IPTEL – Pedagogical Innovation in Higher Education: E-Learning and digital technologies
IPTEL – Pedagogical Innovation in Higher Education: E-Learning and digital technologies
The project aims to identify, disseminate and promote innovative practices in the field of the of technologies use in teaching and e-learning at University of Lisbon (ULisboa) and ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL).
Goals: i) To present activities developed in classroom context enhanced by the use of online applications, environments and tools in the work developed with students; ii) Share experience of developing fully-distance learning or blended-learning in different scientific areas.
Addresses: Teachers and researchers of Higher Education; Elements of e-Learning units of Higher Education Institutions; Students and other collaborators of Higher Education Institutions with interest in the field.
Project Information
Project Partners
- ISTAR-Iscte (DLS)
- IE – ULisboa - (Portugal)