Lista de Projetos

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Today, in the digital era society is evolving at a rapid pace and investing in education have vast social and economic advantages for it. It is the education that allows people to have access to SDGs 4. It is not argued that a better educated people break away from poverty more easily, help to reduce inequalities and achieve gender equality; they are more tolerant, they contribute to reduce crime, to increase political and civic participation and generally to have more peaceful societies with reduced inequalities and imbalances. Within this context the project brings together European, Asia and African academic and non-academic organizations in a staff exchange program, with the goal to explore, design and deploy innovative and context sensitive solutions for transforming higher education systems. This international and multi-sector consortium is created as a platform for collaboration and is united by the principles of innovation, partnership and solidarity with the purpose to research and identify successful contemporary models and modern instruments that can help higher education transformation and support the sustainable and effective adaptation of the higher education systems of the consortium members to the digital age. The aim of the project is study the process of digitalisation in different organisations and offer solutions concerning the improvement of the digitalisation practices. The project consortium comprises both academic and non-academic partners as well as experts in diverse fields such as, but not limited to, economics, law, management, linguistics. This allows a broad and an indepth approach to digitalisation. On the basis of the identified gaps in the digitalisation process, the project will propose approaches and methodologies which will be realised as different disciplines for the academic institutions’ partners in order to build sustainable competences for the transfer of knowledge and skills
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Petroculture’s Intersections with The Cultural Heritage sector in the context of green transitions (PITCH) brings together academic and cultural sector organisation partners in six countries to spur on the processes by which humanities and arts scholarship and public interventions can strengthen citizen engagement with the constantly changing nature of cultural heritage and its relationship to past and present petrocultures. Our innovative and significant multi-site pilot events will provide a model for employing cultural heritage to creatively engage citizens to spur on environmentally-transformative shifts in both individual and collective organisational/institutional behaviours. We will provide heritage practitioners and policymakers with the tools to repurpose existing and future forms of heritage to facilitate just green transitions. PITCH will create a deeper understanding of petroculture’s intersections with heritage practices and how this reflects social,economic, and political changes over time through our historical and analytical work in archives and collections and map the secondary literature on the intersections between petrocultures and heritage cultures. We will conduct pilot interventions at three different types of sites (museums, industrial heritage sites, and heritage landscapes) with four cultural heritage partners to help citizens understand how petrocultures have affected their lives and be confident about how they might envision those lives otherwise. In order to ensure the long-lasting impact of the pilot interventions, we will collaborate with key international and European policy-making and practitioner organisations to help citizens face current and future societal transformations with greater confidence. We will develop policy briefings and digital toolkit to ensure the recommended methods are effective across the cultural, geographic, political and socio-economic diversity of Europe.  
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Este projeto tem como objetivo estudar os determinantes de sustentabilidade que impactam o desempenho empresarial no setor hoteleiro da Madeira. Não só existe um número considerável de decisores com diferentes valores e preferências conflituantes envolvidos nesta questão, como também há uma grande quantidade de determinantes de sustentabilidade a serem considerados. Se, por um lado, isso torna a integração da sustentabilidade em estratégias e decisões comerciais mais desafiadora, por outro lado, é igualmente verdade que esta é uma questão cada vez mais urgente para as empresas hoteleiras na Madeira. Uma melhor compreensão dos determinantes de sustentabilidade e das formas como estão interligados ajudará os decisores na criação de valor através de decisões mais informadas, ao mesmo tempo que avançam nos objetivos de sustentabilidade.
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WED PT – Elites in Portugal is a research project inscribed in the World Elite Database (, which is a cooperative data and analysis project led by researchers on elite populations across the world. We are an international consortium of scholars from Chile, China, Denmark, Italy, France, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the USA, but with the purpose of expanding to more countries worldwide. We work together to develop a new standardized data regime to study and share data about elites. Our aim is to solve the problem of comparability and heterogeneity in the study of national power structures, and to foster a cooperative community of scholars interested in studying elite populations systematically. Having in mind this international approach, “WED PT – Elites in Portugal” also has the objective of deepening the study of elites in Portugal, and for that will mobilize the theoretical and methodological instruments for historical and contemporary challenges that the study of elites entails for better understanding inequalities, class, values, democracy, economic growth, development, and social well-being.
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NaMoura utiliza a Mouraria de Lisboa como o prisma para investigar as pouco estudadas interligações das geografias do património e da segurança no mundo urbano. Como é que o património e a segurança se alinham e interagem para informar a imaginação e a construção das cidades? O projeto aborda esta questão: a) revisitando material de arquivo e estudos sobre o bairro à luz dessa nova questão de investigação; e b) abordando etnograficamente o desdobramento discursivo e material do património e da segurança, tal como é vivido e sentido por uma variedade de pessoas. NaMoura testa e completa as intuições teóricas e as lentes analíticas que emergiram do trabalho da PI na Índia urbana num terreno empírico diferente, no sul da Europa. As percepções da Mouraria - um epítome de dinâmicas urbanas contemporâneas inquietantes (por exemplo, migração, turistificação, gentrificação, regeneração) em que tanto a segurança como o património desempenham papéis decisivos mas negligenciado - contribuirão para teorizar de novo o património e a segurança, como processos urbanos interligados.
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