Social Innovations and Technology in Social Work Education Promoting Equity and a Participatory Society
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«Methodological strategies for the empowerment of the doctoral student».
A long, slow and lonely process characterizes a doctoral thesis. A process that is
often interrupted by external factors and / or internal factors, leading to a marked
drop in student numbers or late completion of the process.
In this communication, we present a set of innovative methodological strategies
in the promotion of Empowerment of the PhD student. Strategies ranging from
the promotion of integrative motivational spaces of the student; stimulation of
informal research groups of the student initiative to open online opportunities for
the establishment of contact relations with other research centers and other stu-
dents / researchers and creation of field research activities, with the ultimate goal
of success in advocating a doctoral thesis. In this set of strategies, we include the
promotion of doctoral student participation in international and national scientific
events, as well as encouraging the publication in indexed and non-indexed jour-
nals and the presentation of Working Papers.
As an empirical example, NUDLA/ ISCTE - IUL will be presented.
Doctoral Thesis,Strategies,Innovation methodologies