Projetos de Investigação
Latin American women activists’ practices of resistance to transnational repression in host societies
Democracy and citizens’ political engagement have been long-lasting policy goals of the European Union’s standards and values. The European Commission has established a new push for democracy as one of its priorities for 2019-2024, intending to foster democratic governance and civic participation. However, these objectives are challenging in light of transnational repression and the lack of policy tools for migrant protection in host societies across Western democracies, the primary recipients of human rights defenders.  However, the E.U. has overlooked the rapid change in more vibrant forms of migrant political activism and how authoritarian governments control their diasporas abroad. There is a knowledge gap in understanding transnational repression’s gendered effects on receiving countries’ political environment. WomenACT-REPinHOST advances global discussions on migrants’ rights by analysing Latin American women activists’ practices of resistance to transnational authoritarian rule. It also discusses how they could be best supported by international organisations and host countries’ democratic institutions. The proposed action aims at enhancing three career objectives: acquiring scientific and transferable skills in Gender Studies and Psychosocial Research (short-term); securing a permanent academic position in the E.U. (mid-term) and; developing an independent career path as a gender consultant in human rights international organisations (long-term). These objectives will be accomplished through an individually tailored research and career development plan. The methodology includes a literature review and fieldwork research based on in-depth interviews, online non-participant observation and focus groups with LAC female activists and organisations in the U.S. and Spain. It also focuses on dissemination strategies to target scholars, practitioners and wide audiences with deliverables such as peer-reviewed articles, conferences, podcasts, and policy briefs...
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Assistência Sexual: Representações sociais e recomendações para políticas públicas
A assistência sexual - atividade em que profissionais prestam serviços sexuais a pessoas com deficiência - é um tema de investigação pioneiro em Portugal. A nível europeu existem associações que promovem a assistência sexual em vários países e em alguns deles é um serviço reconhecido. Em Portugal não existe nenhuma associação criada com este objetivo. No entanto, os trabalhadores do sexo prestam serviços sexuais a clientes com deficiência. Para dar resposta ao interesse de algumas pessoas com deficiência física em recorrer à assistência sexual, a equipa de investigação, que tem uma vasta experiência no estudo de diferentes eixos de opressão social, identificou a necessidade de compreender as representações sociais da população portuguesa relativamente à assistência sexual e de iniciar um debate informado para delinear recomendações de políticas públicas.
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Systemic Action for Gender Equality
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Contratado Ciencia_João Manuel Oliveira
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Contratada Ciencia_Elizabeth Collins (II)
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