CV Summary

PhD in Sociology from Iscte- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Iscte-IUL) in 2023. I studied the political appropriation of the notion of resilience and its role in transforming the European social model in the aftermath of the 2007/8 financial crisis and the global pandemic crisis in 2020, presenting a dissertation with the title: Everything is not gonna be alright: contributions to a critical perspective on social resilience. Graduated in Sociology in 2004 and finished a Master in Urban Studies in 2010, in both cases from Iscte-IUL. I am currently an integrated researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (Cies-IUL), integrating the line of research “Inequalities, Work and Well Being”, and guest assistant professor at Iscte-IUL, integrated in the Department of Political Science and Policies Public (ESPP). I am a researcher in studies in the areas of poverty and social inequalities, social protection, employment, and education, with an emphasis on evaluating policies aimed at reducing poverty and increasing the qualifications of disadvantaged social groups. I am co-author of articles in national and international publications, such as: “Labor relations under hardship in Europe: contributions for social resilience theory” (2023), “Fighting poverty in times of crisis in Europe: Is resilience a hidden resource for social policy?” (2022), “Welfare State Development in Portugal: From “Stage Zero” to the Post-Crisis “Leftist” Compromise against Austerity” (2019), “Crisis and Poverty in Portugal: resilience or social protection?” (2018), “Resilience: Moving from a “heroic” notion to a sociological concept” (2017), among others. My main research interests are: poverty, social inequalities and resilience; public policies; economic sociology and political economy; and education.

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa
Sociologia - Portugal - Lisboa
PhD Sociologia 2016 - 2023
Sociologia - Portugal - Lisboa
M.Sc. Estudos Urbanos 2007 - 2010
Sociologia - Portugal - Lisboa
Licenciate Sociologia 1999 - 2004
Research Interests
Poverty, Social Inequalities and Social Resilience; Social Protection and Labor; Public Policy; Economic Sociology; Education.
Educational Sciences Social Sciences
Sociology Social Sciences
Political Science Social Sciences