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Integrating industrial tourism in active industrial companies: Advantages, strategies, and barriers: A Delphi methodology approach
Proceedings of the International Workshop “Tourism and Hospitality Management” (IWTHM2023)
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Purpose: This article is part of a broader ongoing research project, which aims to
find scientifically relevant information on how to incorporate industrial tourism into
active industrial businesses whose primary focus is industrial production rather than
tourism. Its methodological basis is the Delphi methodology, with the participation
of 27 experts from various fields. After applying a first round of questionnaires, it
was possible to identify advantages, disadvantages, strategies, and barriers to
implementing Industrial Tourism in industrial companies. There is a growing interest
in Industrial Tourism in Portugal; however, its applicability in industrial companies
still needs to be studied. Being Industrial Tourism, one of the promoters of regional
development, is it also important for the strategies of industrial companies in
activity? What are the critical points of this relationship? This work also intends to
contribute to the identification of the impacts of this product in industrial companies,
as well as strategies and barriers to its implementation.
Industrial tourism,Industrial enterprises,Delphi methodology
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento | Entidade Financiadora |
UIDB/05105/2020 | Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia |
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