Scientific journal paper Q1
Looking ahead: Health impact assessment of front-of-pack nutrition labelling schema as a public health measure
Rodrigo Feteira-Santos (Feteira-Santos, R.); Violeta Alarcão (Alarcão, V.); Osvaldo Santos (Santos, O.); Ana Virgolino (Virgolino, A.); João Fernandes (Fernandes, J.); Carlota Pacheco Vieira (Pacheco Vieira, C.); Maria João Gregório (Gregório, M. J.); Nogueira, Paulo (Nogueira, P.); Andreia Silva Costa (Costa, A. S.); Pedro Graça (Graça, P.); et al.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
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This study aimed to describe the underlying process, used methods and major recommendations emerging from a comprehensive and prospective health impact assessment of the endorsement of a front-of-pack nutrition labelling (FOP-NL) system by the Portuguese health authorities. A mixed-methods approach was used to gather information on the impact of four FOP-NL schemes on consumers’ selection of food products according to the perception of their nutritional quality, combining a systematic literature review, focus groups (FG), in-depth individual interviews, and an open-label crossover randomized controlled study. The relevance of FOP-NL as a public health promotion policy has emerged as a consensual idea among either FGs’ participants (i.e., consumers and experts), or interviewed stakeholders. Although all of the evaluated FOP-NLs result better than no system on promoting the choice of the healthiest product, the effectiveness of easy-to-interpret FOP-NL among vulnerable groups raised concerns related to the need of integrating specific nutritional information to promote a better self-management of chronic diseases, and related to the level of literacy of consumers, which could impair the usage of FOP-NL. Educational campaigns addressing skills to use FOP-NL is recommended. Furthermore, a monitoring strategy should be considered to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of this policy in promoting healthier food choices, and in reducing diet-related non-communicable diseases burden.
Food labelling,Front-of-pack labelling,Nutrition policy,Health impact assessment,Health literacy,Health equity
  • Health Sciences - Medical and Health Sciences
Funding Records
Funding Reference Funding Entity
UIDB/04295/2020 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
UIDP/04295/2020 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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