Publication in conference proceedings
Kit Assembly Helper in Augmented Realit
M. V. Almeida (Almeida, A.); Miguel Sales Dias (Dias, J.);
Proc SIACG 2006: 3rd Ibero-American Symposium in Computer Graphics ((14º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica e XV1 Congreso Espanhol de Informatica Grafica, CEIG)
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This paper describes an augmented reality application that aids users in assembling an object originally in a kit format, i.e. the object is received unassembled, with ordered instructions steps on how to connect each piece. We have used XML to define the objects, the object pieces and the assembly rules; thus, the Kit Assembly Helper (KAH) becomes flexible and can assemble any given 3D physical object. We have adopted a hierarchical structure similar to that used in a theatre, based on puppets and puppeteers. By using augmented reality and pre-recorded speech prompts, the cognitive distance between the user and the assembly instructions is reduced, allowing a better perception of the problem, as well as of the solution. The system is developed in MX Toolkit, an in-house C++ software platform oriented to the Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality application developer. The paper discusses system architecture aspects and provides a usability evaluation framework that shows the benefits of the approach for helping users in kit assembly tasks.
Augmented Reality,XML,MX Tookit
  • Computer and Information Sciences - Natural Sciences
  • Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering - Engineering and Technology

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