Artigo em revista científica
Bildungsbiografische Verhandlungen von Zugehörigkeit: Empirische Fallrekonstruktion und forschungsprogrammatische Reflexionen am Beispiel einer Jugendlichen einer Deutschen Auslandsschule
Catharina I. Keßler (Keßler, C. I.); Anne Schippling (Schippling, A.);
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Tertium Comparationis. Journal für International und Interkulturell Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft
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The article focuses on biographical negotiations of belonging of young people at a German School Abroad and brings together three heuristic lines: Reflections on the concept of the transnational educational space, on biographies as sites of transnational spaces in the context of biographical work, as well as perspectives of a transnationally oriented childhood and youth research. By means of a case reconstruction of a biographical-narrative interview with an adolescent of a German School Abroad, the authors sound out the empirical as well as methodological-research programmatic potential of research interested in constructions of belonging (at German Schools Abroad).
  • Ciências da Educação - Ciências Sociais
  • Sociologia - Ciências Sociais