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Portas do Mar and Doca da Marinha, Lisbon. Portugal
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Campo das Cebolas – or Ribeira Velha – was, in its origin and for centuries, a fairground connected to the port. However, at the time of the international competition launched in the context of the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale, it was a place where cars were parked disorderly. The proposed project was based on the intention of making this space once again unobstructed and available to people. A new square was therefore created, gathered under a tree cover, with a slight slope to-wards the Saramago Foundation and its new bookshop. The slope that raises the car park and the square creates a gradient in relation to the waterfront which, associated with a low height wall, allows the acoustic insulation of the square.
Architecture,Carrilho da Graça,Construction
Classificação Fields of Science and Technology
- Outras Humanidades - Humanidades
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