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Rehabilitation, Extension and Adaptation to a Pousada of the Monastery of Flor da Rosa, Crato. Portugal
Marta Sequeira (Sequeira, Marta);
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The Monastery of Santa Maria de Flor da Rosa, founded in 1356 as the mother house of the Order of the Hospital, houses the most important fortress church in the Iberian Peninsula. During the medieval and fi!eenth century, the three buildings that compose it were built: the gothic and manueline church, the gothic palace with 15th century alterations and the remaining Renaissance and Mudéjar conventual dependencies. A!er the extinction of the military orders in Portugal in 1834 and a long period of abandonment, in the 1910s it was declared a National Monument and, during the 1940s, it underwent several specific restoration, reconstruction and consolidation works. In 1990, ENATUR, the national tourism company, commissioned João Luís Carrilho da Graça to design a project for the rehabilitation, extension and adaptation of the monastery into a Pousada. According to him, the aim of the project was to "intensify the possibility of visiting the existing building, privatising it and occupying it as li"le as possible, rereading it and opening it up to new readings".
Architecture,Carrilho da Graça,Construction,Flor da Rosa,Crato

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