Teaching Activities
Teaching Year Semester Course Name Degree(s) Coordinator
2024/2025 Seminário Desafios do Desenvolvimento Global Master Degree in Development Studies; Yes
2024/2025 Contemporary Challenges and Change in Africa Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2024/2025 Research Project Seminar in African Studies Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2024/2025 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2024/2025 Empirical Research in Africa - Methods and Techniques Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2024/2025 Phd Thesis in African Studies Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2024/2025 Cooperation for Global Development Master Degree in Development Studies; No
2024/2025 History of Africa Master Degree in African Studies; Yes
2024/2025 International Cooperation in Africa Master Degree in African Studies; Post Graduation Program in Citizenship and Voluntary Associations; Yes
2023/2024 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2023/2024 Contemporary Challenges and Change in Africa Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2023/2024 Research Project Seminar in African Studies Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2023/2024 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2023/2024 Empirical Research in Africa - Methods and Techniques Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2023/2024 Phd Thesis in African Studies Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2023/2024 History of Africa Master Degree in African Studies; Yes
2023/2024 International Cooperation in Africa Master Degree in African Studies; Post Graduation Program in Citizenship and Voluntary Associations; Yes
2022/2023 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2022/2023 Contemporary Challenges and Change in Africa Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2022/2023 Master Dissertation in African Studies Master Degree in African Studies; Yes
2022/2023 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2022/2023 Empirical Research in Africa - Methods and Techniques Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2022/2023 Master Dissertation in African Studies Master Degree in African Studies; Yes
2022/2023 International Cooperation in Africa Master Degree in African Studies; Post Graduation Program in Citizenship and Voluntary Associations; Yes
2021/2022 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2021/2022 Contemporary Challenges and Change in Africa Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2021/2022 Introduction to Anthropology Institutional Degree in Escola de Ciências Sociais e Humanas; No
2021/2022 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2021/2022 International Cooperation in Africa Master Degree in African Studies; Post Graduation Program in Citizenship and Voluntary Associations; Yes
2020/2021 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2020/2021 Contemporary Challenges and Change in Africa Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2020/2021 Master Dissertation in African Studies Master Degree in African Studies; Yes
2020/2021 Methodoloy and Project Design in Anthropology Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Anthropology (FCSH); No
2020/2021 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2020/2021 Master Dissertation in African Studies Master Degree in African Studies; Yes
2020/2021 Society and Nation in Lusophone Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2020/2021 International Cooperation in Africa Master Degree in African Studies; Post Graduation Program in Citizenship and Voluntary Associations; Yes
2019/2020 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2019/2020 Contemporary Challenges and Change in Africa Doctorate Degree (PhD) in African Studies; Yes
2019/2020 Master Dissertation in African Studies Master Degree in African Studies; Yes
2019/2020 International Cooperation in Africa Master Degree in African Studies; Post Graduation Program in Citizenship and Voluntary Associations; Yes
2019/2020 African Social and Cultural Dynamics Master Degree in African Studies; No
2019/2020 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2019/2020 Master Dissertation in African Studies Master Degree in African Studies; Yes
2019/2020 Ethnographic Maps 1: America and Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology; Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2019/2020 International Cooperation in Africa Master Degree in African Studies; Post Graduation Program in Citizenship and Voluntary Associations; Yes
2017/2018 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2017/2018 Education and Culture in Africa -- Yes
2017/2018 Society and Nation in Lusophone Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2017/2018 Research Methods in Anthropology Post Graduation Program in LGBT Studies; Master Degree in Anthropology (UTAD); Master Degree in Political Economy; Master Degree in Anthropology; Post Graduation Program in Anthropology of Health: Cultural Competence in Clinical Settings; Yes
2017/2018 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2017/2018 Ethnographic Maps 1: America and Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology; Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2016/2017 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2016/2017 Research Methods in Anthropology Post Graduation Program in LGBT Studies; Master Degree in Anthropology (UTAD); Master Degree in Political Economy; Master Degree in Anthropology; Post Graduation Program in Anthropology of Health: Cultural Competence in Clinical Settings; Yes
2016/2017 Global Health in Africa Post Graduation Program in Humanization and Skills Development in Healthcare; No
2016/2017 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2016/2017 Society and Nation in Lusophone Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2016/2017 Ethnographic Maps 1: America and Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology; Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2015/2016 Regional Approaches in Anthropology Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Anthropology; No
2015/2016 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2015/2016 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2015/2016 Society and Nation in Lusophone Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2015/2016 Ethnographic Maps 1: America and Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology; Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2014/2015 Dynamics of Growth: the Emerging Economies -- Yes
2014/2015 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2014/2015 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2014/2015 Migration and Health: Imigration and Mental Health Specialization Degree in Cultural Mediation in Health Systems; Post Graduation Program in Anthropology of Health: Cultural Competence in Clinical Settings; Master Degree in Development and Global Health; Yes
2014/2015 Introduction to the History of the Visual in Anthropology -- Yes
2014/2015 Latin America Today Postgraduate Seminar in Latin America Today; Yes
2014/2015 Factory of Ideas Postgraduate Seminar in Factory of Ideas; Yes
2014/2015 Society and Nation in Lusophone Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2014/2015 Ethnographic Maps 1: America and Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology; Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2013/2014 Anthropology and Art Bachelor Degree in History; Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2013/2014 International Organizations, N.G.O.S and Social Movements Master Degree in International Studies; Yes
2013/2014 Society and Nation in Lusophone Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2013/2014 Introduction to the History of the Visual in Anthropology -- Yes
2013/2014 Ethnographic Maps 1: America and Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology; Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
2013/2014 Ethnographic Maps 1: America and Africa Bachelor Degree in Anthropology; Bachelor Degree in Anthropology (PL); Yes
Ph.D. Thesis (30)
Ongoing (15)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Status Institution Initial Year
Irene Banze Colonial education in Mozambique: the case of missions Portuguese Delivered ISCTE-IUL --
Irene Maria Lousada Banze Estruturas Políticas Tradicionais de Moçambique: transformações históricas do regulado de Bilene-Macie (Gaza) English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2010
José Francisco Pavão Global Health Diplomacy - The case of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries English Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Ludmila Abinande Barreto Ferreira A influência transgeracional de aspeto culturais e sociais nas relações de aproximidade: um estudo de caso sobre violência entre parceiros na comunidade Cabo-verdianas em Luxemburgo. Portuguese Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Suzana Helizena da Rosa de Sousa Da nacionalização da arte em Angola. Contextos políticos da constituição da categoria de arte angolana Portuguese Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Mateus Silvestre Chabai Social Representations of Albinism in Mozambique Portuguese Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Lilian Santos Galvão "Conceção, Gestação, Parto e Maternagem - Representações Sociais numa Sociedade Africana: um estudo de caso das Filhas de Cacheu da Guiné-Bissau" Portuguese Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Antonio Gislailson Delfino da Silva "Na riba Kasa": O retorno dos(as) estudantes Bissau-guineenses formados(as) no Brasil e em Portugal para Guiné-Bissau e suas (re)inserções profissionais e sociais Portuguese Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Susana Isabel Querido Paulino dos Passos de Deus Reforma Humanitária nas relações internacionais - motivações e limitações - O caso de Cabo Delgado Portuguese Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Renata Maria Franco Ribeiro Gênero e poder no associativismo migrante: as redes transnacionais das mulheres guineenses Portuguese Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Marilia Ucha Lima Urban Mobility: Public Transport System in the City of Bissau Portuguese Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Marília Amariles Carlota Ucha Lima Mobilidade Urbana: Sistema de Transportes Coletivos em Bissau Portuguese Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Carlos Menete Bavo Comunicação em saúde e processos de vacinação em Moçambique Portuguese Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Suzana Helizena da Rosa de Sousa From the nationalization of art in Angola. Political contexts of the constitution of the Angolan art category Portuguese Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Xènia Domínguez Font Pesca, Identidad y Cultura - Conflictos y estrategias de adaptatión en la gestión de los recursos pesqueros en África Occidental (Senegal, Gambia y Guinea Bissau) Spanish/Castilian Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Concluded (15)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
Mateus Silvestre Rombai Chabai Representações Sociais, estigmatização e perseguição de pessoas com albinismo em Moçambique - um estudo de casos ISCTE-IUL 2018 2021
Irene Maria Lousada Banze O ensino colonial em Moçambique: o caso das missões no sul da Provincia Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2013 2020
Paula Morgado Sahel Survival Strategies. Migrant Women and Access to Health in Niger Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2019
Paula Cristina Louro Morgado A saúde reprodutiva das mulheres migrantes em Niamey (Niger): trajectórias terapêuticas e decisões globais ISCTE-IUL 2012 2019
Ana Marta Esteves Patrício Dynamics of legal pluralism in Mozambique: case study of Mossurize District Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2017
Clélia Pondja Women in Mozambique: Anthropological Dimensions of Gender and Reproduction Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2017
Clélia Francelina Ozias Pondja A Mulher em Maputo: Dimensões Antropológicas de Género e Reprodução ISCTE-IUL 2012 2017
Ana Marta Esteves Patrício Dinâmicas do pluralismo jurídico em Moçambique: estudo de caso do distrito de Mossurize ISCTE-IUL 2013 2017
António Guebe The Influence of Formal Education on Informal Education in Angola: The Case of Va-Hanha Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2016
Ricardo Miguel Almeida da Silva Falcão Appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies in Senegal: Youth Socialities and Social Values ​​in Crisis Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2016
António Guebe A influência da educação formal na educação tradicional em Angola: o caso dos Vahanya ISCTE-IUL 2013 2016
Ricardo Miguel Almeida da Silva Falcão Apropriação de tecnologias de informação e comunicação no Senegal: sociabilidades jovens e valores sociais em crise ISCTE-IUL 2011 2016
Maria Cristina Ferraz Saraiva Santinho Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2011
Maria Cristina Ferraz Saraiva Santinho Refugiados e requerentes de asilo em Portugal: Contornos políticos no campo da saúde Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2006 2011
Rosa Maria Amélia João Melo Efuko Ritual de Iniciação Feminina Entre os Handa (angola) Portuguese ISCTE-IUL --
M.Sc. Dissertations (56)
Ongoing (7)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Status Institution Initial Year
Lanulina João Mendes The Benefits That Project Provides in the Lives of Children in the Autonomous Sector of Bissau Developing ISCTE-IUL 2022
Eliana Daniela Seiers dos Reis O impacto das ajuda financeiras exteriores no sistema educativo da Guiné-Bissau. English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2022
Eliseu Dinis Sequeira Adaptation and Difficulties of guinean students in the use of ICT's: a case study at ISCTE-IUL Developing ISCTE-IUL 2022
Bernardino Ambrósio da Costa Associações de Imigrantes guindasse English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2014
Vera Lúcia Serra Duarte Saúde materno-infantil em Portugal English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2013
Magda Fernandes Tuberculose English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2013
Pedro Nuno Pestana Soares O papel dos missionários em Angola English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2012
Concluded (49)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
Ana Sofia Pereira Pinheiro Integration of refugees in the labor market: a case study in Fundão Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2022 2023
Beatriz Canedo Xavier The Impact of NGDOs on Education for Development Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2023 2023
Esmiraldina Husseina Baldé The Educational Impact of South-South Cooperation: The case of Guinea-Bissau and Turkey Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2023 2023
Ana Rita Oliveira Soares The Humanitarian Reason and Female Genital Mutilation: the case of asylum seekers in Europe Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2022 2023
Armando Arnaldo Correia State buinding in Guinea-Bissau Case study: How is the state established in Guinea-Bissau: from the nation-state to legal pluralism? Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2022 2023
Mario Zezano Boquina Aurelio The intervention of youth in social problems. An anthropological analysis of the Okulinga Project - Matala Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2022 2023
Franz Wanner Analysing the impact of a social businesses (AGT's) sustainable development project through green energy in rural Senegal and its contribution to the SDGs: A compartive study with EU strategies. English ISCTE-IUL 2022 2023
Basílio Félix da Silva Injai Democratic/political instability and civil participation in Guinea-Bissau Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2021 2023
Mirna Spoljar Out of School Children in Guinea-Bissau English ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Maria Filomena Dias Falé The pathfinder(the diplomatic action of Amílcar Cabral applied to humanitarian action and human rights Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Abduramane Fofana UNDP Intervention in the framework of (PCD) Country Programme Document 2016-2020. Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Catarina Santos Pinheiro Massa Gomes The impact of gender on poverty rates in Guinea-Bissau. Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2020 2022
Sofia Benfica Dinis Guerra O Impacto da Cooperação Portuguesa no Desenvolvimento em Cabo Verde: O caso da Ilha do Maio Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2020 2021
Isaiete Augusto Jabula Resistances to the abandonment of early and/or forced marriage and FGM in the ECOWAS region: the case of Guinea-Bissau Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2021 2021
Alicia Silvana Moreno Gonçalves Informal Trade and Gender: The importance of Rabidantes for Cape Verde's Development Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2020 2021
Tamilton Gomes Teixeira Historical and Social Analysis of Conflict and Political Instability in Guinea-Bissau and its Configuration (1980-2019) Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2019 2021
Rita Santos Gil Louro The Role of Education Towards Sustainable Development: The Case Study of AIESEC & Harvesting Future Leaders Education Project in Jakarta, Indonesia English ISCTE-IUL 2019 2019
Sama Hamlet Masango Njinu The role of regional organization in building up African socio-economic development. The case of CEMAC English ISCTE-IUL 2018 2018
Edna Sofia Sanches Correia Varela The Evacuation of the Patients from Cape Verde: Case Study Girassol Solidário Association Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2017 2018
Marta Anula Diniz-Fragoso A quality education: the context of the SOS Children's s Villages in Cape Verde Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2017 2018
Susana Maria Teixeira Fernandes Cardoso Mota Unaccompanied Minors in the European Union: Motivations, Expectations and Reality. Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2017 2018
Ana Teresa Racha Caeiro Programa Bolsa Família enquanto estratégia de desenvolvimento Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2015 2016
Karen Nicole Hernandez Rodriguez Importance of the Education for All Programme of the UNESCO in the Education Development of São Tomé and Príncipe during the years 2000-2015 English ISCTE-IUL 2015 2016
Vera Lúcia Serra Duarte Caminhos para a Diminuição da Mortalidade Infantil: O Caso de Sucesso Português Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2013 2016
Hugo Manuel de Sousa Amaral Pinto Gouveia A Performance Teatral como Terapêutica: o estudo de caso do Grupo de Teatro Terapêutico do Hospital Júlio de Matos Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2016 2016
Bernardino Ambrósio da Costa Diáspora guineense como Agente de Desenvolvimento Local:O papel das Associações Guineenses em Portugal nos Projetos de Cooperação e Desenvolvimento na Guiné-Bissau Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2014 2016
Pedro Nuno Pestana Soares Um estudo etnográfico sobre o acolhimento e reintegração social de crianças acusadas de feitiçaria em Angola Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2012 2016
Maria Teresa Pacheco Dengue-Fatores Endemicos e Sociais Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2013 2015
Dynka Amorim dos Santos Participação das ONG nas Políticas Públicas O Primeiro Plano para a Integração dos Imigrantes no Domínio da Saúde Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2014 2015
Rosa Maria Mayunga Mwalakaji ou Kivwadi Cuidados materno-infantis na medicina tradicional angolana entre mulheres imigrantes em Portugal Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2012 2015
Ana Capitolina de Loureiro Beaumont O Programa Nacional de Promoção da Saúde Oral e o Desenvolvimento Local: Estudo de Caso na Escola EB1 JI do Alto da Peça em Alcabideche Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2011 2015
Simões da Costa Saúde em Risco no Contexto da Isalubridade Ambiental: Caso da Cólera no Mercado de Bandim, República da Guiné-Bissau Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2012 2014
Guilherme Tango Zacarias As Dificuldades dos Refugiados no Acesso ao Mercado de Trabalho em Luanda. Caso Município de Viana Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2013 2014
Maria Carolina Faria Rocha Cravo Tradução de fenómenos: entre a saúde mental e antropologia. Estudo de caso nas escolas de Guadalupe e Patrice Lumumba em São Tomé e Príncipe Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2012 2013
Solange de Fátima Casimiro Tchuda Acordos de Cooperação no Domínio da Saúde entre Portugal e os PALOP: contributos do PADE Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2011 2013
Patrícia Isabel Pinto Cunha A malnutrição infantil e em menores de cinco anos. Estudo de caso no Centro de Recuperação Nutricional do Marrere, Moçambique Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2012 2012
Ana Filipa Correia Barreiros Erradicação da poliomielite: razões e maneiras de pôr em prática - uma análise teórica Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2012 2012
Gefra Gustavo Fulane Percursos das Mães na Procura de Medicamentos para Doenças em Menores de Cinco Anos num Mercado Farmacológico Múltiplo na Cidade de Xai-Xai em Moçambique Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2011 2012
Cláudia Filipa Paixão Pereira Cooperação Sul - Sul: Exemplo Cubano de Cooperação em Moçambique Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2011 2012
Filipa Isabel de Oliveira Azevedo Um olhar sobre a cooperação em Saúde entre Portugal e os PALOP - Intervenção em Cardiologia: Estudo de caso no Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2011 2012
Luísa Gomes Meireles A vivência da doença mental e a influência da Medicina Tradicional: O caso de Moçambique Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2010 2012
Joana Raquel Alves dos Santos Religião no feminino: experiências da “mulher Kimbanguista” em Portugal English ISCTE-IUL 2010 2010
Raquel Leonor Pimenta Baptista A identidade estampada na pele: O quotidiano de um estúdio de tatuagem e body-piercing em Lisboa English ISCTE-IUL 2010 2010
Inês Domingues Figueira de Faria Turismo médico e RMA : uma visão dos movimentos transnacionais na procura de tratamento em Portugal English ISCTE-IUL 2010 2010
João Paulo Gomes Faria Real Cardoso Comércio étnico: o aspecto humano para lá da vantagem económica English ISCTE-IUL 2010 2010
Sandra Isabel Ginjeira João A política de assimilação no contexto colonial português: História oficial e ficção literária English ISCTE-IUL 2009 2009
Ricardo João Dias Soares da Costa “Trabalhar com o Sofrimento”: Vivências de enfermagem numa unidade oncológica de Lisboa English ISCTE-IUL 2009 2009
Catarina de Oliveira Lopes Participação das populações locais no desenvolvimento da educação. Caso de estudo: escolas comunitárias da região de Bafatá, Guiné-bissau (2004-2006) English ISCTE-IUL 2008 2008
M.Sc. Final Projects (1)
Concluded (1)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
Silvestre Mango South-South Cooperation, Case of Guinea-Bissau and China: An analysis of development cooperation from investments in works and infrastructure. Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2021 2023