CV Summary

José Santana Pereira (Nisa, 1982) is a doctor of Political and Social Sciences (EUI, Florence, 2012). José's research has been focused on the media effects on public opinion and the study of media systems in comparative perspective. His research interests also include electoral behavior and political attitudes (namely attitudes towards Europe and, more recently, populist attitudes). He published several papers and book chapters in English, Portuguese and French. In January 2016 José published the essay Política e Entretenimento. After the B.A. in Social Psychology (ISCTE, 2004) and before becoming a PhD researcher at the EUI (2008), José worked as research assistant in the project «Portuguese Voting Behavior and Political Attitudes» (ICS), which carried out the National Election Studies in Portugal. Between 2013 and 2017 he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. During and after the PhD, he collaborated in research projects such as the «EU Profiler» (implementation of a voting advice application during the 2009 European election campaign) and the «Media Profiler» (design of an online platform for the comparative analysis of the media in the EU), both hosted by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS). More recently, he was co-leader of the Portuguese team working at the «EUandI» project, researcher at the «Participation in the EU decision-making: Portugal in comparative perspective» project and leader of the Portuguese team in the project «Where is My Party?». He is currently one of the researchers in charge of the projects «Media Systems in Europe» and «Mechanisms and Impacts of Abstention in Portugal», sponsored by FFMS. José is also the country coordinator for Italy in the project Varieties of Democracy and one of the researchers in charge of the ICS-ISCTE opinion polls. 

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
European University Institute
Political and Social Sciences - Italy - Florence
PhD Political and Social Sciences 2008 - 2012
Universidade de Lisboa - Instituto de Ciencias Sociais
Portugal - Lisbon
M.Sc. Comparative Politics 2005 - 2008
ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa
Social and Organizational Psychology - Portugal - Lisbon
Licenciate Social and Organizational Psychology 2000 - 2004
Research Interests
Media and Politics
Media Systems
Voting Behavior
Political Attitudes
Experimental Research
Entertainment and Politics
Election Campaigns
Political Science Social Sciences