Teaching Activities
Teaching Year Semester Course Name Degree(s) Coordinator
2024/2025 Urbanism I Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2024/2025 Architecture II Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; No
2024/2025 Theories of the City and Territory Master Degree in Urban Studies; No
2024/2025 Research Methods in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories; Yes
2024/2025 Architecture I Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; No
2023/2024 Architecture II Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; No
2023/2024 Theories of the City and Territory Master Degree in Urban Studies; No
2023/2024 Research Methods in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories; Yes
2023/2024 Architecture I Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; No
2022/2023 Phd Thesis in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories -- No
2022/2023 Architecture II Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; No
2022/2023 Architecture I Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; No
2021/2022 Architecture II Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; No
2021/2022 Theories of the City and Territory -- No
2021/2022 Architecture I Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; No
2020/2021 Architecture Final Project Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; No
2020/2021 Architecure Project II Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2020/2021 Architecture Final Project Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; No
2020/2021 Research Methods in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories -- Yes
2020/2021 Architecture Project I Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2019/2020 Architecture Final Project -- No
2019/2020 Phd Thesis in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories I -- No
2019/2020 Architecture Final Project -- No
2018/2019 Architecure Project II Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2018/2019 Architecture Project I Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2017/2018 Architecure Project II Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2017/2018 Phd Thesis in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories I -- No
2017/2018 Architecture Project I Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2016/2017 Urban Project I -- No
2016/2017 Architecure Project II Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2016/2017 Phd Thesis in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories I -- No
2016/2017 Architecture Project I Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2014/2015 Architecure Project II Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2014/2015 Architecture Project I Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2013/2014 Architecture IV Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2013/2014 Architecture Final Project -- No
2013/2014 Architecture III Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2013/2014 Architecture Final Project -- No
2012/2013 Architecture IV Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2012/2013 Architecture III Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2011/2012 Architecture IV Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2011/2012 Architecture III Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2010/2011 Architecture IV Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
2010/2011 Architecture III Integrated Master Degree in Architecture; Yes
Ph.D. Thesis (2)
Ongoing (2)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Status Institution Initial Year
Maria Antónia Rocha Vieira Uma tipologia de igrejas insulares: Arquitetura Cristã nos Açores dos secúlos XVIII e XIX. Portuguese Developing Iscte 2022
Pedro Nuno da Silva Vieira The Concept of Territorial Frugality - The case of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area Portuguese Developing Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa --
M.Sc. Dissertations (9)
Ongoing (7)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Status Institution Initial Year
Paula Cristina Câmara Peixoto Rodrigues Fábrica da pólvora da Barcarena: produção industrial e reabilitação arquitetónica English Developing Iscte 2019
Eduardo Nuno da Rocha Alves A Importância das Frentes Ribeirinhas no Território: o Caso de Oeiras. Intervenção na Ribeira da Lage English Developing Iscte 2019
João Manuel Ferreira da Silva Mobilidade Urbana: O Caso SATU Oeiras English Developing Iscte 2019
Paula Cristina Câmara Peixoto Rodrigues Produção Industrial e Reabilitação do Património Arquitetónico. O Caso de Estudo da Real Fábrica da Pólvora da Barcarena English Developing Iscte 2019
Danilo Pereira Cidade da Praia: Espaço Público na Cidade Informal English Developing Iscte 2017
Vanessa Alves A Fábrica da Tabaqueira e o seu Espaço Público English Developing Iscte 2017
Nuno Miguel Gouveia Fernandes Integração da Cidade de Setúbal com a sua Frente de Água English Developing Iscte 2014
Concluded (2)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
José Lourenço de Carvalho Narciso The Square in Lisbon: Critical Analysis of the Programme “Uma Praça em cada Bairro” Portuguese Universidade Nova de Lisboa 2019 2020
Margarida Carreiro Vasconcelos Hostels a nova tendência do turismo urbano Portuguese Iscte 2014 2014
M.Sc. Final Projects (23)
Concluded (23)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
Vanessa André Alves Working-class Neighborhood of Tabaqueira in Sintra (1958-2021): Industry, Urbanism and Architecture. Portuguese Iscte 2021 2022
Iolanda Caxias Rosado The Barcarena Gunpowder Factory as a Teaching Site Portuguese Iscte 2019 2020
Ana Isabel Alves Mendes Minimum Space Organisation and Equipment in the dwelling Portuguese Iscte 2019 2020
André Filipe Moura Camilo Courtyard-House: Residential complex in Casal da Choca Portuguese Iscte 2019 2020
Helga Eliane Silva Sousa Urban Rehabilitation in the Surroundings of the Church of S. Pedro de Barcarena. Portuguese Iscte 2020 2020
João Manuel Ferreira da Silva Soft mobility as a tool for urban restructuring: the case of SATU Oeiras. Portuguese Iscte 2020 2020
Eduardo Nuno da Rocha Lay Alves Productive and Recreational Scenarios in Oeiras: the Quinta de Recreio do Marquês de Pombal. Portuguese Iscte 2020 2020
Miriam Cordeiro Godinho From Memory to Reusability: Barcarena Gunpowder Factory. Portuguese Iscte 2020 2020
Paulo Renato Vieira Moura "See with your feet" the gunpowder's trail. Portuguese Iscte 2020 2020
André Filipe Moura Camilo Courtyard House: Residential Complex in Casal da Choca. Portuguese Iscte 2020 2020
Ana Isabel Alves Mendes Minimum Dwelling - Organization of Space and Equipment Portuguese Iscte 2019 2020
Maria Antónia Rocha Vieira A typology of facade in the church of São Miguel (1728-1882) Portuguese Iscte 2018 2019
Maria Antónia Rocha Vieira A typology of facade in the churches of S. Miguel (1728-1882) Portuguese Iscte 2019 2019
Bruno Dias Nunes Sousa Regenerating the Centre of Albergaria-a-Velha: Intervention in the Railway Station Portuguese Universidade da Beira Interior 2017 2018
Felisberto Lopes Veiga Cortês PRAIA - Plateau Urban and Morphological Analysis (1517 - 2018) Portuguese Iscte 2017 2018
Tiago da Silva Teixeira Agualva-Cacém and the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon: Relationship between Urban Development and Mobility Infrastructures Portuguese Iscte 2017 2018
Paulo Ricardo Ramos Ferreira Viana do Castelo and its articulation with the waterfront. Identification of visual elements of direct relationship with the river. Portuguese Iscte 2017 2018
Sara Margarida Vaz Lanca Atuação do Programa Polis na Frente Ribeirinha de Setúbal: Estudo Comparativo do Espaço Público de 1900 a 2015 Portuguese Iscte 2014 2015
Carla Filipa Godinho Gomes Intervention in the Convent of Santa Iria, Tomar. Reconverting the past into an idea of the future Portuguese 2013 2014
Sara Alexandra Ramos Albuquerque City of the Future. The Metropolitan System in the development of the urban centres of Lisbon and Loures Portuguese Iscte 2013 2014
Carina Sofia Carvalho Silvestre O Processo de Transformação da Avenida da Republica com Consequência do Metropolitano de Lisboa (1888 a 2014) Portuguese Iscte 2013 2014
Paulo Jorge Almeida Pereira Thermal Spa of Touca-Alpedrinha. Restoration and extension of the old thermal baths Portuguese Universidade da Beira Interior 2012 2013
Adriana Lima Delgado Study of the courtyard in single-family dwellings: four houses by Álvaro Siza Vieira Portuguese Universidade da Beira Interior 2012 2013