim-Gonçalves (Jardim-Goncalves, R.);
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Computational Methods in Social Sciences
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Each organization has limited resources and in order to better accomplish a higher external demand, the managers are forced to outsource parts of their contracts even to concurrent organizations. In this concurrent environment each organization wants to preserve its decision autonomy and to disclose as little as possible from its business information. To model this interaction our approach is to define a framework for describing and managing parallel and concurrent negotiations among independent organizations acting in the same industrial market. The complexity of our negotiation model is done by the dynamic environment in which multi-attribute and multi-participant negotiations are racing over the same set of resources. We are using the metaphor Interaction Abstract Machines (IAMs) to model the parallelism and the non-deterministic aspects of our negotiation process.
Negotiation model,intelligent agents,computational method,dynamic environment,constraint satisfaction programming
  • Ciências da Computação e da Informação - Ciências Naturais
  • Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Eletrónica e Informática - Engenharia e Tecnologia

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