Professional Associations
Association Period
NPEdu Education Network Since 2017
Social Work Scientific Society Since 2016
Association of Professionals in Industrial Sociology, Organizations and Labour Since 1994
Organization/Coordination of Events
Type of Organization/Coordination Event Type Event Title Organizer Period
Member of scientific event's organizing committee -- II International Meeting of ISSOW “Work, Professions and Organizations: Tensions, Paths and Public Policies APSIOT 2016
Coordination of scientific event (with scientific committee) at ISCTE-IUL -- IV International Congress of Social Work "Social Work and Global Agenda..." ISSSL-ULL 2016
Member of scientific event's organizing committee -- XVI National Meeting SIOT "Work, Organizações and Professions..." APSIOT 2015
Member of scientific event committee -- I International Meeting of ISSOW “Work, Social Change and Economic Dynamics: Challenges for Contemporary Societies APSIOT 2014
Member of scientific event's organizing committee -- II International Congress of Social Work " Social Work: commitment for a new generation " ISSSL-ULL 2011
Coordination of scientific event (with scientific committee) at ISCTE-IUL -- Seminar "Human Rights and Citizenship..." ISSSL-ULL 2009
Coordination of scientific event (with scientific committee) outside of ISCTE-IUL -- I International Congress of Social Work "Social WorK in the XXI century: challenges and opportunities " ISSSL 2008
Member of scientific event's organizing committee -- International Conference "Working conditions and quality of employment" APSIOT 2008
Member of scientific event's organizing committee -- European Seminar "Challenges in Social Work Training" CLISSIS 2008
Member of scientific event's organizing committee -- XII National meeting of SIOT "Citizenship and Employability..." APSIOT 2007
Coordination of scientific event (with scientific committee) outside of ISCTE-IUL -- Seminar "Local Development and Local Authorities" APSIOT 2006
Coordination of scientific event (with scientific committee) outside of ISCTE-IUL -- I scientific rally "Social worker in interdisciplinarity" ISSSL 2006
Member of scientific event's organizing committee -- IX National meeting of SIOT "Globalization and Competitiveness..." APSIOT 2001
Member of scientific event's organizing committee -- VII National meeting of SIOT "Education, Labour and Tecnology..." APSIOT 1997
Award Description Year
Silva Leal Award 2017 2017
Scientific Editing/Reviewing Activities
Type of Activity Journal Title Journal ISSN Quartile Period Language
Member of scientific journal editing staff International Journal of Human Resources Studies -- Since 2018 English
Member of scientific journal editing staff Revista Intervenção Social -- Since 2016 Portuguese
Member of scientific journal editing staff Revista Organizações e Trabalho -- Since 2014 Portuguese