CV Summary

Has a bachelor degree in Informatics Engineering in 1997 by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon.  He obtained a master degree in Applied Artificial Intelligence in 200 by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon under the supervision of Luís Correia.  He obtained a doctoral degree in Informatics in 2006 by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon under the supervision of Luís Correia.

He has taught in the Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics Department of the University of Aveiro and in the Informatics Department of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. Among the courses he taught are Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Programming, Automata Theory, Data Bases, and Distributed Systems.

He has participated in the European projects ASSISIbf and InfoHabitants. He was a co-principal investigator in projects funded by the research unit BioISI. He is the co-principal investigator in the INTERPHENO project funded by the Portuguese science foundation. He is a researcher in the ExpoLIS projected funded by FEDER. He is a collaborator of the research units BioISI and Lasige.

He was a program committee member in several conferences from the Artificial Life field. He has participated in the organisation of Portuguese conferences as well as Portuguese programming competitions.

His research interests are focused in applying techniques from machine learning to the generic game playing field and to the classification of real world data.

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências
Portugal - Lisboa
PhD Engenharia Informática 2006
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Departamento de Informática - Portugal - Caparica
M.Sc. Mestrado em Inteligência Artificial Aplicada 1997 - 2000
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Departamento de Informática - Portugal - Caparica
Licenciate Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática 1992 - 1997
Research Interests
Machine Learning
Artificial Inteligence Applied to Games
Evolution of Cooperation
Decision Support Systems
Social Simulation
Optimization Algorithms
Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering Engineering and Technology