Capítulo de livro
The Robotic Dance: a fictional narrative of a construction by drones
Sara Eloy (Eloy, S.); Nuno Antonio da Silva (Silva, N.);
Título Livro
Virtual Aesthetics in Architecture Designing in Mixed Realities
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This chapter presents an experience in which Augmented Reality (AR) was used to simulate the flight of drones assembling bricks to construct a wave-like wall. The performance of the robotic building process is visualized by using the simulation of the construction with an AR optical see-through device (Microsoft Hololens). In addition to observing the technical function of drones while constructing the wall, the study aims to explore the aesthetics of AR in simulating a building process, and to analyse the consequences of this for architecture design. The study discusses the potential of artificial realities, namely AR, to transport the user to a new world and the possibilities these systems offer for communication and interaction between humans and devices. The robotic dance performed by the drones and experienced through AR provides a new experience of space and time which, when used during the architecture ideation stages, enhances creative freedom without the boundaries of (real) reality.
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