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The Future of Hospitality and Tourism Profession
VIII-International Forum on Management- Managing in a High-Tech, Sustainable World
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Purpose – This study aims to understand how hospitality and tourism professionals
and students see the future of their profession.
Theoretical framework – In Portugal, Hospitality and Tourism sector is facing not only
high turnover but also lack of human resources. In times of uncertainty,
technological transitions and new cultures environment, the look for work life
balance and well- being is a challenge for companies operating in the sector and
crucial to retain talent and convince human resources to stay and improve
competitiveness (Ping-Chao et al., 2020). “Work environment” significantly influence
Generation Y employees’ job satisfaction, followed by “empowerment”, “pay”, and
“relationships with managers”, that influences “employee commitment” and
“intention to remain in hospitality business.” (Frye et al., 2020). Younger workers are
rethinking their priorities and seeking jobs with a high purpose in search of harmony
in their career and life, in their search for IKIGAI.
Methodology – A questionnaire sent to Portuguese students and professionals
working in the hospitality and tourism sector. Quantitative analysis with SPSS.
Findings – The study will conclude about the opportunities, threats, motivational and
demotivational factors to stay, believe or leave the sector in the future.
Implications – Impact of recent variables such as Artificial Intelligence and new
Human Resources Cultures concerning the future of hospitality and tourism
Originality – There are few studies in this subject.
Class of last year in Hospitality Management Degree at ISEC Lisboa.
Hospitality and tourism profession,Hospitality and tourism sector,Ikigai,Talent retention,Well-being.
Classificação Fields of Science and Technology
- Economia e Gestão - Ciências Sociais
- Geografia Económica e Social - Ciências Sociais
- Outras Ciências Sociais - Ciências Sociais