Research Networks
Award Description Year
Prémio Mérito Académico 2019
Diffusion Activities
Activity Type Event Title Activity Description Year
Publication in general diffusion news outlet How Primary School Textbooks Portray Animal Farming How Primary School Textbooks Portray Animal Farming. Summary by Joly Ghanawi 2024
Participation in general diffusion news tv show Linha da Frente (RTP) "And if we talked" Interview for the "Linha da Frente" program: about human - food animals relationship 2020
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event The sexual politics of meat: a feminist-vegetarian critical theory discussion of the author's book in Instituto de Ciências Socials UL 2020
Publication in general diffusion news outlet "How is to work in a slaughterhouse?" Interview about the paper - “120 out of 60”: practices and attitudes of workers towards animals in a Portuguese slaughterhouse. 2020
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event "Animal Ethics" Debate with Luciano Carlos Cunha, Óscar Horta. Moderated by Sandra Teixeira do Carmo 2020
Publication in general diffusion news outlet "European Union wants young people to eat pork. Why?" Interview about the "Lets Talk About Pork" campaign 2020
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event Book presentation "The cow that does not laugh" Lecture and discussion. Biblioteca Municipal António Ramos Rosa. Faro 2019
Publication in general diffusion news outlet "Would you eat a piglet named Babe?" Interview: "Us and Animals" (theme of TV Borders XXI) 2019
Publication in general diffusion news outlet «Behind the "mask "of the livestock industry is hidden The Cow That Does not Laugh» An interview (Publico Newspaper) - About the book "The cow that does not laugh. Animals, meat and bovine milk in the dominant culture" 2018
Publication in general diffusion news outlet António Jorge with Rui Pedro Fonseca Interview (Radio program "Razão de ser", Antena 3) - About the book "The cow that does not laugh Animals, meat and bovine milk in the dominant culture" 2018
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event "The cow that does not laugh Animals, meat and bovine milk in the dominant culture" Book presentation. Liquidâmbar, Coimbra 2018
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event The laudatory traces around meat consumption Ciclo de Conferências (AUSM). Museu Quinta Santiago, Matosinhos 2018
Publication in general diffusion news outlet "The cow that does not laugh", from Rui Pedro Fonseca | Inferno Interview (Inferno, Chanel Q) - About the book "The cow that does not laugh Animals, meat and bovine milk in the dominant culture" 2018
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event Official book presentation: "The cow that does not laugh Animals, meat and bovine milk in the dominant culture" Presented by André Silva. Fnac (Centro Comercial Colombo) 2018