Lista de Projetos

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Este projeto, desenvolvido em Portugal, Turquia e Croácia, tem como objetivo identificar a conformidade das ementas alimentares com a Dieta Mediterrânica nas cantinas dos institutos públicos de ensino secundário, identificando oportunidades de intervenção, nomeadamente: 1) promover alterações na oferta alimentar abordando a proximidade com o Padrão Alimentar Mediterrânico, criando e oferecendo refeições de base vegetal, com produtos alimentares sazonais e locais e 2) desenvolver estratégias de marketing social adaptadas para envolver as partes interessadas no incentivo a hábitos alimentares mais saudáveis e sustentáveis. Reúne uma equipa composta por especialistas em nutrição em saúde pública e serviços alimentares, tecnólogos alimentares, especialistas em gastronomia, psicólogos e profissionais de marketing, com uma vasta experiência e competências profissionais.
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rregular migration represents a serious challenge worldwide. However, it is difficult to develop and monitor policies because relevant quantitative data are scarce and often outdated or contested. Many questions remain unanswered regarding the way that legal frameworks define migrant irregularity, the characteristics of irregular migrants concerning age, gender, nationality and other socioeconomic variables and the assessment of policies like regularisation. The EU-funded MIrreM project will assess the policies, data needs and estimates that define migrant irregularity in 11 EU Member States, the UK, Canada, US and five transit countries. The project will develop new and innovative methods for measuring irregular migration and 'regularisation scenarios' actively involving relevant stakeholders at every stage of this project.
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This proposal focuses on migration and mobility as one of the key priorities addressed by the EU’s Comprehensive Strategy with Africa. By addressing capacity building in higher journalism education, the project will promote the quality of information and public discourse about migration and mobility in countries of origin and transit of migration towards Europe. Thus, not only HEIs and the media industry, but also societies at large will be impacted. The project is entitled Communicating Migration and Mobility – E-Learning Programs and Newsroom Applications for Sub-Saharan Africa. CoMMPASS will conceptualize a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) curriculum on media and migration for Sub-Saharan Africa HEIs. Thus, the project will support the highly needed digital transformation of higher education in Sub-SaharanAfrica (SSA). Six HEIs from three LDCs (Burkina Faso, Malawi, Uganda) will participate in the project, alongside 8 HEIs from further African countries as associated partners. The African Media Initiative will serve as an industry partner; the Media Challenge Initiative will ensure the students’ perspective throughout the project. UNESCO is among non-HEI partners.The CoMMPASS project will train 100 researchers and teachers at partner and associated partner HEIs, 380 students participating in pilot teaching of the MOOCs, and 250 practicing journalists. CoMMPASS will furthermore support sustainable regional networks by stipulating the establishment of an Alliance of African Journalism Educators (AAJE) and a Forum for African Journalism Students(FAJS). Major outputs will be the 14-module sets of MOOCs in four key languages for SSA (English, French, Portuguese, Swahili), the pilot teaching and a comprehensive multimedia stakeholder communication strategy aimed at key decision makers for journalism education in SSA.
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Climate change and biodiversity loss have for long hinged on apocalyptic images of future catastrophes that must be acted upon before it is too late. Recently, new scientific, artistic, and activist narratives have gained ground  that suggest socio-ecological catastrophe is already here and inescapable. The  LIving with WildFIre  (LiFi) project engages with these post-apocalyptic narratives through the lens of Extreme Wildfire Events (EWEs). We ask how lived experiences of EWEs influence the way communities imagine, narrate and act upon their environmental relations and futures. B2F investigates both the traumatic dimensions of EWEs (eco-anxiety, grief, loss) and the potential of EWEs to transform community imaginaries, agency and political organization.  LiFi interweaves political discourse theory and interpretive methods within a transdisciplinary framework. Working with fire-affected communities, we investigate: their changing priorities; how recovery and sustainability are re-imagined; and what shared visions for the future gain ground. LiFi will unearth archetypal political ’fantasies’ that  emerge after profound socio-ecological disruption, and the possibilities these bring to creatively renegotiate collective values, environmental rights, obligations and political participation and engagement. Through its  transdisciplinary approach, LiFi will help communities develop soft skills and policy tools necessary to build  resilience in a rapidly warming world. 
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  • CIES-Iscte
  • WUR - (Países Baixos (Holanda))
  • LIU - (Suécia)
  • UC - (Austrália)
  • SU - Líder (Suécia)
Através desta bolsa de pós-doutoramento no CRIA, procuro abordar como o fenómeno conhecido como saúde global poderia ser concebido como um domínio adicional para a acumulação privada de capital através da especulação. Ao abordar a saúde global como um local de especulação, procuro argumentar que aquilo que aparece como restos ideológicos coloniais na prática de saúde pública local contemporânea são, de facto, ferramentas necessárias para a reinscrição de categorias de diferença social. Estes instrumentos, por sua vez, facilitam processos de exploração e alienação que permitem a extracção de valor. É meu argumento que estes regimes de especulação na saúde global servem de base para a colonialidade das práticas locais de saúde pública. Ao longo da minha bolsa, compararei os dados etnográficos recolhidos ao longo de 28 meses entre 2017 e 2020 nas Honduras com novos dados recolhidos nos mesmos locais de investigação ao longo de 6 meses não consecutivos de investigação durante 2023 e 2025. 
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