Resumo CV

Marcya Gonzáles-Santiago holds a Ph.D.  in Management, specializing in Marketing, at ISCTE-IUL. She is a Research Assistant and has been awarded an FCT doctoral scholarship (2022.11668.BD). Her research interests primarily lie in customer behavior, tourism marketing, cruise tourism, and digital technology in tourism/hospitality including AI, VR, AR, and Robots.

Marcya completed her Master's in International Marketing & Management from ISM University of Management and Economics in Vilnius, Lithuania, after earning her Bachelor's and Licenciate Degree in Tourism and Hotel Management from Universidad de San Martín de Porres in Lima, Perú. 

Prior to her Master's studies, Marcya worked in the tourism and hospitality industry for over ten years. Most of her experience was in customer service roles at a luxury cruise company. This experience led to her publishing her first scientific article in 2019, which explored the impact of blogs on cruise passenger behavior.

Marcya is also a published author and reviewer for scientific journals and has presented her work at international conferences such as IBIMA, Euromed, AMA (American Marketing Association), and RMER. Furthermore, during her Ph.D. program, she has also been invited as a guest lecturer to discuss the cruise industry and share part of her dissertation research with master's and Ph.d's students.

Qualificações Académicas
Universidade/Instituição Tipo Curso Período
ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa
Marketing - Portugal - Lisboa
Doutoramento Ph.D. in Management with specialization in Marketing 2019 - 2024
ISM University of Management and Economics
Marketing - Lituânia - Vilnius
Mestrado Master of Science (MSc) in International Marketing and Management 2016 - 2018
Universidad de San Martín de Porres
Tourism - Peru - Lima
Licenciatura Tourism and Hotel Management 2008 - 2008
Universidad de San Martín de Porres
Tourism - Peru - Lima
Bacharelato Tourism and Hotel Management 2003 - 2007
Áreas de Investigação
Smart tourism
Cruise Tourism
Digital Technology
Economia e Gestão Ciências Sociais