Research Projects
Food animals: representations, practices and attitudes
The consumption of animal based products is an active hegemony, which makes its reproducibility predictable, and often normative. However, the exploitation / consumption of ‘food animals’ presents worrying impacts (increasingly documented by NGOs): human health, animals, environment, and a harmful management of natural resources. It is argued that cultural representations play a central role in aggravating these problems, by encouraging / maintaining certain social perceptions about animals, through two structuring orders: one that acts through the omission of the exploratory practices to which they are subject; and other that acts through mythification (ie, concerning their characteristics, how they live, etc.). This research intends to constitute as case studies paradigmatic representations about animals, animal based products, and to understand their (potential) social repercussions. In addition, through the consultation of reports of the Portuguese livestock industry, as well as the inquiry of individuals from exploratory contexts, it is intended to understand human practices and attitudes towards non-human animals.  
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Carnism in portuguese media culture
Carnismo é um termo definido por Joy (2010), como um invisível sistema de crenças que regulamenta que consumidores/as consumam determinados animais e criem laços afetivos com outros (eg. ato de comer porcos mas cuidar de cães). Enquanto massivamente produzido e interiorizado, o carnismo tem implicações diretas nas perceções humanas em relação aos animais não humanos explorados; surge como neutro, aparentemente “natural” e indispensável. É, também, uma ideologia organizada em torno da produção intensiva e extensiva dos designados animais para consumo que, à semelhança de outras ideologias necessita de mitificar, esconder, ocultar, disfarçar, e amenizar os seus nefastos impactos de forma a garantir a adesão dos/as consumidores/as. É, precisamente, o sistema cultural carnista, integrado no contexto português, que este trabalho pretende analisar: as representações mediáticas dos animais para consumo, circunscritas a um marco temporal entre 2014-2015: na publicidade, cinema, materiais publicados (jornais, revistas, livros infantis) e sistema linguístico.
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The Adaptation of Portuguese Trade Union Strategy, Organization and Practice to Economic, Organizational and Social Change
This is a proposal to research the adaptation of the Portuguse trade union system to socio-eeconomic change. The Portuguese union system is a composite of interdependent union organizations and coalitions situated within the diverse institutions of industrial relations.
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