Teaching Activities
Teaching Year Semester Course Name Degree(s) Coordinator
2024/2025 Information Technology and Knowledge Management Post Graduation Program in Applied Informatics to the Organizations; Yes
2023/2024 Information Technology and Knowledge Management Master Degree in Information Systems Management; Post Graduation Program in Applied Informatics to the Organizations; Yes
2023/2024 Management and Information Systems in Organizations Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management; Yes
2022/2023 Information Technology and Knowledge Management Master Degree in Information Systems Management; Yes
2022/2023 Management and Information Systems in Organizations Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management; Yes
2021/2022 Algorithms and Data Structures -- Yes
2021/2022 Information Technology and Knowledge Management Master Degree in Information Systems Management; Yes
2021/2022 Management and Information Systems in Organizations Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management; Yes
2020/2021 Algorithms and Data Structures Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering; Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management; Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; Yes
2020/2021 Information Technology and Knowledge Management Master Degree in Information Systems Management; Yes
2020/2021 Management and Information Systems in Organizations Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management; Yes
2019/2020 Algorithms and Data Structures -- Yes
Ph.D. Thesis (10)
Concluded (10)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
Francisco Barros Leite Virtual Justice Support Systems Portuguese Iscte 2013 2019
Francisco Fernando Vasconcelos Barbosa Barros Leite Sistemas de Apoio à Justiça Virtual Iscte 2014 2019
Inês Isabel Oliveira Portuguese Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa -- 2013
Teresa Chambel English Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa -- 2003
Ivo Dias de Sousa Portuguese Universidade Aberta -- 2003
Maria Santa Clara Barbas Portuguese Universidade Aberta -- 2003
José Bidarra de Almeida Portuguese Universidade Aberta -- 2001
Luis Manuel Carriço Portuguese Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico -- 2000
Nuno Manuel Correia Portuguese Universidade Técnica de Lisboa / Instituto Superior Técnico -- 1997
Pedro Alexandre Antunes Portuguese Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico -- 1996
M.Sc. Dissertations (4)
Concluded (4)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
António Pedro Marcelino Paixão Home automation for energy and environmental awareness Portuguese Iscte 2021 2022
Miguel Dordio Lobo da Conceição Oliveira Analysing the spread and impact of information on social media Portuguese Iscte 2021 2022
João Ricardo Agostinho Mota Sistema de informação para a classificação internacional de funcionamento em contexto hospitalar pediátrico Portuguese Iscte 2013 2014
Hugo Santos de Araújo Construção de sistemas de informação para suporte à gestão de risco hospitalar - implementação do ISAAR Portuguese Iscte 2012 2013