Publication in conference proceedings Q4
Semantic frame induction as a community detection problem
Eugénio Ribeiro (Ribeiro, E.); Andreia Sofia Teixeira (Teixeira, A. S.); Ricardo Ribeiro (Ribeiro, R.); David Martins de Matos (Matos, D. M. de.);
Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019. Studies in Computational Intelligence
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Resources such as FrameNet provide semantic information that is important for multiple tasks. However, they are expensive to build and, consequently, are unavailable for many languages and domains. Thus, approaches able to induce semantic frames in an unsupervised manner are highly valuable. In this paper we approach that task from a network perspective as a community detection problem that targets the identification of groups of verb instances that evoke the same semantic frame. To do so, we apply a graph-clustering algorithm to a graph with contextualized representations of verb instances as nodes connected by an edge if the distance between them is below a threshold that defines the granularity of the induced frames. By applying this approach to the benchmark dataset defined in the context of the SemEval shared task we outperformed all the previous approaches to the task.
Semantic frames,Contextualized representations,Community detection,Graph clustering
  • Computer and Information Sciences - Natural Sciences
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Funding Reference Funding Entity
UID/CEC/50021/2019 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
39703 PT2020
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