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Independents and citizen’s groups in Portuguese municipalities
Maria Antónia Pires de Almeida (Almeida, M. A. P. de);
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Farewell to the Party Model? Independent Local Lists in East and West European Countries
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Portugal has been living in Democracy for the last three decades. After the revolution of April 25th 1974, and a two year transition period, democratic institutions have begun to function with some regularity, towards a multi-party system. There have been four major parties in Portugal since 1974/1975: the Socialist Party (PS), the Social Democrat Party (PSD), the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) and the Popular Party (former CDS – Social Democrat Centre, now CDS-PP), on the right wing (see analysis of statutes in Lobo, 2003: 253-261). The two major parties, the Socialist Party (PS – centre left) and the Social Democrat Party (PSD – centre right), usually alternate in the control of central government, sometimes in coalition to other parties. This two-party system characterizes most democracies nowadays.