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Inequality and well-being in Europe: from a transnational to a place-based analysis
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Conference on New Techniques & Technologies for Official Statistics (by Eurostat)
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Inequality and well-being are central concerns in today’s world. Inequalities are growing and their consequences are visible in the economic, social, cultural and political structures of contemporary societies. The most advanced theories of inequality emphasize that social inequalities are multidimensional, very often intersect with each other and are systemic and cumulative [1, 2, 3 and 4]. Recent studies emphasize that inequality constrains well-being [5 and 6], but the findings are mostly supported by analysis between countries, that do not take into consideration inequalities within countries and their specific transnational scope. The adoption of a multi-scaling perspective – transnationally, nationally and place-based – that would reveal how social inequalities have consequences on well-being of citizens, allows overcoming strict visions of European integration, convergence and social cohesion. Having Portugal as a national case study, this presentation is part of an ongoing project (TIWELL – Territories of Inequality and Well-Being) that intends to replicate the research strategy to others European countries, namely by applying to the next framework of the Horizon Europe (2021-2027). We propose to operationalise a set of inequality and well-being monitoring indicators which make it possible to enhance public policies, supported on a European well-being agenda, that could impact in localities, regions, cities and countries of Europe.
Inequality,well-being,Europe,multi-scaling analysis,monitoring indicators,Horizon Europe,public policies
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