Organization/Coordination of Events
Type of Organization/Coordination Event Type Event Title Organizer Period
Member of scientific event's organizing committee Conference 5th CLISSIS Conference - "Research, Public Policies and Social Interventions" CLISSIS Fac. Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. Lusíada 2022
Member of scientific event committee Conference IX International Congress on Child and Adolescent Psychology - Sustainability and mental health CLISSIS Fac. Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. Lusíada 2018
Member of scientific event's organizing committee Conference Sustainability Business Leaders Forum SKL /INDEG-IUL 2015
Coordination of scientific event (with scientific committee) outside of ISCTE-IUL Congress 1º Congresso Ambiente e Sociedade: Alterações Climáticas: Ciência e Soluções (2, 3 e 4 de Abril) ISCE e Câmara Municipal de Odivelas 2008
Scientific Editing/Reviewing Activities
Type of Activity Journal Title Journal ISSN Quartile Period Language
Member of scientific journal editing staff Water 2073-4441 Q1 Since 2019 English
Member of scientific journal editing staff Environment, Development and Sustainability (Q1) 1387585X, -- Since 2018 English
Member of scientific journal editing staff Sustainability 2071-1050 Q1 Since 2017 English
Member of scientific journal editing staff Journal of Rural and Community Development 1712-8277 -- Since 2017 English
External Professional Activities
Employer Country Description Period
Portuguese Institute of Psychology -- Guest speaker and Lecturer Since 2010
CRIAP Institute of Psychology and Advanced Training -- Guest speaker and Lecturer Since 2009
Lusíada University -- Assistant Professor at Faculdade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais (FCEE) and also, at Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais (FCHS) Since 2008
LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil -- Research Group Member of the project RENCOASTAL (Regulations and environmental conflicts due to coastal erosion PTDC/CS-SOC/103202/2008) that explores essentially the contradictions between the expectations of sustainable development and environmental constraints, analyzing the conflicts arising between the right to use those territories and new policies for environmental enhancement and protection of ecosystems. The project's objective was to contribute to an integrated and sustainable management of coastal continental Portuguese zones, considering the existence of sustainable operations. Developed in a partnership with FCSH/Nova. 2008 - 2014
Faculty of Human and Social Sciences - Nova University, Lisbon -- Guest speaker and Lecturer 2007 - 2009
CBAA - Centro e Biologia Aplicada (Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa) -- Invited researcher 2002 - 2005
Superior Institute of Educative Sciences -- Coordinator Professor 1998 - 2010
IGC - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (Oeiras) -- Researcher and Project Coordinator 1989 - 2001
Other Professional Activities
Activity Type Activity Description More Info URL Period
Consulting activities Consultora no projecto "InovMineral 4.0", que é do Cluster Portugal Mineral Resources, uma extensão do projeto já iniciado "InovStone 4.0 da Pedra Natural" e concluído em 2019. O projecto InovMineral 4.0 cobre toda a cadeira de valor dos Recursos Minerais, incluindo as novas áreas temáticas da Economia Circular, Digitalização de Processos Colaborativos e dinamização e criação de competências. -- Since 2020
Diffusion Activities
Activity Type Event Title Activity Description Year
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event V CLISSIS Conference - Research, Public Policies and Social Intervention Lecture/seminar and panel coordination on work contexts, social sustainability and corporate social responsibility 2022
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event "Stone" Talk/seminar on the New European Ecological Pact and its challenges for industry 2022
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event IX International Congress on Child and Adolescent Psychology - Sustainability and mental health Talk/Seminar about the motivational paradigm in students perceptions of priorities and skills in sustainability 2018
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event International Conference on Childhood Obesity Talk/Seminar about Apps and eHealth interventions for weight management: are they a Hype or hope for childhood obesity prevention? 2017
Coordination of knowledge diffusion event 1st ISSSL Conference - Critical issues of social intervention Lecture and coordination of the panel on the new relationships of partnership and co-development that the corporate sector can develop and strengthen with the social sector to increase the sustainability of organisations, services and social interventions 2017
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event CoastWatch Conference - "Sustainable Coastline" Talk on "Sustainable Coast" addressing the erosion of Portuguese coastal zones addressing the human and economic characteristics of the Portuguese coast (human occupation, industrial occupation, and urban construction); erosion factors and associated risks. I also looked at the sectors of the coastline most concerned and affected by coastal erosion (Peniche, Costa da Caparica, Vale do Lobo, among others). Finally, the challenges in the protection and enhancement of the coastline were presented 2016