Humanitarian Action: Climate Change and Displacements

HumAct is a 3-year project funded by the Erasmus + Program Capacity Building for Higher Education and is coordinated by ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa., with partners: the National and Kapodistriana University of Athens, the University of Cape Verde and the University of Santiago, Cape Verde and the Pedagogical University, University of Pungué and University of Rovuma, Mozambique.

The main objective of the project is to increase the capacity of higher education institutions in the area of ​​Humanitarian Action (HA) in relation to climate change and displacement in partner countries, specifically in Cape Verde and Mozambique, in collaboration with institutions in program countries, such as Greece and Portugal.

The specific objectives are:

• Increase the response of higher education with regard to content relevant to HA

• Promoting research by teachers and students regarding HA

• Develop teachers' pedagogical strategies

• Strengthen community involvement


The project responds to two main sets of challenges and provides an integrated solution to them. The first is capacity building in higher education in partner countries; the second refers specifically to the professionalization needs of the humanitarian sector in these countries. HumAct sets out to address these issues by focusing on improving the capacities of HEIs in partner countries in the area of ​​humanitarian action (HA) through the development of new curricular units and the adaptation of existing ones, and further promoting the development of teachers' pedagogical skills. HumAct was designed following an assessment of the needs of HEIs in partner countries, identified through their national Higher Education Strategies and in consultation with partner HEIs.”


The HumAct project will adapt 25 curricular units that already exist in the partner universities and also create 5 new curricular units. For all these CUs there will be a pilot phase that will still run during the project, in the academic year 2022/2023.

Innovative Character:

• Inclusion of different stakeholders in curriculum development, including community members directly affected by humanitarian disasters.

• Focus on the university-community connection, as a form of mutual learning.

• Decolonization of HA curricula, including Afrocentric values, such as Ubuntu, respecting ethical principles and respect for human dignity.

• Development of innovative, participatory and emancipatory pedagogical strategies, highlighting the power of reflective dialogue both in the classroom and in community groups.

• Focus on HEIs as a whole; inclusion of several disciplinary areas in order to reinforce an institutional culture sensitive to HA; development of inter and transdisciplinary in HA. 

Academic Research Impact

• Increase higher education response with regard to content relevant to HA

• Promoting research by teachers and students in the area of ​​HA

• Develop teachers' pedagogical strategies

• Bring science and research and teaching closer to fieldwork

Internal Partners
Research Centre Research Group Role in Project Begin Date End Date
IRU-Iscte -- Leader 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
CIES-Iscte -- Partner 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
BRU-Iscte -- Partner 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
External Partners
Institution Country Role in Project Begin Date End Date
Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo (Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo) Mozambique Partner 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Pungué University (Pungué University) Mozambique Partner 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Rovuma University (Universidade de Rovuma) Mozambique Partner 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Universidade de Cabo Verde (UNI-CV) Cape Verde Partner 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Universidade de Santiago (Universidade de Santiago) Cape Verde Partner 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) Greece Partner 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Project Team
Name Affiliation Role in Project Begin Date End Date
Paulo Pedroso Professor Associado Convidado (DCPPP); Associate Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Global Coordinator 2022-04-19 2024-06-14
Joana Fonseca França Azevedo Professora Associada (DS); Integrated Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Principal Researcher 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Ana Lúcia Henriques Martins Professora Associada (DMOG); Integrated Researcher (BRU-Iscte); Researcher 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Ana Margarida Madureira Simaens Professora Auxiliar (DMOG); Integrated Researcher (BRU-Iscte); Researcher 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Ana Teresa Afonso Professora Auxiliar Convidada (DS); Researcher 2023-05-15 2024-06-14
Annelien Groten Integrated Researcher (CEI-Iscte); Researcher 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Cláudia Pereira Research Fellow (DS); Integrated Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Researcher 2022-04-01 2024-06-14
Raquel Freitas Associate Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Researcher 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Sílvia Agostinho da Silva Professora Catedrática (DRHCO); Integrated Researcher (BRU-Iscte); Researcher 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Susana Santos Professora Auxiliar Convidada (DS); Integrated Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Researcher 2022-11-01 2024-06-14
Project Fundings
Reference/Code Funding DOI Funding Type Funding Program Funding Amount (Global) Funding Amount (Local) Begin Date End Date
619207-EPP-1-2020-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP -- Contract Comissão Europeia - Erasmus + - Portugal 774425,00 141259,00 2021-01-15 2024-06-14
Publication Outputs

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Project Files
File Type Description File Size
Deliverables HumAct- Leaflet English.pdf 6015 KB

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Humanitarian Action:  Climate Change and Displacements