Measuring Youth Well-Being

MYWeB takes a balanced approach to assessing the feasibility of a European Longitudinal Study for Children and Young People (ELSCYP) through prioritising both scientific and policy imperatives. Striking the appropriate balance between science and policy is guaranteed through the use of an evaluation/appraisal methodology which ensures that the outcomes will be methodologically robust, technically feasible and will represent value for money. A full scale pilot study in six countries means original empirical data on field experiences will provide direct evidence of the feasibility of an ELSCYP. Engagement with a wide range of stakeholders including policy-makers at a European, Member State and regional level ensures that the project outcomes take into account the broadest range of policy makers. Questions about the “value added” that a longitudinal survey can offer over a cross-sectional survey will, therefore, be fully informed by policy agendas. Children and Young People are integrated into the project plan to contribute to the operationalisation of notions of well-being as well as in understanding the best modes of conducting an ELSCYP. The MYWeB consortium contains researchers from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds and provides expertise in the areas of children and young people’s well-being, childhood care; education; the environment in which a child grows up, childhood/youth work and leisure and participation. In addition, all teams are experienced in undertaking questionnaire survey research. Each Delivery Partner and Collaborator in the consortium is part of the FP7 funded MYPLACE project and have direct experience of working with one another on a large and complex project and the requirements to deliver to contract. The consortium contains a team with international repute in the methodology of longitudinal surveys ensuring that the project outcomes are informed by cutting edge scientists working in this field of methodology.

Parceiros Internos
Centro de Investigação Grupo de Investigação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
CIES-Iscte -- Parceiro 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Parceiros Externos
Instituição País Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) Reino Unido Líder 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
University of Bremen (UB) Alemanha Parceiro 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) Espanha Parceiro 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences (IPI) Croácia Parceiro 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
University of Debrecen (UD) Hungria Parceiro 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Daugavpils University (DU) Letónia -- 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (-) Grécia Parceiro 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Tallinn University (TU) Estónia Parceiro 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
University of SS Cyril and Methodius (UCM) Eslováquia Parceiro 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC) Geórgia Parceiro 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex (EU) Reino Unido Parceiro 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
The Chancellor, Masters, And Scholars Of The University Of Cambridge (UCAM) Reino Unido Parceiro 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Equipa de Projeto
Nome Afiliação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
Nuno de Almeida Alves Professor Associado (DMPS); Investigador Integrado (CIES-Iscte); Coordenador Local 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Helena Carvalho Professora Catedrática (DMPS); Investigadora Integrada (CIES-Iscte); Investigadora 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Magda Nico Professora Auxiliar (DMPS); Investigadora Integrada (CIES-Iscte); Investigadora 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
Financiamentos do Projeto
Código/Referência DOI do Financiamento Tipo de Financiamento Programa de Financiamento Valor Financiado (Global) Valor Financiado (Local) Data de Início Data de Fim
GA 613368 -- Contrato CE-Comissão Europeia - FP7-SSH-2013-2 - Bélgica 1493481.50 1493481.50 2014-03-03 2016-09-02
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Measuring Youth Well-Being