CV Summary

I completed my Ph.D. in Social Psychology at Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Iscte) in 2010. Since then, I have been mostly focused on my research career. Among other scientific production, I have (co-)authored severalinternational peer-reviewed papers and book chapters (e.g., The Oxford handbook of evolutionary psychology and romantic relationships). Most of this production was published in collaboration with international (e.g., Brighton and Sussex Medical School; Texas State University) and national research networks (e.g., Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra). My research recently received an Honorable Mention for Best Psychology Paper by The Journal of Sex Medicine, and I received an award from the Center for Open Science in 2018 for transparency and good practices in research. I have also pedagogic publications (e.g., how to improve scientific communication). During this time, I participated in national and international scientific events (oral and poster presentations), I was invited to talk about my research to broader audiences (e.g., Sexual Health Alliance), and took part in activities aimed at disseminating science to the general public (e.g., Social Observatory of the “la Caixa” Foundation; 90 Segundos de Ciência) and tackling social relevant social issues (e.g., prevent extremism and radicalization). I have also participated in several projects with competitive funding (e.g., Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, European Commission), I am currently the principal investigator of a “la Caixa” Foundation project and an individual project funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, and I have obtained funding from CIS-Iscte for various projects (most of which included the supervision of undergraduate and Master’s students). 


Currently, my main research interests are focused on understanding: (a) if and how individual motives for security and pleasure shape sexual behaviors and sexual health practices and (b) the roots of social stigmatization against minority groups (e.g., individuals in consensual non-monogamous relationships; asexual individuals). Other research interests are linked with the work of my collaborators and/or students and include the role of sexual behaviors (e.g., pornography use) on relationship dynamics (e.g., sexual satisfaction); the impact of visual cues (e.g., emoji) for digital communication outcomes; the role of social support for individual and relationship functioning; or the development and validation of databases and instruments (e.g., image databases including facial expressions; development of new measurement instruments).


I have always been committed to the training of young researchers and students. My supervision experience includes several Master’s students, research fellows, and several research internees. I have also participated in multiple academic juries in different academic institutions, serving as Discussant or President. I currently (co-)supervise Ph.D. students (some of which received grants from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) and Master’s students. My supervision work has resulted in publications (e.g., Carvalho & Rodrigues, 2022) and presentations at scientific events (e.g., 2021 SSSS Annual Conference), and one of my students received the Best Student Manuscript Award 2022 from the International Academic of Sex Research. My teaching experience includes undergraduate and graduate courses, mostly related to interpersonal relationships (e.g., Person Perception and Interpersonal Relations; Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships: Social and Organizational Contexts), methods (e.g., Psychometrics), and research skills (e.g., Academic Competencies II; Research Seminar in Psychology - Advanced Methodologies). Other teaching experience include being an invited lecturer (e.g., ISMAT; Universidade de Évora) to teach undergraduate courses in different Psychology domains (e.g., Social Psychology) or to give methodological workshops (e.g., E-Prime; Qualtrics).


Lastly, I have experience in management and scientific positions. I am currently an elected member of the Scientific Committee at CIS-Iscte and over the years I have, among other activities, served as a member of the Scientific Committee for multiple scientific events, been part of the Editorial board of different scientific journals, reviewed funding applications, coordinated the Behavior, Emotion, and Cognition research group at CIS-Iscte, and served as the Vice-President of the Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia.

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Portugal - Lisboa
Post-Doc Psicolgia Social 2017
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
ECSH - Portugal - Lisboa
PhD Psicologia 2010
Portugal - Lisbon
Licenciate Social and Organizational Psychology 2004
Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas Sociais e da Vida
Portugal - Lisboa
Integrated M.Sc. Psicologia 2004
Research Interests
Understanding romantic commitment as a moderating variable that predicts the maintenance of romantic relationship is vital to a more complete understanding of close relationships. Literature shows that romantically committed indiiduals are more prone to derogate attractive others, are more willing to accommodate, are more willing to sacrifice for the partner and are more willing to forgive partner transgressions. Understanding how promotion and prevention self regulatory motivations can influence the activation of pro-relationship mechanisms and the adoption of health-protective behaviors. I am also interested in the use of emoji as a tool to improve computer mediated communication.
Health Sciences Medical and Health Sciences
Psychology Social Sciences
Psychology Social Sciences
Media and Communications Social Sciences