Re/Conceptualizations: Sociology on the Individuals, Biography, Art and Culture
This project follows on the doctoral dissertation, Recognition Art: Flights of course, held in July 2014 but delivered to the ISCTE in July 2013. The dissertation has exposed my work and curriculum for over 30 years in sociology, particularly on aspects of art and culture. This project corresponds to the preparation of academic aggregation and is dedicated to my teaching at the ISCTE. In fact, I begun to teach Methodology for Social Sciences in the second half of 1984 but this project oversees my courses in the sociology degree (since 1991, UC Sociology of Culture always with the artistic issues in the program), and in master's degrees. In this case, in the Master on Communication, Culture and Technologies of Information since 1994, a Master degree that I co-founded in that year, and, since 2010, also the teaching on biographical approaches in a curricular unit (UC) that serves several Master degrees.The option to dedicate the academic aggregation to the teaching is due to the need to clarify the substantive pedagogy mobilized in my courses as well as conceptual turns and updates that took place in the programs and practices of the UCs. Either from my work and the integration of more and new content in those courses, or from the relation between sociological reflexivity, changes in contemporary society that crossed the areas in question, and the own social reflexivity about them. In short, a grand/grounded approach in theoretical, methodological and empirical terms. In 2008, I presented two research workshops at CIES that announced several reconceptualizations on going in the UCs on art and culture: Sociology, Art and Culture: Re/Interpellations and Creativity: Plural Meanings, respectively on February 6 and April 2, 2008. In 2011, I published an extensive essay with the same pattern of search of new theoretical, analytical or reflective holdings on three issues: the sociology of the individuals, the biographical dimension, and a part about metamorphosis and mediat...
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- CIES-Iscte - Leader
Estudo sobre os conteúdos e impacto no meio artístico português do extinto Programa Gulbenkian para as Artes Performativas
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Project Partners
- CIES-Iscte - Leader