Resumo CV

Professor Nuno Nunes, Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon

Key-Expertise: inequality, collective action, well-being, development, elites, and digital society.


With a Ph.D. in Sociology (since 2011), my thesis was about Social Inequalities and Collective Action in Europe.

First and after my doctorate, I was a Researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte), but since 2018 I have also become a Professor at Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon, one of the most prestigious Portuguese universities.

Currently, I am teaching “Contemporary Social Inequalities”, “Sociology of Development”, “Sociology of Globalisation”, “Work, Organisations and Technology”, and “Introduction to Sociology”.

I have been mainly working on inequality, class, collective action, and well-being.

Today's world is much better understood from the perspective of social inequalities, which continue to decisively mark the lives of people, institutions, and societies. My scientific objectives are precisely to contribute to the strengthening of theoretical, analytical, and empirical instruments capable of understanding their multidimensionality, mechanisms, and intersections.

There are multiple social phenomena influenced by inequalities, social classes, and social stratification processes and it is in this sense that I have developed my work, seeking to understand how social inequalities influence collective action and the well-being of citizens.

My research has followed the approach that inequality processes are increasingly global, but that national and intra-national scales remain equally relevant.

I have published 20 articles, 5 Books, 27 Book Chapters, 13 Working Papers, and 8 Proceedings of Scientific Meetings, 28 of them with internationally recognized scope.

My articles have appeared in European SocietiesJournal of Civil Society, Education Sciences, Sensors, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, European Journal of Engineering and Formal Sciences, Sociologia On Line, and Sociologia.

I am participating or have participated in 25 research projects, 9 of them international, and 13 under my coordination (3 national coordination of international projects and 10 national projects).

My research has been funded by FCT – Foundation of Science and Technology, the European Union (Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020), the Spanish National Research Council, Portuguese foundations, Portuguese municipalities, and NGOs.

I have participated in 142 conferences, 63 international and 44 as a keynote speaker. 

I have organized 27 scientific events, 10 of them international.

I belong to the international network “International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies”.

Between 2016-2023, I was the team coordinator in charge of the National Research Stream ‘Social Classes, Inequalities, and Public Policies’ of the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS).

Currently, I supervise Ph.D. and master thesis on the subjects of social inequalities, class, elites, collective action, social cohesion, welfare, and digital divides.

I am a National Adviser for Horizon Europe, Coordinator of the Thematic Line “Digital Transformation” of the SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy, Member of the General Council of Iscte and of the Editorial Board of “Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas” [Sociology, Problems, and Practices], and Subdirector of the Publisher “Mundos Sociais” [Social Worlds].

Qualificações Académicas
Universidade/Instituição Tipo Curso Período
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Portugal - Lisbon
Doutoramento Sociology 2011
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Sociology - Portugal - Lisboa
Doutoramento Sociology Doctoral Program 2007 - 2011
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Sociology - Portugal - Lisbon
Pós-graduação Data Analysis in Social Sciences 2008 - 2008
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Portugal - Lisboa
Pós-Doutoramento Data analysis in social science 2008
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Portugal - Lisboa
Licenciatura Sociology 2006
Áreas de Investigação
Desigualdades sociais; classes sociais; ação coletiva; Europa; bem-estar; trabalho; territórios; desenvolvimento; cidades; ação climática; sociedade digital; estado; mudança social; progresso social
Sociologia Ciências Sociais
Sociologia Ciências Sociais
Sociologia Ciências Sociais
Sociologia Ciências Sociais
Sociologia Ciências Sociais
Sociologia Ciências Sociais
Sociologia Ciências Sociais
Sociologia Ciências Sociais
Sociologia Ciências Sociais
Sociologia Ciências Sociais
Sociologia Ciências Sociais