Research Projects
Evolution of Reading Practices of Primary and Secondary School Students - Barometer
The project's main goal is to build a regular observation system, on an annual basis, of the reading practices of students in compulsory education, particularly to its main indicators of characterization, monitoring and evaluation.  The production of annual reports on the evolution of reading practices, in the context of the growing integration of information and communication technologies in economic, social and cultural activities in modern contemporary societies, will strengthen the ability to diagnose problems and construct solutions in this area, thus responding to the demand for evidence-based public policies.  
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Reading Promotion Practices: Reading Mediators Survey
Following the research on the reading practices of Portuguese students, PNL2027 [National Reading Plan] started in 2022 the study on Reading Promotion Practices among the young population. The new study aims to characterize reading mediators, as well as the census, analysis and discussion of reading promotion practices among the school-age population, between 6 and 18 years old. The universe of the study is made up of a wide range of players who, in different contexts, share the responsibility for encouraging reading: primary school teachers, teachers of Portuguese in the remaining primary and secondary school cycles, librarian teachers, librarians and curators of PNL2027 projects or other reading promotion projects. This study is conducted by OPAC - Portuguese Observatory of Cultural Activities, a structure of CIES-Iscte and has the collaboration of the National School Libraries Network [RBE] and the Directorate General of Education and Science Statistics [DGEEC]. Funding is provided by McDonald's. 
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Reading Practices of Portuguese Students
Study promoted by the National Reading Plan 2027 (PNL 2027) in partnership with the General Directorate of Statistics of Education and Science (DGEEC) and  the School Libraries Network (RBE), on the non-school reading practices of primary and secondary education students. The methodology is quantitative, from a survey to a representative sample of the various levels of education. The research team counts on the consultancy of Isabel Alçada, former minister of education and ex-Commissioner of the National Reading Plan.
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Portuguese Observatory on Cultural Activities
 The Portuguese Observatory on Cultural Activities (OPAC) is an structure constituted within the framework of the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology of ISCTE--University Institute of Lisbon in December 2018, which is responsible for its scientific coordination and functioning. Its mission is the study, production and public availability of rigorous and updated information in the different cultural domains in order to contribute to the current debates in Portuguese society and to the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies.
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40 Years Of Educational Policies
The objective of this project is to organize the publication of an anthology book, containing the description and analysis of this long journey of education policies in its various dimensions: the foundations of educational policies, decisions, human, financial and institutional resources that were being mobilized, through the identification and recognition of the role of different actors, including international organizations, and with the backdrop of the developments in the national and European political context.
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Manual de Lisboa - Guia para a produção de indicadores estatísticos sobre o desenvolvimento da sociedade de informação nos países Ibero-americanos
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The ICT Professionals: Education, Technology and Informational Development
The ICT skills shortage has been growingly mediated by the political power, at a national and European level, as an obstacle to the economic competitiveness and development. In fact, the eEurope Action Plans diagnose the existence of a growing lack in skills, namely in ICT sector, where the number of working posts that remain vacant is increasing. Presently, in what refers to the Portuguese situation, the referred mismatch between the offer and search of ICT professionals as well as its significance is mostly unstudied. This project aims at analysing this mismatch as well as the measures designed to cope with it, within the specificity of the Portuguese situation. The central hypothesis orienting this research is: the ICT skills shortage is strongly influenced by the asymmetry between the logic and rhythm of the development of the economic and educational systems. Within this general framework, three analytical vectors will be addressed: 1) the processes and the conditions that model the search for ICT professionals; 2) the conditions that model the offer of ICT training; 3) the factors conditioning the search for ICT training.
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