Publication in conference proceedings
Infrared tracking system for immersive virtual environments
Filipe Gaspar (Gaspar, F.); Miguel Sales Dias (Dias, M. S.); Rafael Bastos (Bastos, R.);
Actas do 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica: Realidade Virtual e Aumentada, Reconstrução 3D e Visão por Computador
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In this paper, we describe the theoretical foundations and engineering approach of an infrared-optical tracking system specially design for large scale immersive virtual environments (VE) or augmented reality (AR) settings. The system described is capable of tracking independent retro-reflective markers arranged in a 3D structure (ar-tefact) in real time (25Hz), recovering all possible 6 Degrees of Freedom (DOF). These artefacts can be ad-justed to the user’s stereo glasses to track his/her pose while immersed in the VE or AR, or can be used as a 3D input device. The hardware configuration consists in 4 shutter-synchronized cameras attached with band-pass infrared filters and the artefacts are illuminated by infrared array-emitters. The system was specially designed to fit a room with sizes of 5.7m x 2.7m x 3.4 m, which match the dimensions of the CAVE-Hollowspace of Lousal where the system will be deployed. Pilot lab results have shown a latency of 40ms in tracking the pose of two ar-tefacts with 4 infrared markers, achieving a frame-rate of 24.80 fps and showing a mean accuracy of 0.93mm/0.52º and a mean precision of 0.08mm/0.04º, respectively, in overall translation/rotation DOFs, fulfill-ing the system requirements initially defined.
Immersive virtual reality,CAVE,Infrared tracking,Blob segmentation,Epipolar geometry,3D reconstruction,Model fitting,Pose estimation
  • Computer and Information Sciences - Natural Sciences
  • Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering - Engineering and Technology
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